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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. The difference between AC & Buck right now??? Pierce never whines & cries. He takes his lumps, is a team first player & never complains . AC cries & moans, points fingers, has temper tantrums & puts his arms in the air going WTF??? Like it;s never his fault. Even though Pierce isn't the player he used to be, can you imagine what AC would do with the Bomber offense if he was our qb??? *****, moan & complain.
  2. I've seen Lulay thread the needle with his passes most time. I think he's more accurate throwing than being given credit for. What he is really good for is using his legs to pick up yardage. He's mobile & can avoid the rush or tuck away the football & run if he has to. Buck can run but when he does bad things happen. Lulay is Buck Pierce in 2006.
  3. I agree. That was a ridiculous statement.... Takes all kinds.
  4. The game was over before that pick. Ray's play & the play of our offense & the fact our defense was in chase mode all night took care of that. I sat in the stands & was thinking barring some kind of major miracle, there's no way the Bombers win this one. Even when it was still close.
  5. The story on Ameet Pall as I understand it was that he was on & off the Stamps active roster. Then he got hurt. He was going to be rehabbed & then put on the PR & he refused. So, he was released. He went to the Als all the while talking about finally being able to go home to play. When he was released he burned some bridges & fans weren't unhappy to see him go. They were unhappy the Stamps lost a draft pick but it was clear the team missed the mark on this guy. It was pretty evident that he never wanted to be in Calgary in the first place.
  6. Cortez is an EXPERIENCED OC. What a concept, actually hiring experienced coaches at the coordinatorpositions who have a proven WINNING CFL track record. That's what the Riders got with Cortez. What we have with Crowton right now is indescribable on offense.
  7. Big leg but his directional punting is atrocious. In the old CFL where punters just booted it as far as they could downfield, he'd have been a natural. But in today's CFL where punters are expected to place their punts to minimize returns, he isn't very good. That's the probable reason why he isn't now playing & was released by the Schmoes.
  8. The complaint I have from the 70's jersey as well as this one is the striping on the sleeves is too thin. The Gold stripe especially. Look at that pic of Brock. That's how it should look. Now, look at the third jersey. Not only does the Bomber logo look cheap but the striping does, too.
  9. Is Pall even on the Als roster? I think the guy had an attitude problem when he was with the Stamps. 2012 not a great draft year for Huff.
  10. So, this is a thrird jersey rather than an 80's version. Hope so as I'd love to see this jersey more often than just once.
  11. Now that he has a CFL contract, does that mean Carter can't play junior football?
  12. Sure, our passing attack was making the Argos knees shake in fear. They could have put Carter in. I mean, what did he do all training camp? He caught everything thrown at him.
  13. The other thing that gnaws at me is we lost to a team who I think is inferior in front of 12,000 fans in a 13,000 seat facility that is so bush league 1957 Canadian Interprovincial Football Union. That place would have been cool before there was an actual CFL in name. Yet, we couldn't win there. Guelph is a joke.
  14. Wow, that's a lot of wows. Like I said earlier. our coaching wasn't vedry good Friday. Crowton & Creehan have game plans the players can't win with.
  15. Sadly, yes. Almost incapable.
  16. Young player. He'll get better at reading the play with more experience.
  17. Well, he doesn't win every game he plays so someone must be doing something right. Playing passive wasn't the answer. My philosophy after seeing the Bombers D being blown up by Ray by the third quarter last Friday was switch tactics. Go down swinging on defense, not ducking.
  18. 17to85, what you are basically saying is that it takes years to be an overnight success. Okay, I can buy that as it makes sense.
  19. Yep. Exactly. I agree with you 110%. You can't sit back hoping just covering receivers or backs out of the backfield is enough to stop Ray. That is exactly what he wants & for good reason. We saw the results. A defense has to blitz. Of course, it is a high risk, high reward situation as he could burn us. But it is the risk that has to be taken. Sitting back the way we did just rushing four? That wasn't the answer either.
  20. And continuing to sit back getting torched isn't??? C'mon.
  21. What did I just say? I said, if you have personnel that are inferior then you go to a system with lots of blitzes to hide the deficiencies because the players can't compete one on one. You create pressure to keep Ray off balance as well as his OL. So yeah, damned right you blitz. Maybe we should have just conceded the game because we had better players out with injuries. I mean, great game plan, rush 4, drop 8 & hope for the best. So, no... I still don't buy what you're selling because it didn't work.
  22. You'd think after 3 seasons, quarterbacks would clue in on the CFL game & coaches could evaluate their players better after watching them for all that time. How can a qb who has been in the same system all that time, go to practices for 3 seasons, attend meetings, stand on the sidelines watching & even play NOT be ultimately successful??? WTF are our coaches doing???
  23. Matt is so obviously a passionate guy who loves the CFL. Hopefully, this one slip up is just forgotten about. Stuff happens.
  24. I don't buy that for a second. You have to scheme defensively the same. Pressure Ray to hurry his throws. If we knew our DL & LBers were weak then you HAVE TO BLITZ to create pressure. Not sit back & let Ray Pick us apart. How did playing a passive defense work out for us on Friday??? Shitty so why the hell not blitz? We couldn't cover anyway & were being torched just rushing four so the answer is just keep doing what wasn't working??? I'd have rather seen this team go down fighting than in effect, just giving up which what I feel our defense did because the players knew it wasn't working.
  25. Well, true. But at some point chances have to be taken. If fear is the decision maker to stay staus quo then failure will be the final result. I think the Bombers looked a their roster & said we can't win with the guys behind Pierce yet were too afraid to get rid of Pierce so they kept him.
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