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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. WTF???? Just read what you just said. MIGHT GET HURT???? No, it's WILL GET HURT!! Give us time to develop a backup??? What team have you been watching since 2010??
  2. Chris Jones & his vaunted defense. Nice corners, Chris.
  3. Bluto can't be liking what is going on...
  4. I'll be the first to hand you the barf bag. Here it is. No go in the bathroom, shut the door & puke your lungs out, dude.
  5. Sure, whatever you say. The Bombers should be so lucky to have such a terrible qb.
  6. Hate the Riders... And their jackoff fan base. Even though it's an Eastern opponent, Go Argos! Everyday is a good day when the Riders lose.
  7. Gonna stick with Cornish.
  8. Can't win without a quality qb. Sometimes you gotta give in order to get which means Canadian draft picks or veterans. But trust me, Glenn's not going anywhere.
  9. Regina Leader-Post headline: Rider Nation Planning Grey Cup Victory Parade Route: Expert tell Rider fans it's only July. Fans scoff at idiot.
  10. If anyone is building up Tate it's the media in Calgary. What's he really done as a starter? Nothing really.
  11. Most players who weren't the best players make great coaches because they have to work harder as players & therefore have a better work ethic asd a coach. And they relate to the players who weren't the best... I remember reading a story about Ron Lancaster when he first became a head coach in Saskatchewan. He couldnt understand why the things that came easy to him as a quarterback & player didn't come easy to his players on the Riders.
  12. Teams having to protect only one qb is so much BS. Typical CFL... Kill one team to help another...
  13. Guys, Tate got hurt last game. He's going for an MRI on an injured wrist. He probably won't play next game & Glenn will start. Glenn's not going anywhere.
  14. Calgary dominated BC. It wasn't even close so I'd say Calgary.
  15. Hard to keep up... :0
  16. I think Taj Smith, that's what's up.
  17. It's Flames or nuthin'. The media eats out of Ken King's hand. If one of their players has a blister from playing too much golf in July, it's front page news in the Calgary Herald & Sun. The Stamps are sloppy seconds...
  18. You'd think Anderson would have learned a couple of years ago when Trestman told him to stay away from the Als. He is a complete tool. He isn't even liked in Calgary anymore.
  19. He won't help get it built that's for sure. I don't think he likes sports unless it's cricket.
  20. There's no McMahon Brothers around to spur development of a new stadium... as in 1959. Mostly because oil companies aren't owned by Albertans anymore but by the Chinese. These guys & others from other countries won't spend a dime in the community.
  21. And not play in Safe Mode when they have a lead...
  22. I had picked Nik Lewis but I'm not on the list at 0...
  23. The key is to pressure AC & knock him around a bit. If we get him hurrying his throws then we have a chance. If there's no pressure he'll cut the Bomber defense to pieces.
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