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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I never said Mack was going to be fired after the second game. Where did I say that? I said, that the talk of his firing will heat up if we lose again in Montreal. That's all I said.
  2. KBF, I know we beat Montreal in Montreal last year but they have so many big play weapons that it's going to be hard to stop them. And the Bombers don't have that fan support to pick them up. If Buck plays poorly it's going to be a long night. On his shoulders. As far as Kavis Reed goes, does he last the season? Will Hervey fire an old teammate? Is that the Eskimo way?
  3. C'mon MOAB, Hervey's Eskimos look a mess but we're 0-1 with qb issues same as last year. Nothing's changed with the Bombers as to how it is managed & coached. Mack hasn't built a winner. Jury's out if he can't do it this year. Hervey is pretty cocky & needs his ego to be knocked down a few pegs because maybe he's not the genius he thought he was. The Rockhill cut? That's just Kavis Reed being Kavis Reed. Another head coach with a pretty high opinion of himself. The guy never was a great defensive coordinator. And he was ST coordinator for Saskatchewan in 2009 when the Riders had 13 men on the field in the GC. Why Sonic & the Esks organization thought he'd make a great head coach is a big mystery to a lot of fans. As far as Mack goes, if we lose in Montreal to fall to 0-2 then the heat is going to start to be turned up for his firing.You know it's going to start if we lose.
  4. Who cares if the season ends in late November??? Having the Grey Cup when we do is just fine. Playoff games are well attended. Having the Grey Cup the last Sunday in November is a tradition.
  5. Short turn around. Monday to Friday.... And there's games mid week. Just the way the days fell on the calendar this year.
  6. Been living here since 1990. I lknow the city & the fanbase. Apathy started two years ago. Attendance plummetted suddenly & has never come back. Why do you think Bauer "resigned"??? More like pushed out the door.I actually think that there is apathy but I also get the sense the Stamps really don't appreciate their fans. LIke I said, once the season is over they take a long winter's nap. .
  7. Buck didn't practice today. Burke expects him to play in Montreal. Just thought I'd throw that in.
  8. Stamps don't do much in the community, really. Other than the football night they have for women called "It's A Snap" they do very little. Once they play their last game they hang a sign outside their offices at McMahon Stadium saying, "Closed For Season". Dave Dickenson runs a winter quarterback camp in January & February. Hank still has a charity weekend in May even though he plays for Hamilton now. But those aren't affiliated with the Stamps in any way. In April, the Stamps have an evening where fans come & ask questions modelled after what the Bombers do. Lyle Bauer started it 2 years ago. Other than that, do the Stampeders do anything in the community??? Nope. The philosophy is just put a team on the field & the fans will show up. It is a 1970's CFL marketing philosophy & look how that worked out...
  9. Agree on Burke & Mack. You can see the inevitable happening.
  10. There are whispers of concern in Calgary. Only 26,000 fans last game. Only 21,000 season tickets. Attendance has plummeted the past 3 seasons. We used to average 30,000 plus a game. Now we can't seem to get more than 28,000 tops. Living out here since 1990 & I'm sure 17to85 would agree, that fan apathy is prevalent. The city doesn't seem to care. Excuses can be made it's the floods. Yeah, that very well could be... and it probably did affect attendance on Friday night but if there isn't a spike as the season goes on then there's a problem out here.
  11. Lewis never scored either... I picked him.
  12. Understand that but if he is not playing well then the team has to make a decision. Most players never leave on their own terms. Look at Matt Dunigan. Concussions robbed him of maybe 5 years of playing time. The Bombers won't release Buck because it'll be the best for him. They'll release him if (a) they believe they can't win with him or ( find somebody better.
  13. Kavis will find someone to blame like he did Crandell last season.
  14. How Tillman is still employed in the CFLis beyond me. Not a Kavis Reed fan. Think he lasts the season????
  15. Compared our offense to what the Stamps were doing last night...No creativity. Brutal. Way too conservative.The other thing was the Bombers OL. Played okay but not great. More trying to survive rather than being aggressive. Look at that rookie center Stamps have. On one play he fires out blocks a guy out of the play sheds that block & makes another 5 yards downfield for Cornish. You don't see the Bpmbers OL doing that ever. The OL plays tentatively. There's no aggression. No doubt they're worried it'll be their ass if they miss a block or get beated & Buck goes down. The ENTIRE offense played not to lose on Thursday night in the second half. And there was no leadership from Buck Pierce. This guy's confidence seems to be at an all time low & his skill set's eroding. he looked confused at times coming off the field. Why he would want to just hang on by a thread as a pro is beyond me when he could just walk away is baffling. Some guys just don't know when to quit. .
  16. The game was at Skydome??? Wow, sure looked a lot like our new stadium.
  17. Stamps have a much more imaginative run game & find different ways to get Cornish the football. Tate is more mobile than Buck. He's plays like Buck Pierce did n5 years ago. West & Price are great receivers. Defensive backfield made plays for the Stamps. Lulay is going to get killed the way he runs. Only a matter of time. The Lions kicker looks like he was picked up off the street at Higgins & Main. That is one effin ugly beard. Talk about a guy wanting to draw attention to himself. Did Andrew Harris play last night?
  18. Stacking the box means a defense has 8 & sometimes 9 guys between the tackles. Defense should be vulnerable over the top& in the flats & curl zones. Running the football between the tackles in impossible as OL is overmatched. Defense vulnerable over the top as well as in the flats & curls on the field. Swings & look ins work as does running outside.
  19. I invented new words of profanity when Watson did that!!!! What was Watson doing there??? Know your playbook!!!
  20. Huntley on the Stamps PR. All they have to do is claim him.
  21. You? What about me? You're just a young buck still sowing your wild oats. Yeah, I joined chat late but it was great. Won't be there tonight as my son is getting married.
  22. Quarterback will be the issue with this team... It's not getting fixed. The problem remains. The only choice was replacing secondary players at that position. This is a hill Burke & Mack are gonna die on.
  23. On chat said the same thing. Crowton's play selection in the second half suuuuuuucked. He played not to lose alright & look what happened. And how many times on second & long did we throw to a receiver who cut his route off 3-5 yards before the first down marker??? And yup that was the receiver Buck always picked to throw to.
  24. Not impressed with Buck. He has to do much better if we are going to win. Crowton's play selection was spotty & inconsistent. In the second half he basically was afraid to lose & he called the game that way, so naturally we lost. Our D got no pressure on AC in the second half. Our DBs suddenly couldn't cover. Etienne emerged tonite as a legit CFL receiver. And yeah, throw mud at me as I was one of the biggest Jade Haters here... Disappointing we lost & I'm not gonna look for a silver lining because quite frankly, I'm tired of watching this **** every game. Nothing ever changes. We had this game & let it slip away.
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