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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Have loved Star trek from the beginning. I grew up with the series.
  2. He has no friends because Klingons only want to talk about past battles they won, Stovokor, Kayliss, drink blood wine & fight. They're no fun... Oh wait.
  3. Having a great qb to help you win will never change.
  4. 2007 is ages ago? No, it's not. Please tell me how the game has changed in 6 years as far as offensive & defensive systems go? What new innovations have taken place in that time that makes the CFL different now? We ran zone read in 2007 & we run it now. As far as I know defenses are similar if not the same. Not arguing as you have spent a lot of time on your team reviews here & your takes are pretty good. I just take exception to your comment.
  5. Obie was well liked & on the whole got along with the media wherever he coached or managed. Mack unlike Obie doesn't cultivate friendships in the media so he's his own worst enemy. He barely talks to them. I still think the disappearing act he did after the LD Sunday loss in Regina last year permanently damaged his relationship with media & the fans. He looked like he was hiding out running scared. Didn't help when the Bombers issued a press release saying Mack would be unavailable until the following Thursday. The optics of the situation looked terrible. It was Mack's choice not to talk & therefore he made his own bed. If he had done damage control after that game things with everyone then things might have been different than they are now.
  6. All I know about Kelly's offense is he ran with 2 tailbacks & didn't use quads or trips. Basically an 80's offense. Too bad it didn't work because I miss the 2 back system. And same with a true tight end. I've always loved the tight end & miss the talent that used to play that position. I mean, I see the type of tight end now playing in the NFL & go wow! With players like Rob Gronkowki (& I would have said Aaron Hernandez but his career is now finished) & I believe you'll see more & more of that kind of player playing that position in the future. These athletes will be recruited out of high school & developed. More means not all talented players at the tight end position will be in the NFL so who know if we'll actually see a rebirth of the tight end in the CFL in the future. I'd like to see it but that's me.
  7. My birthday is tomorrow. My wife wanted to celebrate but we'll do it as a family on July 1st so I'll be here in chat fer sure.
  8. #EffOttawa
  9. #CantUseCapitals? #UKiddingMe? #DidntKnowOnlyOldPeopleDidThat
  10. For a coach to overcome a speech impediment like that & be successful more power to him. He must be able to get his point across to his kids extremely well. When I first saw the video, the first reaction I had was "Huh"??? Then later I thought that he must be a pretty solid coach. So, I think he deserves a lot of respect. Plus for him to to put any videos on the internet takes courage.
  11. We're a western team & that's where we should be. Can't have the mentality that the RedB... RedBl....RedBla.... errrr... that eastern team in Ottawa is going to fail. I swear I don't understand the way the CFL works & the thought processes behind their decisions sometimes.
  12. Well, tomorrow is sink or swim for Buck. No more pats on the head. No more protecting from harm. No more molly coddling. Now, It's all for real. I just hope he's up to it.
  13. You don't think Lulay is Top 3? I'd argue he's better than one of the qbs you mentioned. Like Burris.
  14. That video never told us anything about the offense other than it is great. I coached a DW offense & a true DW couldn't work in the pros. In a true DW there are no splits on the LOS, the fullback lines up right behind the qb, Literally 5 to 8 cms away from his ass & he's called the "sniffer".for obvious reasons. The backs are lined up as wings outside of 2 tight ends & there is one wide receiver. QB pivots left or right. Blocking schemes include the QB Wedge & Sniffer Wedge where the entire OL from right & left block towards the nose guard. QB either keeps the ball or hands off & because the formation is so tight, the wings stay slightly behind the play to block any leakage... that is players coming in from behind the wedge to make the tackle. There are traps & counter treys. The premise is the qb spins but the defenders can't see the back because he's so tight to the LOS that he literslly disappears (& he does) only to pop out suddenly from a mass of humanity. OL can tee off on the run game because they have no splits. Also from the center out on both sides of the LOS the guard, tackle & TE line up on each others heel so the guard is slightly off the LOs from the center, as is the tackle a little off of the guard & the tight end the same. So imagine an arrow if you were looking from above. This is a run 95% of the time offense with only one receiver split out wide. Clearly, this offese would not work in the pros even with a hurry up. I used this offense in bantam football & we averaged 300 yards a game rushing.... It is virtually unstoppable. The kids loved the wedge. Our OL just wanted to kill the DL & LB's. It was intimidating, nasty & mean. Imagine the poor NG with seven guys coming at him off the LOS. It worked best against a 3 man front & was not as effective vs a 4 man front. Teams could stop it using a 5 man front & that is what they started to do.... .
  15. Stewart played well for the Stamps. Helped them to the GC so it was all good.
  16. Fans hate Mack because they hear TSN, their local media & the national media following the CFL grinding on him all the time. Look at the negative reaction of that 52-0 loss on TSN & the things Schultz & Climie were saying about the Bombers. Well, that same feeling was prevalent here as well. That loss looked especially bad when you add it to the 6-12 season last year. Then Mack's firing of LaPo & the way it was handled, the beating we took in Regina the next week & Mack refusing to talk to the media for 4 days after that loss turned media & fans against him. During the Stamps broadcast last week one of the radio commentators said while discussing the loss in Hamilton, that the only way the Bombers will get better is if Joe Mack gets fired because he's the team's biggest problem. People in other cities hear that & believe what the media says. believe me, Mack is not well liked & perceived as incompetent as well as aloof in other CFL cities.
  17. Respect is earned & not given. Until the Bombers can put together consistent winning seasons they won't get it. I think it comes down to that. I can tell you from living in Calgary & listening to our media as well as talking to fans of other teams, the rest of the CFL thinks Joe Mack is a joke. You guys may not want to hear that but that's the way it is. And fans & the national media want the Bombers to lose because they don't like Mack. That all comes into play when teams are being reviewed & graded in pre season prognostications. The Bombers have to win. Plain & simple. No more excuses. You guys may think a 52-0 shellacking last week isn't anything but to the media & fans in other cities it just backs up what they were saying before about Mack & the Bombers. That we are a 3 ring circus of an organization with Mack being the top clown. So, if the Bombers lose Thursday night, expect that kind of thing to just get worse across the country.
  18. The Stamps signed Kevin Huntley today... Thought you'd like to know.
  19. In the Fly, your best back would be on the wings.... Don't know if it'll work in the NFL. Basically sweep until you drop. that's the premise of the fly & misdirection. It would ahve to be modified for the pros big time. A variation on the old Wing T offense.
  20. Yeah, saw that, thanks. Missed it the first time.
  21. It's well deserved for Roberts. When is he being honoured?
  22. I guess Rod Black made the list up.
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