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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Surely you can't compare that team with the players it had to the team last night. You can easily shrug off what happened to the Bombers in 1962 as just a bad night. With this team you can't do that as easily. This team doesn't have the experience, legacy, confidence or identity the other had. Also, Bud Grant would never have played an all rookie team.
  2. Can you say Ken Ploen, Ernie Pitts, Bud Grant, Leo Lewis, Herb Gray, **** Thornton, Sherwyn Thorson, Ed Lotowich, Ron Latourelle, Frank Rigney, Ed Kotowich? Won Grey Cup in 1959 & 1961... Need I say more? Did you know the filter won't accept the name D i c k? Hillarious.
  3. Man, we are playing Anthony Calvillo & the Als next week. I don't think this team is mentally & physically ready to play that game. I shudder to think what might happen.
  4. If not drugs then definetly KFC, MacDonalds, beer, hard liquor...
  5. They can't make a move on Burke with a new 3 year contract. To fire him would be the height of stupidity even if it is the right thing to do. But that doesn't mean Mack is safe. I think if the team is struggling then a move will be made. Just a question of when. I think the entire approach to this game was wrong right from the start as was the decision to not play Buck. The vibes Burke gave out this week saying we may get hammered. Saying Carter is going to get cut. I've never heard a head coach talk like this. I mean, My Gawd... he said we may get hammered & we did. He said Carter won't make the team & he was voted The Hardest Working Bomber & was our leading receiver tonight. So now what? Do the Bombers STILL CUT HIM??? The damage has been done.
  6. How angry should we be. The score was 52-0. I don't like the fact that Burke set this team up to fail badly. And resting veterans... Our rookies got schooled. Just makes optimism hard to believe for the opening game.
  7. Man, the ground shifts a bit & the concrete cracks. Happens all the time. Right away the news media jumps on it like the stadium is going to collapse. Did you see the comments left by readers? Haters are coming out of the woodwork. The comments are disgraceful.
  8. Our Our country is named Canada not Canad. It's supposed to be a play on Canada with an Inns thrown in at the end to make it clever. It's an ugly name. If you like it, more power to you.
  9. Good for the Sens. It's a helluva lot better name than Canad Inns Stadium ever was. I wonder why Scotiabank wasn't interested in renewing? Considering the TD Bank has naming rights for the arena in Boston. No naming rights for BC Place, Commonwealth, Percival Molson Stadium, McMahon Stadium, the new stadium in Hamilton & the refurbed one in Ottawa.
  10. Remember the 83 Western Final, KBF? We were beating the Lions in the second quarter.Then Tom Clements goes out with a broken collarbone. The Lions get a second wind & beat us 39-21. I think the score was 14-3 mid second quarter for us when Clements went down. I'm actually now reading the late former BC Lions GM Bob Ackles book, "The Water Boy". He talks about how the Bombers beat the Lions in the 84 Western Final & said in his book that if BC qb Roy Dewalt had been healthy... (he was injured & couldn't play the game)... the Lions would have beaten the Bombers. Of course in his book, Ackles never mentioned that in 1983, Clements was having a huge game for the Bombers in the Western Final. Tom was killing the Lions throwing the football in the quarter & a little bit more that he played in that game... and losing Clements was a killer for us... as John Hufnagel couldn't rally the troops after Clements went out of the game. We lost our leader & the team couldn't hold the lead or come back when the Lions went ahead. So, the 1984 Western Final at BC Plave was all about redemption & with Dewalt out for the Lions it was sweet revenge as now the shoe was clearly on the other foot this time. To Ackles though, beating the Bombers without Clements was inconsequential in the huge team victory for the Lions that day in 1983. He never acknoledged that losing Clements was a crippling blow for the Bombers. But losing Dewalt in 1984? It was a game breaker in his opinion & the only reason BC lost to us a year later. Funny how that works.
  11. If the day comes you need money just let me know & I'll donate. I'm sure others will too. And I don't think there's anything wrong for you to run ads. And to make a profit. Matter of fact you should.
  12. Well, as I have seemed to have offended some here with my comments, guess I'll say that I don't know the ins & outs of setting up a website & I'm sorry for saying you should fix it without thinking about what that means. Having said that, I don't need to be called a prick by others here either. I took your earlier comments to me to get a new operating system as being flippant. When KBF opened this thread today I remember what you said to me & others having a problem when the site first began. Having an owner of a website tell the members to buy a new computer is just as flippant as me telling you to fix it. I want to say that I enjoy coming here. This is a great site & a misunderstanding has taken place. Rich, let's just wipe the slate clean & be done with it. .
  13. Gandoldini was carrying a lot of weight from the pics I've seen of him, especially recent ones. Too bad he didn't take better care of himself. He died prematurely, I'd say. Real shame as he was a fine actor.
  14. Breaking news. James Galdofini who played Tony Soprano on the HBO tv series, "The Sopranos" has died of a heart attack in Italy. He was 51. RIP Tony. link: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/james-gandolfini-dead-51-article-1.1377435
  15. It may have been 22 years back then but at about Year 19 we knew we were close as we were one of the best teams in the CFL every year. Back then, the Bombers didn't cut corners with the organization. It was all about winning & from 1984 to 90 we won three times. We won a helluva lot of games between 1980 & 93.
  16. As far as the Zone goes, Esks bashing, Stamps bashing, Bomber bashing, the love for the Riders shown by the mods & finally apathy killed that site. Why go to where your team constantly gets hammered & mocked while nothing is done about it?
  17. It's just so interesting talking about the guy... I'm sure just about everybody has an opinion.
  18. Well, maybe I'll just open a new thread on Ford & let you have at it...
  19. What's your take on Rob Ford?
  20. There was a movie made in the 1940's called, "All The Kings Men" about a powerful & corrupt ficticious state governor. Supposedly, it was based on the Louisianna governor at the time who was as corrupt as it gets. Guess things haven't changed.
  21. Chicago Mayor Daley Sr used to tell Presidents what to do he was so powerful & in turn, he was hated.
  22. People are just weary, KBF. That's what I put it down to. But bitching about Buck isn't going to change things. Both Burke & Mack have stuck their necks out for Pierce. Their careers are on the line. We might as well support them.... until such time it isn't working. Bitching isn't going to change things. One thing's for sure, this is the final season of this scenario. Something is gonna give if Buck gets hurt again.
  23. You know, I asked a question. Maybe strongly worded but I don't deserve that so discussion over.
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