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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I just asked a question, boys. Don't get your underwear all tied up in knots.
  2. I'm just asking.... Okay? I'll use your language. Calm the **** down.
  3. This site works fine with my laptop on IE. I have Windows 7. My desktop has Windows XP. This is the only website on the entire internet I can't log onto using Windows XP. I can access it on Google Chrome but I'm used to using IE so having to change to another browser is annoying. Instead of telling us IE sucks or we (who have older versions of Windows) need to spend $$ to get Windows 7 to access this site, how about you fix this? How come I can access Ourbombers with Windows XP? Stampsfans, Calgarypuck.com, CFL Zone, 13thman, etc....Why is this site having so many problems being accessed by so many people?
  4. Well, if the water has nowhere to go... how is that funny?
  5. I understand that the Police Dispatcher has to ask questions but it was getting to the point of being totally dangerous for the off duty RCMP officer & for the guy making the video. If that was a civilian trying to be a Good Samaritan, the "twenty questions" before sending a cop car out might have resulted in someone getting injured or killed. Just send out the police already to sort it out at the scene.Luckily, the guy was struggling but not very hard. I think that this could have ended a lot worse had it been another thief. Luckily it didn't. I'm not a law enforcement officer so maybe I'm out in left field here. I just thought the dispatcher didn't handle this right. What did the RCMP officers think about this?
  6. I'd prefer they'd start prepping the starters for the first game of the season. With just 2 pre season games now, rookies have to impress in practice. Dammit, Buck should be playing. If he can't take the hits, I'd rather it be now than when the season starts.... We're playing scared at the qb position.... Don't like it one bit.
  7. Then there's Ed Hervey. All he talks about is the Eskimo culture. About understanding what it means to be an Eskimo. He said during the football broadcast last Friday that he only wants players who aren't using the Eskimos as a stepping stone. That have a passion for the game & want to only play in Edmonton... I just went... "Huh"???? Hervey's focus should be about finding the best players for the team & about winning whether they dream of an NFL contract or not. Can't tell me that there aren't current Eskimo players who don't want to play in the NFL. I thought either Hervey is naive or he's lying. Either way it was a dumb thing to say. If I was an Eskimo fan, I wouldn't be thrilled with the narrowness of his thinking.
  8. You got that right. Usually the final exhibition game is played that way. Not a fan of Burke leaving Buck at home. This is playing scared. Either he can take the hits or not. If he's that fragile why is he even playing pro football??? It should be about getting the team ready for the season not protecting Buck. And yeah, I know Pierce gives us the best chance to win but still.... he needed to play a half in this game. Not sit in the coaches box scouting.
  9. Rids, nice to see you here.
  10. Anyone else think Kavis Reed is a bit of an odd duck? I see him ratching out on players. He threw Marcus Crandell under the bus when he first relieved him of his OC duties & then fired later him this past off season. Reed was a pretty good player but a so so position coach & DC before he became Edmonton's HC. I don't think he's that great as a HC. He's really into this "Once an Eskimo. Always an Eskimo" thing which I believe is overrrated.
  11. Did they ever get this fixed???
  12. Yet slugs like Kerry Joseph never get hurt & he'll play until he's 60.
  13. Well, that just took a swerve....
  14. Bombers fired LaPo. They're on the hook financially. I see nothing wrong with Lapo sitting around making them pay... It's in the contract. Cortez wants to work. His choice. Greg Marshall did that. Doug Berry & LaPo. Burke won't get fired right away if Mack does. He'll last the year & probably into next season if the team struggles.
  15. Maybe Burke got a call from the Rifles President saying, "HEY!!!" Never know, it could happen.
  16. Feel bad for Nicholls. I hear he's an outstanding guy. These are injuries he can overcome. Hank tore his ACL in 1998 & missed the entire season & look he's still playing at his age.
  17. And to think I got in trouble on OB for saying " **** Hefney". Got lectured in public, then a private message, the whole bit. My post was deemed offensive. True story.
  18. Well, there ya go. It's called self preservation. If Heff gets cut again & it's because he won't play Sam then no one will want him. But... that's a solid group of defensive backs & linebackers.... He still has to make the team....
  19. Rest assured, if the team struggles like last year then the two are intertwined. If Mack is fired, Burke will be sure to follow as a new GM will bring in his own coach in the off season. Lots on the line in 2013.
  20. I'll make my prediction after the 2nd week of pre season games before the start of the regular season.
  21. In Chicago, the mayor is closing 50 schools, all in black neighbourhoods but giving $50 million to De Paul University for construction of a new arena. Something wrong with that picture. I don't know how the political system in Chicago works but it seems like the mayor yields a lot of power.
  22. Where's Captain Blue & his plane??? Somebody better do something with Buzz & Boomer.
  23. It's all performance based, comedygeek. They'll start 20 year old Brent Carter if they feel he can help them win. If they think Etienne better helps them win then they'll start him. I remember a fresh faced 21 year old rookie named Joe Poplawski right out of the University of Alberta in 1978 make the team as a starting wide receiver, I believe. That year he was Rookie Of The Year. In 1979, Joe Pop moved inside & supplanted veteran Gord Patterson as a slot.
  24. The players better get the share of the pie in the new CBA. Glen Suitor was on Calgary radio last week saying he hopes the players don't get more money first but that the CFL expands the rosters. I don't like that idea. For years, the players have been getting the short end of the stick financially. Pay the players & then worry about extra roster positions. And get rid of arbitration when players are suspened.
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