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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Bluto, for an Argo fan.... do you live on this site?
  2. I'm sure the fans in Edmonton want to drive that highway from Edmonton to Fort Mac alright. It's already described as a Highway Of Death.... One of the most dangerous stretches of roads in Canada. Two lanes for a couple of hundred miles with all sizes of truck traffic because of the oil sands.
  3. What I don't get is the Esks will lose money playing a single exhibition game in Fort Mac with all the logistics of having to get their equipment up there as well as having only a 5,000 seat venue. Guess the team has money to burn... errr...waste by going up there. They'd have been better off to reschedule that Esks home game to Moncton or just play 2 road games.& be done with it.
  4. If Levi Brown ever goes on the Riders PR (which I doubt) we need to pick him up.
  5. So, Rod Black said the Esks are playing an exhibition game there. Are they nuts?
  6. Nicholls now has injury issues, I had to laugh at some of Hervey's comments. One, that he only wants guys that aren't interested in pursuing NFL careers. Is he kidding??? How many young players just want to play in the CFL? The CFL is looked upon as a stepping stone to the NFL so who is hervey trying to kid? The other is that they absolutely... priority #1 they had to make a change at the qb position. Well, Kerry Joseph is still there. Kavis Reed is going to play him. We all know that. So how is that changing the qb position???
  7. Only thing I will say about that is that in the pre season players substitute freely so there may be situations on the OL where there are mismatches Burke didn't want to see with Buck in there. That's the only thing I can think of.
  8. Veteran leadership as well as a culture of winning is lacking with the Bombers. In Winnipeg, the team & fans think 9-9 & just making the playoffs is good enough. Living in Calgary for over 20 years & watching the Stamps, first with Wally & now with Hufnagel (forget the F Troop years of 2002 through 2004) the Stamps expect to win. The leadership in the dressing room is stellar. The leadership from Wally now Huff is outstanding. I don't see any of that with the Bombers. Until that happens, this team is going nowhere.
  9. New site. Fresh start.
  10. Well, mission accomplished. The Argos got Buck pulled so he didn't play. Next time when it's for real, it'll just be worse. The Argos won the physical & psychological battle as well as the war on Weds. Has anyone thought that is why the team played so badly? The HC gave up by throwing the white flag on Buck. So, why shouldn't the players?
  11. Leaving 90 mins before a game is more than acceptable. If people ***** about that they must live in a fantasy world.
  12. We've had 5 seasons (since Glenn left) to rectify our qb woes. Haven't done it...
  13. Why would 17 have directed that comment at me? No, it was juuuust for you.
  14. i didn't know that we played touch football in the exhibition season. Burke's remarks about Toronto not supposed to blitz was feeble.
  15. As much as I understand & agree with the way Burke is handling Buck... However, football is a collision sport. No room for pansies out there at the pro level. Buck should be playing.
  16. Trouble is, we've kept most of the guys who showed no character last year. So, nothing's changed.
  17. You just keep on thinking it's cheap. I say you're daft.
  18. Hamilton can have have Hank. We don't miss him. He's the Ti Cats problem now. The Ray trade??? Gotta wonder how much moolah Braley paid Sonic under the table to pull off that brain fart.
  19. Not only that but living in Calgary in May or June is no screaming hell. All we get is rain, rain & more rain. Temps in the mid teens most days... And way up north in Fort Mac, it's only worse. Right now, the town is being flooded out from all the rain they're getting.... Fort McMurray wouldn't have been my choice. I wish the Eskimos all the luck in the world because they are going to need all of it.
  20. 17, I guess my frustration is that without a qb to lead this team we'll continually spin our wheels. It just doesn't stop. We are stuck. No signs of getting out. When's the tow truck finally gonna show up? When are we going to hire a Head Coach/GM combo that will find us a qb??? Why can other teams do it & we can't??
  21. We know Mack was behind not going after Reilly.
  22. So, suddenly now the stadium is cheap???? WHAT are you talking about? The press box will get fixed. Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine.
  23. Whatever. I guess I need to state the obvious even after the obvious has been stated.... The topic was about the press box not the stadium....
  24. What's next? Yellowknife?? Think the fans in Red Deer wouldn't have appreciated the Eskimos coming there for TC?
  25. Here's what drives me nuts....And others here I bet. Buck still gives us the best chance to win. Trouble is, he can't stay healthy. As backups both Elliott & Brnk couldn't win so the team decided to move on. Trouble was, move on to what? The prize free agent would have been Mike Reilly but he was traded by Wally to & signed by the Eskimos. The strong sentiment here & also by Mack at the time was that there was absolutely no way in the world the Bombers should trade their 2013 first round pick to the Lions for Reilly. Well, here we are with a starting qb who isn't playing. He's sitting on the bench because CFL defenses are going to blitz the **** out of him to injure him. We know that.... So, he sits to protect him & our backups have no experience. Maybe (hoping???) Hall shows he is a capable starter. Maybe Goltz shows he can lead the team but right now...right effing now... we don't know how these guys are going to play so in reality we have no one behind Buck. And that precious pick posters here vowed we needed to keep??? Well, our first round pick (Mulamba) is in Green Bay getting ready for training camp down there next month. He may eventually show up here or he may not. The problemn is he's not here now & our qb situation hasn't changed one iota. So, not only is our qb situation just as bleak as it was 6 months ago, we don't even have Mulamba here at training camp. So, now there's a feeling of despair. Of no hope. Well, Mack should have made that trade. He never should have let Reilly get traded to Edmonton. At least if Reilly was here there'd be a feeling of optimism. That FINALLY this team was on the right track. Instead, what have we got? A repeat of 2012. As a fan, it angers me so much that this team has done eff all to fix the qb situation. When they had a chance to pull the trigger on a trade, Mack sat on his hands worrying more about a CIS prospect that turns out may never play a down for us than trying to actually fix our qb situation. Fat lot of good keeping our number one pick helped us. #Frustrationleveltotheroof.
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