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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Obviously, it didn't.
  2. TB, read my message again... I wasn't talking about the entire stadium, I was talking about the press box.
  3. Burke has picked this hill to die on. Remains to be seen if he keeps it. BTW, Matt Nicholls is starting tonight in Edmonton. Reilly meanwhile is putting on a brave face. He would have been the starter here.... Chose to go to Edmonton. Goofy career choice.
  4. Swaggerville was the worst thing that happened to this team.... No swag now. Those Rolex's aren't from Swizerland. They're knockoffs from Mexico.
  5. This^. Kelly was a control freak & a nutbar. Burke just says what he thinks.
  6. Why surprised? We are coming off a crap season last year & looked the same Weds night. Lots to prove.
  7. Burke reminds me of Crotchety Cal, Curmudgeonly Cal or Kindly Cal, depending on what day it was & what mood he was in....
  8. Pretty obvious the Argos were coming after him so why expose him to injury? I think it's actually a good move. Now, if Burke does that in the regular season then I agree there's a problem. But exhibition? I'm okay with that.The Argos never dressed Ray. AC had one series yesterday. Burris never even dressed... The teams have to protect their qbs.
  9. So, who designed the stadium? I can't bel;ieve the firm the Bombers hired was clueless. But I agree that whoever did the design got it totally wrong. I don't even know in Miami if they have a pressbox design like that.... Maybe in domed stadiums... But not open air ones as it is just common sense.
  10. Yeah, agreed. Let's hope so.
  11. !7 means that if Buck is knocked out of the game the other teams think the Bombers aare done. They may be right.
  12. Pretty soon you'll be a grizzled veteran here devloping a tough leather hide...Oh,it's true. It's true!! BTW, welcome, Bomberninja!!
  13. I used to leave an hour & a half at the latest to get to a Bomber game before I moved to Calgary. I'd rather be early than late. I had no problem doing that.
  14. No, that isn't it at all. Doug was acting like a tool on the air. When you say "probably" to me that means you never heard what he was said. I've heard better analysis on high school & junior games on radio. As someone said, we don't expect CJOB to be cheerleaders. But we don't need to be told over & over by him that the game sucked either. We know it sucked. As a listener, we expect CJOB to be pros in the booth. Brown was all about himself.
  15. At your job do you sit outside all day in all kinds of weather? These guys do work. Like, really????
  16. Carter's not raw at 20 coming right out of junior football??? Looks to me that it's all about how you think of yourself. The mental aspect of the game is 70%. Carter's confident & believes in himself. Etienne is just figuring that out.
  17. Can't wait to see the new Ti Cat digs in Guelph with the massive crowd. Gonna be epic.
  18. When I was a Bomber season ticket holder before I moved to Calgary I always left 90 mins before a game. I lived in Riverview & later Southdale & the drive north on Kenaston was always a concern. The big difference of course was parking. You always knew you could find a parking space around the stadium. Well, those days are gone now & that ha sparked the panic & frustration of today. People who normally would have driven have to take Transit now. To underestimate the number of people taking the bus last night was sheer stupidity by whoever makes those decisions. Glad I wasn't a part of the scene last night. We have rapid transit here in Calgary & it moves tens of thousands of people everyday. The C Train stops right at McMahon Stadium. Moves people to & from the games efficiently & easily.
  19. Venting, are we???
  20. Hiccups, sure. But it seems this was a full blown dry heave.
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