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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Its high on the list. Looks for some site updates this weekend. Great, Jimmy. Appreciate it.
  2. SPuDS, you don't base a decision like this on whether fans remember a face ort not. What if fans had voted for Fritz Hansen? How many fans know what he looks like? It's based on past play & performance of individual greats. I'm with a lot of people here. Brown was indeed a great player but if you put him heads up against Walby I think Walby wins out. Chris was a beast, an absolute nasty beast. And he won Grey Cups in 1984, 88 & 90. No one was better as an OT in the league for years, no one. Brown never won a Grey Cup as a player. Is that his fault? No, but it should have a bearing on whether he or Walby were honoured, IMO. Then again, neither did Milt Stegall win a Grey Cup but his individual stats as a receiver far out weigh the lack of championships because for a number of years he was THE dominant receiver in the CFL even with some of the trashy qbs he played with during his career like TJ Rubley. So again, IMHO... Stegall, due to circumstances, deserved to be honoured.
  3. The contrast between read & unread threads is way too light, guys. The site needs a darker background.
  4. Not surprising but ridiculously stupid. Actually beyond stupid.
  5. Signed and resigned. Meanwhile, Gavin Walls was three times the player over on the strong side. Walls, while I thought he was a great player while here.. I wonder how he would stack up to the DEs we have seen in the last few seasons.. Hall, Mainor, Hunt, etc.. (I don't count O'dell as he wasn't one of our finds) I do miss Canada though, seriously, was there a better last name donned on a jersey in the CFL? John Bonk had a better "football" last name. Helluva center for us, too. The man was a player!
  6. Leo Lewis, Willard Reaves, Bud Grant, James Murphy
  7. Never even noticed the guy...
  8. Can't we all just.... get along????
  9. Looks like they're actually going with that name.... unfreakingbelievable. :roll:
  10. Every year there was always some excuse for Iginla not to play for Team Canada. He didn't have to go every year but even once would have made a difference. Have some national pride. Maybe that is why the Flames kept missing the playoffs. He really didn't want to play hockey in May. I lost a lot of respect for the man because of that.
  11. I absolutely hate the Riders with a passion. Not because of their team. Like any football team they are okay. Don't hate the players but hate their fans. Annoying & obnoxious. :x
  12. They can't get rid of Cherry. It's the only thing people watch on the CBC. Get rid of the hippie, left wing commentators & news division before Cherry.
  13. I like the way you said that!
  14. Have never, will never understand the hate for Claude Noel. What he gets out of this sad-sack roster is almost unbelievable. The Jets have little to no talent and have massively over-achieved for 1.5 seasons now. IMO, Noel should be up for Coach Of The Year. Torts and Vaigneault would be massive downgrades. Now, if Quenville becomes available, that's another story.... What about Dave Tippett?
  15. Agreed. Guy's got a huge ego. Not sad he got fired.
  16. Want to thank the admins & mods for such a great new Bomber fan site for us to come to discuss the Blue Bombers & the CFL. I just wanted to post a thank you to all involved as this is a big undertaking. We fans appreciate it very much. The other thing I wanted to say as Morning Blue Bombers is brand new. I sincerely hope that any feuds or ill feelings towards others by anyone from Our Bombers stays over there & doesn't migrate here. I like the fact that we all know one another for the most part but this is a fresh start. I know that we are going to have disagreements but hopefully there are no grudges being brought here. Just my 2 cents...
  17. It's all about Buck staying healthy. And if any of the other backup qbs can step up if & when needed... Familiar pattern. Question is how will things play out this season???
  18. I like the Pens but not because I live in Calgary & Iginla plays for them... Never been a true fan of the guy. When he was playing for the Flames all those years he missed the playoffs more than he made them. Never wanted to play in the World Championships. Rather be on the golf course in BC in April than representing his country. I always thought the way he turned his back on Team Canada was indicative of the kind of leader he was here in Calgary. Never hungry enough to inspire his teammates as Flames Captain. Always making excuses.
  19. Following all you guys now on twitter.
  20. Sounds like the Bombers are moving to shorter passes with a higher completion average. Quick 3 step & gone similar to what AC does in Montreal. Thye key will be for Buck to make his reads & get rid of the football fast. On some of the hellacious hits he took in the past, Pierce was holding onto the football too long waiting for a receiver to come open on their routes. He can't do that & expect not to get injured. Or running the football. Like AC, he has to pick his spots & then slide or get out of bounds before he gets hit again. I like the thought that we may be having a ball control offense passing the football.
  21. It's pro sports & therefore a business. Argo coaches made a personnel call on Brink & their decision. Brink may resurface again.
  22. You should be able to now. I was able to access the PM system after a few posts (less than 6). If you want to send a PM to someone, place your cursor over the person's user name on one of their posts and you should get links to their profile, to send them a PM and their website (if they have one listed). Or if you go in your control panel there should be a tab for PMs or if you click where it says "__ new messages" it will take you there as well. Just tried & still not authorized.
  23. It's not the people who disagree with me that I want to block. It's the people who are really, really tedious. There's one person in particular that if he joins, I'll block him. He shall remain nameless.
  24. I can't PM either. Also, I have a message saying I haven't been a member long enough or been active enough to be able to PM yet. Not complaining. Just a couple of glitches I wanted the admins to be aware of.
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