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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Myers wants to stay while Trouba doesn't. I won't be upset if he's traded. Let him sit even. Trouba has no leverage.
  2. I will check it out.
  3. John Hufnagel at today's news conference. Obviously upset, struggling to keep his emotions in check yet graciously answering every question. Great the team is helping Mylan Hick's mother with a passport covering the cost & expediting matters to get her up here to Calgary... http://www.stampeders.com/2016/09/25/john-hufnagel-comments/
  4. I'm worried that this could become an extended losing streak... I really want us to go 3-3 including yesterday.
  5. Getting back to Strowman, I really don't understand what you see in him. What I see isn't a guy with charisma. I see a slow moving giant who has a couple of moves but is totally unable to carry a match. They put him in squash matches to protect him as well as desperately trying to build him up. He has yet to really speak on the mic especially with the Wyatt family so I don't see the charisma you speak of.
  6. You can't say we don't miss Ian Wild, though.
  7. Turner, Junior Turner.
  8. If we did that Harris would be outraged & want out. And the move would make little sense as he'd be wasted in Kohlert's spot at Boundary wideout..
  9. Stamps have released the players name. Mylan Hicks. He must have been on the practice roster as I'm unfamiliar with his name.
  10. Over twenty years ago my co worker & his buddy went to this same bar at that time called The Back Alley & got the **** kicked out of them by the bouncers. Put them both in hospital. I don't know what they did or said as I wasn't there but no one deserves a beating like that. They literally kicked his face in. OMG what a mess. He's lucky he didn't suffer brain damage. They were charged & convicted of assault. He sued the bar owners & won. We used to go there on Fridays after work for a few drinks. I never set foot in that POS bar ever again.
  11. Yeah, this sad story is starting to unfold here in Calgary. Unbelievable turn of events.
  12. Imagine 4 first rounders. Whoa. (Where does he sign?)
  13. Again, interpretation. That's all it is. Some refs call it, others don't. You can quote the rule book verbatum until the cows come home but it makes no difference as 2 officials will look at the same situation & call it differently. That is what's so frustrating about CFL officials these days .
  14. Thanks for making that clear, ALuCsRed.
  15. No, it doesn't but they did say on the broadcast that Mitchell was like this at Eastern Washington as well. Thing is, we never harassed BLM to have him worry about being pressured, getting hit & throwing the ball before he wants to. We have to do a better job defensively to shut him up.
  16. That's a lot to give up. He wants $8 mill a year. No team in their right mind would give up two first round, second & third round players for Trouba. Maybe McDavid but even then...
  17. So, what do teams have to give up to sign Trouba?
  18. And you're saying the Hamilton center didn't do that? It looked fine to me & everybody else. The Al Bradbury crew is maybe the worst, well maybe the second worst to Kim Murphy's. It came down to interpretation... again... of the rules. No consistency at all. Other officials wouldn't have called it. This ref did. The other thing, I think I've seen that call being made we'll say, once in a blue moon. Of the 500-600 snaps this weekend, the thousands so far this season & the tens to hundreds of thousands of snaps made in the last decade & more, why isn't this penalty called more often?? It just doesn't happen because the officials allow some discretion for the center to comfortably grip the ball. It was a cheap call.
  19. Say what you will about the guy but according to a story in the Calgary Herald yesterday Mitchell is the first guy at the team facility arriving everyday before 5 am. The guy puts in the work.
  20. But that wasn't procedure where an OL left his stance early. It was a center adjusting the ball. No one moved. The OL were still in their set positions behind the ball. The Rider center was moving the ball the same way & was never called. All centers do that. For some unknown reason the line judge decided to call it. I don't blame Austin for being enraged on the sidelines. That was the only time they called it as well. Strange call.
  21. Proud of the way the Bombers battled back & took the lead but the loss for me was extremely hard to take so I decided to stay off here until I had long settled down to think clearly about what happened... Man, that one hurts...
  22. My son played with him at SFU. He was Durant's qb. He told me that Durant is reserved & shy. He's a nice guy but definitely is a loner. I think he was very guarded in the interviews. And let's face it, some GMs ask the strangest questions in those interviews to throw the players off.
  23. That was a cheap call. What is it with the CFL, the rules, the officiating & interpretation of the rules with something like that? It really is a serious problem. I don't know how you fix it... There's just too much to fix. It was a great league until some idiots tried to embrace technology with stupid humans involved.
  24. Didn't they outlaw a similar type play in the NFL that the ball can't be advanced on a fumble? Kicking the ball forward deliberately should be a penalty.
  25. It cost us the win... We just sat back in soft coverage. Rushed three.
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