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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Like seriously TUP, you pick the strangest hills to die on. Want justice for a crime 50 years ago yet refuse to accept that MJ was a pedophile who shut everyone up by paying off parents to shut up. Enjoy Thriller the next time you hear it.
  2. When's that stopped anyone on this site before?
  3. At least we don't cut logs after touchdowns.
  4. Of course not. Ugh.
  5. The Bombers will never improve at that position as Neufeld is always hurt so with him there the OL is spinning its wheels. Time to cut the loss & release him. Move on. They probably should have done it this past off season. Doesn't matter how good he is, if he doesn't play he isn't helping us.
  6. Tell me TUP, if a 40 year old guy showed up at your hose wanting to play with your 10 year old, would you let him? That's basically Jackson. Except he had a huge money, a playroom in his mansion, an animal farm on his property & he liked it when little kids slept over. No evidence really because he paid people off to shut up. Others tried to sue the Jackson estate in 2015 but a judge said no.
  7. Sure, little boys stayed over at Jackson's place all the time. He 'loved' little kids & he had so much money he could buy the greedy sicko parents off. I could see some of them ACTUALLY wanting their kids to stay overnight with him so he could pay them off & they'd be rich. that's why there was never enough evidence to convict Jackson. A couple of million dollars cash shuts up a lot of lips. Oh yeah, then there was the time Jackson held his infant son out the window of his hotel but he was never arrested. Jackson was a sick man who used his money, power & influence to never get charged. I'd say that Jackson was every bit as guilty as Polanski. Maybe more as the allegations against Jackson of multiple sex offenses with kids were never truly investigated.
  8. Nothing will happen here. Especially if Polanski paid off the family of the girl he raped. Micheal Jackson was a pedophile but he paid off the victim's families & nothing was done by the criminal justice system... never affected his standing as a performer.
  9. Isn't there a statute of limitations? This happened decades ao.
  10. Neufeld may not be back before TC ends. Why bother with this guy? just cut our losses, release him & find someone else to play his position.
  11. Reading the JSJ thread on Rider Fans. Fans heads are exploding over there. The Riders are going to get a reputation of not respecting players. Going to be hard to sign free agents.
  12. I'll take a guy who can do 225 reps as well. Be funny if it was a punter.
  13. Ah, only fans like it. This is really what assistants should be doing, eh Englewood?
  14. Tom Lysiak & Rick MacLeish have passed away. Two snipers & both were heckuva hockey players.
  15. What?
  16. So, you're not a fan.
  17. The problem with Cody is he's too young to be a Legend like his older brother. Lots of fans would come to see older wrestlers but Cody Rhodes? I do understand his frustrations though. He's a young guy who maybe should have kept his fingers off of social media when he left WWE.
  18. As far as Muamba being vilified, he brought it on himself with his tour last season. #nosympathy
  19. Exactly, why does it always have to be one or the other? Just be glad they're Blue Bombers.
  20. I hope you're joking but I'll await your response before going further.
  21. MOS has to let his coaches have access to the media. He should feel comfortable by now that they won't say anything to blow things up. This controlling the message thing hasn't helped them win games.
  22. I have no idea how the Indie circuit works. Although I think you'd be hard pressed to find a promoter willing to pay top dollar to a former WWE mid card wrestler even if he sells out a venue of 3,000. Until he finds a way to be forgiven by Vince & Triple H the big money days for Cody Rhodes are over.
  23. Buck Pierce was behind the mic as well today talking about Drew Willy. I was surprised to see that.
  24. Have those 2 guys stars fallen. A guy's gotta eat, I guess.
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