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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Who was the guy with Lalji & Forde? He was worse than terrible. You'd think they'd have kept the same panel from Round 1. It is a bush league looking draft. TSN could do so much more but every year they don't.
  2. Oh you're so smart & funny. You should do stand up. My point is I'm willing to see how many of our draft picks work out. first We already have posters here complaining about Walters & the draft.
  3. Don't need to. In 1978, I wasted 2 hours of my life watching that movie in the theatre.
  4. And people say I'm negative. I will, at least give the draftees a chance before I start criticizing Walters picks.
  5. Just because Waggoner has a year under his belt doesn't mean he's a better player. I'm just saying that from everything I've read & heard Lofler seems more pro ready.
  6. Hamilton used to have pretty distinctive jerseys back in the day. If you saw those (secret) pics I think you'd agree what a letdown that'd be for those fans. I just hope we get it right this time. I just want to know why there's a snafu with the jerseys for Bomber fans.
  7. They showed a quick snap of the new Ti Cats home jerseys in the story. If I was a Ti Cat fan I'd be disappointed.
  8. Loffler sounds more game ready than Waggoner from everything I heard & read yesterday. We'll see what happens.
  9. Wow with a guy like Butcher he could play NT in a 3-4 over the 0 & 1 technique & be a force to be reckoned with. If he can run at 325 lbs I hope they don't make him shed the weight to 290-300 lbs. In a 4-3 he'd have to be lighter.
  10. I'm sure they could only wish. If someone gave them an offer like that they'd be crazy to turn it down.
  11. I don't think we have the right to question why he should or shouldn't play here or how many games he plays on the road. Thankfully, things are better for his family now.
  12. I can assure you Drew Tate doesn't have a bad attitude. He lets his emotions get the better of him. He never could reign them in & stay calm. Injuries & wearing his heart on his sleeve cost him his starting job with the Stamps to a rising Bo Levi Mitchell. Huge price to pay.
  13. Like the last days of WCW...
  14. Why would they draft a kid with a bad attitude like that?
  15. Who would be motivated working for TNA anyway?
  16. That receiver who showed up at the CFL Main Combine dressed in a hoodie refusing to answer coaches questions sounds like a real "prize". The Riders took him so good luck with that.
  17. When the Star Trek motion picture came out in 1978 it hit negative reviews & fan reaction.I went to that movie & did not like it. I still don't. There was a lot of reasons for that... making Kirk an Admiral & being out of touch commanding the ship was one for me. The other was the lack of action. It was a long & boring movie. They tried to make too much of the main characters aging when Kirk was in his mid 40's. Scotty & McCoy were in their 50's but Checkov was still in his 30's. If it wasn't for Wrath Of Khan there'd be no TNG, DS9, Voyager or Enterprise as tv series & certainly no more movies. That movie saved the entire Star Trek franchise.
  18. I don't like the small arm stripes on the Reebok pro & fan jerseys.... I'd like to see Adidas change that. If they go with the same kind of jersey.
  19. Looking at this draft, we did very well. Couture may not be an immediate starter. More like Goosen was but I like Loffler & Corney. Rupert Butcher is a monster.
  20. Yeah, didn't know it would be a straight boxing match. McGregor would lose. Figures Mayweather would be too scared to get into a UFC ring.
  21. Stephanie with the evil smirk at the end of Raw tonite. It never ends...
  22. 17 would be in his glory banning people left & right!
  23. Alberto Del Rio has done well. Probably because he can actually really wrestle & is a great heel. But that stomp off the top rope while his opponent is holding on should go as it is so phoney.
  24. Rider season tickets.
  25. McGregor would kill him. I hope I see it. Eff Mayweather.
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