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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Would Vince be dumb enough to fire Shane? Three good Raws in a row.
  2. Man, I hope not with a 20 yard end zone.
  3. Talk about pigs in a trough.
  4. Prentice wanted to be Prime Minister. Instead of Look What I've Done! It was Look... What... I've.. Done.
  5. All due respect TUP, I don't owe you any more explanations. It's what I believe. My opinion alone isn't going to change things. It's what I believe so let's leave it at that as we have discussed this quite a bit. I get it that you don't agree but that's as far as I'll go discussing this.
  6. It's my opinion & last time I looked we still have (sort of) free speech in this country. I didn't say anything hateful about transgender individuals or transgender washrooms other than I don't agree with them.
  7. I appreciate that sweep the leg as I'm not. Truly I'm not. I may have not used the best words to describe my thoughts on the post in question but when I say I'm not homophobic it's true. I just don't agree with transgender public washrooms. It's going to take a lot of convincing to change my mind.
  8. I think Harper's biggest mistake was not quitting as PM midway thru his term in order for someone else with less baggage to take his place. His ego wouldn't allow him to do the right thing.
  9. So, I listened to the interview. He used friends & family to take these selfies & actually blocked the women's washroom door so some unsuspecting woman wouldn't be shocked to find him in the lady's room. I still don't get the point as to why he did that. I do hear his pain of being bullied growing up.
  10. I said I'm against it. That's it.
  11. Hey, because I don't support or agree with transgender washrooms.
  12. I support gay rights, I support any teenagers in high schools to form their own LGBT clubs for both support & protection ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. I don't believe that there should be any job discrimination for anyone who are gay & lesbian. I don't support transgender washrooms.
  13. Of course there were. Hate agenda, pfft... Your words.
  14. Well, according to you it's needed. News reports have stated that Transgenders have apparently come under attack in washrooms. So, obviously they are noticed.
  15. They're grown up now & are adults. I never had to concern myself with it.
  16. I think it's a law that people should have the right to vote on.
  17. Oh go **** yourself. You just twist everything people say. I don't talk about their sex life. They don't talk about mine.You're an idiot.
  18. Rights not being trampled? Seriously? I'd love for this to go to a plebiscite & see what people really think. Prove me wrong.
  19. I can share Cruz's views. Doesn't mean I support everything the guy stands for. I don't support transgender washrooms. Doesn't make me a homophobe. As far as definitions go, anyone can describe anything to fit their agenda. I work with gay & lesbians. They mind their business. I mind my own. I have acquaintances that are gay & at times we do socialize. I don't have any issues with any gay person except transgender washrooms. That's just what I believe in.
  20. No, that's your opinion. Lots of people feel uncomfortable or are against this. Why do you think there is so much anger right now with voters in the US because they feel their rights are being trampled in the disguise of so called tolerance as well as political correctness.
  21. The guy is a conservative. Sorry, his values don't jive with yours. I happen to share his views. if you call me a homophobe because I agree with him then you're an @$$.... . Just sayin'. Be careful how you blatantly label people who don't agree with you.
  22. Too bad that politicians that claim to be for the people don't bring something like this to the people so there could be a plebiscite on this.
  23. I just hope it never happens.
  24. Until we see data after a number of years, who says he is wrong?
  25. Cruz isn't wrong. Most pedophiles & serial killers are men. It's not silly rhetoric. It wasn't Josephine The Ripper.
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