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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. You seem to conveniently forget the threat of a coalition between the Libs, NDP & (spit) the BQ.
  2. I saw his tweet. It's apparently stitched on. A few years ago every CFL qb bitched when the footballs had white stripes stitched on. They complained that the football was more difficult to grip & came off their throwing hand differently.
  3. Trying to make it cool. Epic fail.
  4. Black stripes. Well, I guess as the drug policy is in place, Orridge can get on to more important things like shitting all over our footballs
  5. Yeah, there goes the fine financial stewardship of the Liberals under Chretien & Martin.
  6. Won't be buying any electric cars to go on a road trip. And I think the short mileage & long charging time is more of a deterrent than the price.
  7. An entire nation. Boggles the mind. Sanders will be the closest the Americans ever come to free health care in their lifetimes & he's going to lose.
  8. CNN was reporting that Prince's entourage wanted a private room & when one wasn't available he & his entourage left. Decision may have cost him his life.
  9. Martin used EI Premiums to balance the budget.
  10. Americans will fight to the death under their 2nd ammendment rights to bear arms but don't seem to care about free & affordable health care. Makes no sense at all.
  11. How long to charge?
  12. He's dead. The game has passed him by.
  13. Because teams are always right Jacquie, come on!!
  14. Well, as a trainee if you screw up & don't care about it, your career won't last long. I don't see that as being an issue.
  15. Is this the start of a new partnership with the NFL? We aren't the same cap in hand league we were in 1997 when we took a loan from the NFL to keep operating. New & reno'd stadiums all over the CFL & a new tv contract. If we could tap into that NFL marketing machine, imagine what could be done?
  16. I never thought Bradbury was that bad but all the officials are equal opportunity refs. They screw each team equally.
  17. This discussion about the Bombers secondary has been going on for awhile now. Our secondary is the strength of our defense. It's our Front 7 that's the problem. We don't pressure the qb enough. We didn't have the personnel on the defensive line to have anywhere near the strongest pass rush in 2015. I don't care how good a secondary we have. if we don't pressure the qb then they are going to struggle as qbs will pick them apart. Remember, football is the ultimate team sport. All 12 players have to be functioning as a unit. if one area breaks down then it affects everyone else. Fix the pass rush & our secondary will look like all stars.
  18. Hey, does that mean Ed Hockuley will officiate a game in the CFL? Awesome.
  19. I take it this is just for PED's & also not recreational drugs like the NFL tests for. I think if the CFL tested for weed that 75% of the players would be suspended. It would be a huge black eye for the CFL.
  20. Really? Whoa.
  21. I was able to access Riderfans okay, Jacquie.
  22. Not convicting & making it look like a witch hunt is just as damaging, don't you think as it's all about embarrassing the Conservative PMO & Stephen Harper. Throwing Duffy in jail would have meant that Harper was indeed looking after taxpayers so a greedy politician like Duffy would have been an example. To me, throwing out all charges makes Harper look a lot worse.
  23. Yes, I ranted. Damn right I ranted. Duffy is an appointed Senator who is self entitled. He just thinks the Canadian taxpaying public is his own private bank. Now he gets to go back & do the same thing all over again. #oinkoinkdrinkingfromthepublictrough.
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