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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. NDP Premier. Yep, this decision is so political. It was all about politics to make the Conservatives look bad. I'm convinced of that. When it comes to $**t like this I have no faith in our justice system. Some of those expenses that fat Porkey Pig claimed were criminal. The whole bloody Senate are entitled crooks. The damned thing should be abolished & replaced by elected Senators. Or eliminated totally.
  2. They're asking that question in Chatenguay.
  3. If Waltman ever had any thoughts at the time of coming back to WWE that video probably sealed the deal for Vince to never take him back.
  4. CNN is hinting he died from respiratory failure from the flu.
  5. Man, what he said about Lillian Garcia. He's hinting she's slept with the entire WWE roster.
  6. Duffy gets off on all charges. The Old Boys Club taking care of their own. Wouldn't be surprised if the judge Lamorieux is a Liberal & was coerced by the Party into getting the guy off to make Harper & the Conservatives look really bad.
  7. I like Joe. Hope he comes up to the WWE roster soon. I guess Finn Balor is going to the main roster with the loss.
  8. Weren't they in the same state the first time they won the Cup? Stan Bowman is a master GM.
  9. He was an @$$hole in that video.
  10. The totally classless Sean Waltman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRj3N21JSow
  11. OMFG, you just don't know when to quit. You're this site's internet version of someone carpet bombing the enemy. Kill everyone off with hyperbole & thousands of words. Whatever dude, I'm done.
  12. While I appreciate your apology, I never backtracked. I never said it was okay. I just think that there are bigger hills to climb when it comes to making society better than going after a lunkhead hockey player.
  13. A hard luck receiver with a lot of unfullfilled potential.
  14. How about "people overreacting"?
  15. You're over the top here. You paint people like me as bigoted & hateful while loudly proclaiming you're the one who is right. It was a slur, everybody agrees but Shaw is not an axe murderer. Yet you are over the top offended.
  16. I'm talking about it because you're writing 5,000 word essays about it on every post. You seem more offended by this than most here. The guy effed up. He was dealt with & the story has been put to bed. Why do you feel you have to fall on your sword every time something like this happens?
  17. A hamster could have run for the Tories & won back in the Lougheed & Klein era. Forty four year dynasties are not good for democracy.
  18. I don't have any issues with gays. None at all. I have an issue with people being piled on by others on social media when they make a mistake. You'd think he shot someone dead in cold blood. The guy effed up, What he said was stupid. He was penalized by the NHL monetarily & by sitting a game. The guy has been shamed publicly so let it go . I don't like what I'd describe as bullying by people on social media. They're just waiting to pounce on the first person who screws up. That's all.
  19. No, in today's world you don't have freedom of speech. I consider myself a MOR kind of guy when it comes to things like this. I just hate the piling on of people in social media whenever they get an opportunity.
  20. One has a lot to do with the other. It IS political correctness. Just like the enviromaniacs in the NDP that would shut down our resource sector there are people who absolutely live for this stuff & will wait until a transgression is made & jump all over any public figure or athlete who screws up in a bad moment. They'll absolutely crucify them on social media or in the mainstream media & call them names, question their character & even make threats. We talk about bullying being a scourge on society well to me, this is another form of bullying. We are supposed to have freedom of speech in this country but only if it adheres to certain opinion of certain segments of society. That's what bothers me about this whole situation. I don't condone what Andrew Shaw said as it was a stupid thing to say but it's been blown way out of proportion.
  21. You know what I find offensive? Dennis Wideman cowardly nails a ref from behind & gives him a season ending concussion, then the NHLPA & the NHL pussyfoot around with an arbitration process that lasts the whole damned suspension & neither the NHL or NHLPA cares about the health of the ref or his family that Wideman injured. That's offensive. The stuff with Shaw is all political correctness.
  22. Five thousand dollar fine & a 1 game suspension.
  23. You should live in Alberta. Forty years of Social Credit & 44 years of PC government before the NDP.
  24. Chungh may not be here next season whether as a CFL FA or gone to the NFL. That's been the scuttlebut since he signed here. That he'd only last one contract & be gone. It'll be interesting if Walters can sign Chungh to a long term contract.
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