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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. It's funny there's already talk to impeach Trump if he becomes President & actually tries to build a wall at the Mexican border. Or torturing terrorist prisoners, killing their families.
  2. Agree 100%. It is criminal what is happening but for whatever reason our seniors just don't have the facilities needed.
  3. TNA, pfft...
  4. The major problem in Alberta is the Tories over the years refused to build more long term patient care facilities. They still aren't under the NDP so seniors with issues like dementia are being treated in acute care beds taking up space. I was in an ortho ward recovering from surgery last week & a nurse told me that there were Alzheimers patients staying in acute care beds on our ward. They don't have the resources to take care of these people & it is a sad situation. The problem is they have nowhere to go so they stick these people wherever they can. It's absolutely crazy that is even happening. Our population is aging & facilities for seniors need to be built but it isn't happening. So, they stick old & sick people in acute care beds plugging up the system. Meaning people who need to get into hospital can't or face long waits.
  5. My friend lives in Phoenix. He has health care coverage for himself, wife & young son. He pays nearly $1,200 a month for premiums & has a $6,000 deductible. You guys want that? I sure don't. I'm someone who wouldn't mind paying a little more in taxes if it went directly to health care. And if there's a health care premium like we used to have in Alberta I'd be okay with that too. Yeah, there are problems with our health care system but I know from personal experience this past year having had 3 major surgeries that the level of patient care is outstanding. And I wasn't $18,000 in debt either.
  6. The problem is as AB consumers our electrical bills will skyrocket having to rebuild from coal generating plants. I think Notley wanted all coal generated electrical plants in Alberta to shut down by 2030. I reads that since they have no real future here companies are accelerating the shut down process. it'll cost billions to rebuild the system with natural gas as you suggested, for example. Expect more & more tax hikes with the NDP in power here.
  7. Nope. Probably more jurisdictions use coal fired generating stations than you think.
  8. TUP, do you not agree that his character is lame & worn out? Plus the dude is porking out. The way he's going he'll be even fatter than his brother.
  9. Yes, I'm surprised that you're surprised. Coal has been used for generating electricity since the very beginning. This is for you, Frosty. https://www.duke-energy.com/about-energy/generating-electricity/coal-fired-how.asp
  10. How can you say that? It wasn't Pavlec's fault we got swept by the Ducks last year. You really hate Pavlec, don't you?
  11. Well, that explains it. Money can buy you anything.
  12. From his whiny voice to his outdated Tim Tebow routine. One of the longest reigning? Well, obviously NXT was pretty shitty when he was champ.
  13. The Tories set the NDP on us but Notley is ramping up her socialist agenda big time. getting rid of coal powered electrical generating stations which will drive up the cost of electricity. A 4 cent a litre carbon tax starting January 1st rising to 5 cents in 2018, overwhelming spending leading to a $10 billion dollar deficit this year risong to 56.8 billion by 2019. No plans to pay anything back. The NDP is doing some horrible things to the Alberta economy.
  14. You described it better than I did. Yes, he does make bad choices under pressure.
  15. Carbon tax, higher taxes, Leap Manifesto...Little or no private investment... Ten billion dollar deficit. Oh yeah, debt will rise to $56.7 billion by 2019. No plans o start paying it back... We are effed here.
  16. I actually think that Nicholls processes things faster than Willy but he just doesn't have the ability to be an impactful long term starter for some reason. He is a capable & valuable back up.
  17. Trump over 50% approval rating going into the New York Primary. How can anyone sane vote for that guy? Especially in such a diverse state as New York? Boggles the mind.
  18. The NDP are killing us here in Alberta.
  19. The Social Outcasts, what can you say? Any group that has Bo Dallas in it will never be over. I can take Slater & even Curt Axel but man, Bo Dallas? What a joke. Adam Rose is gone... That's the problem with the WWE. They just make up these groups with no storylines, rhyme or reason... It's no wonder that fans act the way they do as it's all bullshit.
  20. He'd say he's there to win. The problem with the sacks the Bombers had in 2015 before Willy got hurt was that a lot of the time he did hang onto the ball too long. When Nicholls played I thought he got rid of the ball quicker than Willy did. We still didn't win though so it just shows the problems inherent on offense last season.
  21. Holding onto the ball could also be interpreted as Willy not giving up on the play waiting for a receiver to get open. Having said that Willy does have to throw the ball away more & live to fight next series. Or next game.
  22. Hottest stable? I don't know about that.
  23. iso_55


    Good one, piz.
  24. Connor isn't a very good wrestler. Rose is in a bad place career wise. Yeah, not much of a stretch where I can see both of them gone.
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