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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I know people here do but I don't.
  2. Well seems to me that if the players agree to testing in their CBA & then players refuse to do it that would mean that the CBA is null & void then players can be locked out. You think the BOG's wouldn't then negotiate the salary cap down? Slippery slope to balk, if you ask me.
  3. I did it to make a point. Noeller says the pit is bottomless for the Stamps & it's not. They run the team lean. They don't want to pour a lot of money into the Hitmen, Roughnecks or Stamps. Rather they want to control the sports market in Calgary. They do what's necessary as far as running the Stampeders. I agree they have more money than the Bombers & a lot of the teams in the CFL have but most of the money is siphoned off for the Flames. They also don't spend any more than other teams. If they did, they'd have re-upped guys like Keon Raymond & Matt Walters as well as be big players in free agency. The team doesn't make off season splashes by signing high profile coaches or free agents. The Flames haven't poured a lot of money into McMahon Stadium upgrades other than make the concourse in the north end zone more fan friendly with more concessions & add a few thousand theatre seats. Not a lot really. Ask Stamps fan here if they feel the team is ultra rich & the answer would be no.
  4. Knew the other guy had a weapon. Just couldn't remember if it was a gun or a knife. I also know Hall wasn't the nicest guy when that happened either. Wasn't this incident over a woman?
  5. You dream stealer you!
  6. As I understand it, DDP saved Scott Hall's life. He's a messed up dude & it looks like he is getting help. He killed a man when he was 21 when there was a fight outside a bar. He never served jail time as it was determined it was self defense as the other guy had a knife. Still, having to carry that around would screw up anyone. Then the alcohol & drugs as well as being obese. Props to DDP for what he dis for his friend. I really hope Scott has licked his demons of the past.
  7. Thank you, Rich. You were thinking along the same lines I was. The CBA of any league mandates it once the players agree. I asked the question more to see what pigseye's answer might be.
  8. This season isn't on the coaches but the GM entirely. If Cheveldayoff fired anyone then he'd have to wear a Teflon suit.
  9. https://twitter.com/DarrinBauming/status/715926688874438657
  10. Ronnie Corbett was a comedic genius. RIP.
  11. They're Liberals. Who cares?
  12. Somehow I think any tours are out of the question.
  13. Just signed our new Defensive end.
  14. Tkachuk had a rep of not being the nicest guy so you caught him on a good day.
  15. I checked the date & tomorrow is April Fool's Day. The CBC should have published that story tomorrow. At least this wannabee clown politician would have had an excuse. Wiiiiiiiiingnuuuuuuut.
  16. I think if Trump gets the nomination, he will polarize voters. I think he'll get trumped... errr... thumped as the GOP Presidential candidate.
  17. Muamba? How the mighty have fallen. I don't think he made a lot of friends with his CFL tour last September. May have come back to bite him.
  18. Okay, been corrected & thanks.
  19. Seems to me that after a certain period of time a team loses a drafted player. I may be wrong. Where's Jacquie when you need her.
  20. Yeah, that explains why we've had 3 years of the Authority shoved in our faces.
  21. Yeaah, remember the name. Smith always looked like he had bedhead & slept in his clothes.
  22. He'd be a free agent & could sign elsewhere if he came to the CFL.
  24. Off to Vegas, baby!! #countmymoney
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