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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. It's a tall order but doable. Look what the Riders did yesterday.
  2. Wow, chill both you guys. I guess it's not just Rider fans who lay awake at night & fill their vacant heads with conspiracy theories.
  3. Desperation shouldn't be a reason to throw a challenge flag. Changes need to be made in the off season.
  4. That was embarrassing if you're an Eskimo fan, player & coach. Jones looked so pompous on that final shot of him as the game ends.
  5. Maas sprints off the field in embarrassment. Your team sucks Jason.
  6. Did you see that challenge flag from Maas? That was just sad.
  7. Probably a buch of those things combined & the fact LaPo likes that kind of offense. His philosophy.
  8. Can't stand the Riders... And their syncophant Rod Pederson.
  9. We also deserve to wait & see how the rest of the season plays out too. What's the hurry? The focus should be on making the playoffs now & worry about new contracts after the final whistle blows on the season. Not saying that MOS shouldn't get an extension but that we should wait.
  10. Okay Gibbs, you got the facts. And I'll give you the last word if you want because I don't feel like arguing with you over a player who isn't with us anymore.
  11. The Hardrick Hopworks for me.
  12. Says the guy who keeps bringing it up & won't let go. Maybe you should follow your own advice here & quit bringing it up. Like I said, I made a comment saying the video was a mistake which I'm allowed to do here yet you seem to be the one with your nose out of joint. C'mon Jpan, relax. It's only a video.
  13. If we go 3-3 then they both deserve an extension.
  14. The next 6 games will be tough. We could go 8-10 if things don't work out. I'd rather Miller wait till the season ends before he gives MOS an extension.
  15. How did that fun video work out for him? Hey, he can kick a FG sideways out of the 200 level at IGF or thru a basketball hoop from 20 yards away on the sidelines but when we needed a 30 yard FG to win a game he can't do it?? I'll bet he never does another one again. He was having no fun against Edmonton. Anyway, the guy is in Toronto. I hope he continues to do well.
  16. No other FG kicker did that. Everybody has a choice. Players aren't told or forced into doing them. I just remember that video & cringed as he wasn't having a great year at that point when he did it. I figured nothing good would come from it & then he had that game vs Edmonton that ended his career with the Bombers.
  17. He can rot. Get a real job Henoc.
  18. The Democrats could have selected a chimp for their candidate & he/she would have done better & defeated Trump. Instead they picked Clinton. Why?? There would have been many candidates who could have run who would have done well but they all stepped aside except for the aging socialist Bernie Sanders. You have to wonder why the DNC cleared the track for her the way they did. Now we are faced with the spectre of Donald Trump winning the Presidency thanks to that decision.
  19. I don't have any bad feelings towards Hajrullahu over last year other than that stupid video the Bombers put up on their website with him kicking FGs from the stands, the parking lot of IGF & on the sidelines into a basketball hoop. He made that video even though he was struggling at the time as one of the worst kickers (percentage wise) in the CFL last year. I thought it was all self agrandizement on his part & never should have been done. Then running like a scared rabbit from the media after the woeful Edmonton game. Those were two mistakes he made as far as I was concerned & he lost my support especially not facing the media like other players would have. Had he sucked it up & spoke I'd have respected him a lot more. Now that he has a fresh start in Toronto the slates wiped clean for me & I hope he enjoys a nice career. Live & learn...
  20. Teemu is such a class act.
  21. What was attendance?
  22. I have 2 grown children now that are 25 & 29 years of age. I had Bomber season tickets when my oldest son was born but he never went to a Bomber game as we felt he was too young to go. My wife & I didn't bring him as a 6 month old or later as a toddler. We didn't want him bothering other Bombers fans around him. There's nothing worse than a bored 3 year old who doesn't want to be there. So we paid for a babysitter to take care of him when we went to the Bomber game. We moved to Calgary in 1990 which was the same year my youngest was born here. Again, I never took him or his older brother to a Stamps game until he was 7 years old & his brother 11 & they loved it. After that, with 2 Stamps season tickets my wife would stay home & I'd take one of my sons to the game a couple of times a year each. I never would have brought my 6 month old to a game. When we were young parents,I just remeber that it was better for our kids to be at home at that age. Also, never would have wanted any of our kids should ever have been admitted for free if they were babies as they'd never have been at any games.. It never would have occurred for us to even ask for a free ticket. My feeling is keep your babies & toddlers at home until they're old enough to sit in their seats patiently without bothering others before you bring them to a game. That's just me as my kids were toddlers in the late 80's & early 90's. It would have bothered me if I had brought them to a game & they would have made themselves a nuisance spoiling other peoples experience by refusing to sit still, screaming & crying around them for 3 hours. That's how we used to be as parents. My kids had to behave in public. They learned it at an early age but a football game for 3 hours would have hard for them so we never brought them to events like that at that age. And they'd get a swat on the bum for good measure if they didn't.
  23. Then they sit Denmark which hurts our passing attack? No, I'd prefer that they keep Smith out then.
  24. Entertainers do stand up or sing in Vegas. He does Riders pbp in Regina. How's the entertainment business working out for him?
  25. Yeah, but he has a wonderful brain.
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