Used to love the Larry Sanders Show. I remember he even brought the Jay Leno-David Letterman feud into the writing for his show. Letterman made a guest appearance at least once as did Johnny Carson.
If the US fears for its borders with terrorism then pulling back in NATO won't make sense. It will embolden Russia. And the Euros may not want to share the same kind of info on terrorism etc. It's a stupid move. Besides, a guy like Trump will want the power. Yesterday, he talked about using nukes in Syria to defeat ISIS.
Bearpants, if you want to call Trump "Drumph" then do it in your own quotes. Please don't change mine unless you first acknowledge you made the change.
Trump wants to scale back on NATO. Of course, the US has bases in Europe & will want to share any information with other NATO allies. The organization may not do that.
Saw a tweet from a major US new organization today. They're reporting that Trump's approval with the US voters is bad. That he'd lose to Clinton but really lose big to Sanders. I don't have the stats nor the tweet but if someone sees it please post it. It seems his approval rating with most American voters other than his base isn't very good. They're saying some strong Republican States would go Democrat & we're talking Ronald Reagan majority for the Democrats.
Freaking Bo Dallas. Still using the Tebow routine with that squeaky voice. All of the Social Outcasts are just bad. Real bad. But especially Dallas & Axel.
Regarding The Authority. Been 3 yrs now & I'm sick to death of Stephanie McMahon. I turned on Raw late, saw her with Roman & said I'm out & switched channels. There has to be a change in direction as Raw is becoming unwatchable with Stephanie screaming every show. I will say this, as much as Dean Ambrose is over with the fans.... If he wins & beats Lesnar I'm done with wrestling. If WWE wants to shatter the armour of The Beast Incarnate BRRROCK LESSSNARRRR then this is the way to do it. Ambrose is over no matter if he wins or loses but Lesnar can't lose as it'll make him look extremely weak. His reputation will be destroyed.
Don't agree. Saying something like that sugarcoats everything. Putting things down to a person's bad luck when wackos can saunter into the train station, Brussels airport & set off bombs isn't a good analogy. We have a huge world wide problem & other than boots on the ground in Syria to take out ISIS (which I think will happen) I don't know the solution.
You won't have to retire at 67 if you were born after 1958 to receive CPP & OAS. I haven't heard the federal budget today or the details other than the deficit is $30 billion. I heard news stories in the last few days that will be changed back to 65 today by the Libs. Meanwhile some fiscal Republicans in the US are talking about raising retirement in the US to 70. Wonder if Trump is thinking the same thing but just not saying?
Walter didn't have a great season running the ball with injuries himself & not seeming to have the ability to really threaten as a rusher. I think the Stamps want to keep the position Canadian but go younger & cheaper which they will with Timmis if they draft him .
Well, we don't know that... yet. Speculation is the Royal Blues but maybe not the old jerseys we want to see but a new version. I think for me, that would be disappointing.