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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I just don't want us to become another version of the Edmonton Oilers with season after season of losing along with big promises of great things on the horizon that never materialize. I really thought the Jets turned a corner last season & were on the up & up as a team but then Chevy changed directions last summer. You just get the impression that fans think that having a team of young kids will be better but there's no guarantee that a young team will mature into a great team. Again, see the Edmonton Oilers.
  2. I don't think Trump has the support of Blacks, Muslims, Latinos & Women to win the Presidential election after what he says & the way he acts. Every moderate Republican either won't vote for him or vote Democratic (Clinton). As far as rioting if he doesn't win the GOP nomination that's not his voter base. They won't riot. More likely they'll just stay home & not vote. I do think he does incite hatred among other things so the riot comments were done to put fear in the Republican Party to make it a brokered convention if he doesn't have the 1,237(?) delegates to win. Lord help us if he does.
  3. Montabaln broke his back doing a movie scene in 1951 & it bothered him the rest of his life. If I'm not mistaken, I think he fell off a horse.
  4. So we get the fifth or sixth pick. Instead of second or third. Why would I cheer for a win? The Jets need to throw their fans a bone. As in a lotto pick.
  5. Don't know much about this case, if nothing at all. I just know it involved someone called Bubba The Love Sponge & that was enough for me to deliberately ignore the whole thing. Is this a good decision?
  6. I think most (75%) would be thrilled if the Royal Blues came back full time. Just look at the reaction when they come on to the field in those beautiful Royal Blue-gold pants home unis, It fires people up & they get excited. People just say they're beautiful. My son who was born in Calgary & is a huge Stamps fan loves the Royal Blues. There's no positive reaction like that to the other uniforms. Except the negative blue camos that people & players found revolting. So Noeller, I think we are in the majority.
  7. Yes, he hurt his back in the late 50's or early 60's & was weightlifting to keep the strength in his back built up as it alleviated the pain. Now, he may have trained to get the bigger physique for the second Khan role in the movie, I'm not sure.
  8. No, a large percentage of the fan base want a certain home royal blue jersey back & Wade Miller & the Bombers have refused to listen.
  9. Yep, they killed him off as a wrestler. You think if Rollins was still wrestling he'd be allowed to use those power bombs into the turnbuckle?
  10. That was Montabaln's actual physique at the time. Not many people know Ricardo suffered a serious back injury years ago & was in tremendous pain. He slowly took up weight lifting to rebuild the strength in his back & I guess worked out lifting weights on a regular basis.
  11. You mean, like Kirk & Khan basically diving in space from one ship to the other? Or Spock & Khan fighting each other a hundred stories above San Francisco while jumping between what looks to be 2 flying barges????
  12. I've read the same things you have regarding CBS licensing & why the alternate Universe ST & the normal universe ST could never work. To allow an alternate universe series would affect licensing & income for the network. It all has to come together before TV series can be done. You know a lot more of the details in your post than I do but from what I remember you're spot on....
  13. How can the Oilers be so bad for so long? Getting the very first round pick for multiple years & they still can't win. Now the NHL GMs want to bring in a rule so shitty teams like the Oilers who never seem to improve can't keep stockpiling the first pick in the Draft every year. Connor McDavid has shown flashes of brilliance this year & has had injury issues but one thing is clear & it was discussed last season. McDavid, Hall & all the other high draft pick studs on that team have no idea of what it takes to win in the NHL. Instead, McDavid is learning how to lose in Edmonton.
  14. Back on track with the loss. Keep it up Jets....
  15. Gotta like the guy with the blue vest in the middle.
  16. Thanks for clarifying Logan. I haven't seen First Contact in years.
  17. Star Trek was hugely popular in the 90's & judging from what I saw back then we probably could have done without at least one series. At times, there were 2 series playing simultaneously which in the long run was bad for the Star Trek franchise. How many Law & Order & CSI series did we have on tv five to 10 years ago? The CBS network pushed the new series as it was in their best interests. I do believe Enterprise was on the Sci Fi Network as maybe was Voyager but someone can bring me up to speed on that as I'm not sure. Here's the thing. I know that CBS owns the syndicated TOS series & if another series did come to pass they would probably broadcast it. They have all kinds of ST memorabilia, etc. They have no interest in an alternate universe ST as financially it would not be in their best interests aftger half a century. So, you have the movies in the alternate universe & any new series would be in this universe. At some point it becomes a conflict as neither the movies or a new & the old syndicated series would support one another. I think at some point ST the motion pictures will have to return to this universe for it to have any chance of being long term on television again as CBS will be in play. personally, I'd rather watch a tv series than a movie every 2 to 3 years.
  18. The "appeal to a new audience" thing. I know all of us heard that a lot, Taynted Fayth. Thing is, if a new audience doesn't know or understand very well the ST franchise history or don't care then why the need to change it? The appeal thing wouldn't matter to anyone who never really followed ST. Just put out an entertaining & visually stunning movie & people will like it. So, I understand what you are saying but I think Abrams used that as an excuse to change things around. It didn't upset everyone but still upset a big percentage of the fan base, I believe. There was no need to change anything about Star Trek to appeal to a new audience. That's my opinion, anyway.
  19. Star Wars is great. Nothing wrong with that.
  20. I had no idea that so many of us liked Star Trek.
  21. I look forward to seeing Lesnar make Stroman his little ***** . What a useless wrestler he is. Stroman needs to go back to NXT or on the Indy circuit to actually learn how to wrestle as he sure can't now. Other than the choke hold does he even have any moves? Well, he loves to scream, I guess. The only one of the 4 with real talent is Luke Harper. For a big, big man he can move in the ring. The other 3 including Wyatt I could care less. I really think they should spruce him up, change & clean up his image & make him a heel singles wrestler. He doesn't need to be a part of the Wyatt Family to be successful. I actually think it's holding him back.
  22. No, I was referring to Voyager. But now that you mention it, the ending of Enterprise was very bad, as well. The entire series was nothing but a holographic exercise being watched by Ryker & Troy?? Like frack off. But back to Voyager. Wouldn't it have been great to see Paris meet his father just to show him how he matured & changed in 7 years? As well as introducing him to his wife B'Lanna & daughter? Harry Kim who said it wasn't about the destination but the journey so his reaction to being home & leaving his Voyager family where he grew up as a junior officer? Seven of Nine & Chakotay married but both died, why?? No explanation. The Doctor carrying on a normal human life as a hologram. Voyager fans wanted to see the ship actually get home. Maybe skip ahead a year after they all got home to see how some of the crew were or were not coping. Instead we got a future Admiral Janeway trying to change the past battling the Borg Queen. Ugh.
  23. How is that? He barely does anything in the ring other than walking backwards on all 4's & Sister Abigail.
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