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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Yeah, back then the smart way to rebuild a team fast. Bring in skilled older Euros in their early to mid 20's as nobody ever did it before. Took them a year to get used to the smaller ice surface & grittier play especially back in those days when fighting was the norm. Once they did, DY-NA-MITE!!
  2. The Green Bastard was brilliant. Lots of things to like about that show. Ricky bragging about finally getting his gr 9 education like it's 1931, Julian & his rye & coke, Ricky working as a mall cop & sliding down that hill into the river over & over retrieving shopping carts, Mr Leahey, Steve French, etc.
  3. Don't forget weed.
  4. We were raped as you said because we were outsiders wanting in. And the WHA Jets signed away Bobby Hull, the game's best forward & one of the most famous players of all time. So more out of vengeance, the Jets were destroyed as a team when they joined the NHL. This time, we're the insider so no one is going to draft our team away. It only took John Ferguson three or 4 years toi rebuild the team into a very good team. I miss Fergy as he was a real colourful guy. The guy had a temper & from what I read held a grudge which is why Bobby Hull never finished his career as a Jet but a Hartford Whaler. They did not like one another. Fergy broke Hull's jaw in a fight in the late 60's. As a GM, he did a very good job with limited resources. I wonder how well he'd have built the team we have now if he was still around, our GM & 40 years younger?
  5. LaPo is an experienced coach, I think if he says he can handle being receivers coach & OC then we have to believe him. If this is a coaches decision I'm fine with it but if the doubling up of coaching duties with O'Shea & Lapo turns out to be actual budget cuts by Walters or Miller then I'm not impressed.
  6. Kirk died as well in the last TNG movie, sorry forget the name.... But people were shocked. The death of Kirk portrayed by Chris Pine & subsequent revival was met with meh from the fans in the theatre maybe because we all knew he'd somehow come back to life or what's the point of continuing to make these movies? I just wish that guys like Abrams wouldn't take on projects like Star Trek & then pay little or no attention to the history of the franchise. Just the arrogance of Abrams saying HE was going to save Star Trek because of HIS vision. No, people have grown up with Star Trek. since 1966. Grandparents passed on their love of ST to their kids & so on down the line ever since. Give fans a great movie & they'll support it Alternate universe or not. I remember the anticipation & excitement back Christmas 78 when ST; The Motion Picture came out & the movie nearly bombed because it was a piece of crap. What a total let down. You know who actually saved Star Trek? It was producer of the second ST movie, Harve Bennett who wrote & produced Wrath of Khan. It was an action sci fi movie with everything fans loved. Battle scenes, Conflict between the 3 main characters, good vs evil, two starships in battle, etc. It was everything the first movie was not. Had Wrath of Khan in 1981 bombed there's have been no more Trek series or movies. It would have been finished as a franchise. Abrams never saved the franchise. He changed it because he could. Harve Bennet saved Star Trek because he knew how.
  7. I have read that Chris Pine was never a ST fan growing up & barely knew about any of the the tv series or the history of the characters. And he portrays Kirk much the same way. He doesn't get it. Neither it seems did Abrams & the writers.
  8. Maybe but not bad. Provide some depth to the Kirk character for sure. As a Trek Fan I don't need to see the actual growth & development of Kirk so the first movie could have actually started with Kirk as Captain instead of the extreme lunacy of a Cadet being promoted to Captain with no experience. All it did was lessen my respect for the actual Kirk character, showed weakness in Spock & made Pike look like he was crazy promoting Kirk to Captain. I mean, c'mon.... When they reversed the scene where Kirk died saving the Enterprise instead of Spock, I wasn't even moved. I remember fans crying in the theatres when Leonard Nimoy's Spock died. The depth of the new Kirk just isn't there with fans because he comes across as an arrogant little ..... at times. He's not as likeable. I think it's just the way Kirk is played by Christopher Pine.
  9. I wasn't. Just like I'm not a fan of the new Trek alternate universe. They could have played Cochrane a bit more straight edged just to keep the spirit of the character alive. Not saying the movie First Contact wasn't good as I enjoyed it. I just want screen writers to pay closer attention to details of the Trek history. It's too easy to change the dynamics in sci fi by simply creating an alternate universe because some of them only want to change things just to simply change things. .
  10. JJ Abrams alternate universe is a concept that I hate. Killing off the Vulcan race which was so pivotal to the Strar Trek franchise as well as very little to nothing of the Klingons & Romulans makes absolutely no sense to me. Making Kirk into this swashbuckling high risk Cowboy type captain was not truthful to his real character we saw in TOS. Yeah, he chased skirts & maybe ignored regulations at times but he worked hard to earn his captaincy. He believed in order, discipline & The Prime Directive & would sacrifice his life to uphold it. What does Kirk do in the movie? He violates the PD to save Spock thus exposing a primitive people to the Enterprise & they immediately start worshipping it as a God. The old Kirk may not have done that. He may have sacrificed Spock for the Prime Directive. And the way Kirk became Captain just weeks or months out of the Academy fighting his way into Big Chair over a much more older & experienced Spock stretched believability to the point of cartoonism. The second Abrams movie was better than the first but they need another producer to create a storyline to take them back to this universe & restore Vulcan like the explosion of the planet never happened. Start giving us movie plots that include Klingons & Romulans.
  11. Cochrane was always this revered character & in the original series. He had crashed on an uncharted planet & had an alien Companion care for him & actually loved him. He was younger than the actor who portrayed him in First Contact. He was a level headed man who had been gone so long he didn't know about the advances in warp technology since he left Earth. Frakes should have remained true to the character of the original series as he was a part of the Star Trek lore himself & knew about the Trek legacy. Instead we have this brilliant older man who is an alcoholic social misfit who has put together a ship to test Warp Drive with old screws & duct tape after a World War. And he needed Ryker & LaForge to help him. That was the only part I didn't like.
  12. And the quarter twisted lurching walk of Ryker. I read somewhere that Jonathan Frakes did it to make Ryker different. Much like John Wayne created his distinctive walk in the 1940's after a talk with Cowboy actor Paul Fixx. He helped Wayne perfect his walk as he told Fixx he felt stiff on camera when he moved. As far as Frakes is concerned, at times, it looked over-done like Ryker was drunk & was going to fall over sideways.
  13. I see Space has discontinued their late night/early morning showings of Voyager & TNG. They've played those 2 shows over & over for years & totally killed them. Even late at night. Why they wouldn't show DS9 & TOS in their place or even Enterprise is surprising. I really enjoyed DS9 although I stated on an earlier thread I didn't like continued storylines. It was the best of all the series. Voyager was the worst. The final ending was absolutely horrendous. It tied nothing together to give fans closure with the characters. The writers slapped their fans in the face.
  14. Don't let Rusev know. Rusev CRUSHHH!
  15. Pretty ironic.... Injured in a simple move not a high flying one. Too bad.
  16. I'm a wrestling fan to the extent I now only barely watch Raw & Smackdown. Other wrestling doesn't interest me much anymore. I know Zayne was a great wrestler in NXT. He suffered a severe shoulder injury & lost over a year. He has potential but jury's out. Vince may bury him like he did Tyler Breeze.
  17. He wrestled Jericho, I believe but the match didn't seem it would be that interesting so I switched to something else. If you want to be a high flyer that's the risk you take, I guess. Sammy Zayne, there's another NXT guy who needs to spend more time in the gym. What's with all these wrestlers who look like they haven't picked up a barbell in the gym in months? Maybe Zane should stay down in NXT & redshirt (as they say in football) getting to know the WWE program, develop his skills more & bulk up about 25-30 lbs. At the beginning of the match with the Miz the timing looked a bit off but Zane improved as the match went along. Still though, he's a skinny rake & I can't see him catching heat with the crowd... yet. Not like Owens did beating John Cena in his debut almost a year ago.
  18. Just getting back to WWE for a moment.... It's got to the point with me that when Stephanie comes on the mic especially in the ring I now switch channels. I may come back, I may not. So, as a viewer the advertisers on Raw have lost me as I don't see three quarters of what I used to. From watching a full 3 hours a year ago to maybe an hour here & there today. That's serious loss of revenue for the WWE as I'm not the only one but they still trot out Stephanie when only a few fans want to see her anymore. The Authority (Stephanie) is killing Raw.
  19. Never watch TNA. Other than occasionally seeing AJ Styles in a match or two over the years. I always wondered why he wasn't in the WWE all these years. Awesome wrestler & I ain't talking The Miz here. I'll watch ROH over TNA anytime of the day or night.
  20. WWE is really ******* up their fanbase. They love Undertaker, want the Authority... errr... Stephanie gone but they also want Shane to win at WrestleMania so who do they cheer for? Triple H is supposed to be the heel but they boo the face Roman. Is it any wonder the fans are totally conflicted by what is going on so they're not enthusiastic? Fans want change but not the stuff the WWE is serving up to them now. I can't get thru Raw anymore as the plots, storylines & just general common sense & logic is all out of whack. I may watch an hour or so channel surfing now but I watch other shows now. They've almost lost me as a fan. Pretty disgruntled, actually.
  21. If I'm Reigns as soon as Raw ended I'd storm back to WWE Creative screaming "WTH just happened??"
  22. Team loses when we want them to win & wins when we want them to lose. What a shitty season this has been.
  23. Roman Reigns is caught in some kind of Netherworld. The only way for him to get over now is to turn him heel the Monday after WM. Attack Ambrose, I don't know but some kind of fast heel turn.
  24. It's hard to believe just 6 months ago we were complaining about Rollins looking weak as champion & that he had too much time in front of the camera. The Golden Age.
  25. I just felt Triple H carried Ambrose & set the pace of the match. You just felt he could have ended it anytime he wanted. Ambrose needs to spend a little more time in the weight room. I like Ambrose I just don't see him as a top face & is more of a mid carder. However, with so many of the top stars injured or retired, I can definitely see why he is getting a huge push right now. Just my opinion. I'd like a discussion but don't want a huge fight over this.
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