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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. So TUP what do you think will happen with the Shane McMahon storyline? I sure get the feeling that fans will be awful upset if he loses to the Undertaker & we see more of Stephanie & Triple H. The Authority have been going on for 3 years now. I just can't see how the WWE will allow The Undertaker to lose.
  2. Someone fill me in as to why Tebow refused to switch positions? I know one reason is probably his ego but still you have to wonder why he couldn't have done really what was best for his career. He blew it.
  3. 1961. The W made it's appearance in 62.
  4. Ukrainian. We drink until we see the corpse sit up & ask for a drink. That's when we leave.
  5. Some unbelievable spots here. https://www.facebook.com/TRWCAttitude/videos/483625771838702/?fref=nf
  6. Things have got a lot better in Regina since they built a water treatment plant a couple of decades ago. You can actually drink the water now & wash clothes without them becoming stiff as a board because the water was so hard.
  7. Well, errr, umm... sorry?
  8. Walter isn't a starter but he fills an important role. He allows the ratio to stay the same if Harris was injured. Plus he can actually play the position. He's not flashy but he works hard every time he carries the football. I'd love to see him here.
  9. Walter cut? Yeah, he'd be a solid Canadian depth player behind Harris. The perfect fit.
  10. Nice. He's one of the top defensive players in the CFL.
  11. Yep, 2009 & 10. Shared starting qb duties those 2 years.
  12. If he gets in OMFG. This is a guy who'll order nukes to clean out the Middle East or North Korea. Russia & China will be on High Alert. I remember 1964 & how scared people were of Barry Goldwater. Lyndon Johnson's campaign ran a single ad showing a nuclear bomb exploding & asking if that is the kind of President people wanted & Goldwater lost.
  13. Simple answer is he'll play any position he's asked to play. If that means receiver that is more than fine.
  14. I said it wouldn't work now & didn't work in the 90's because of the exchange & ratio. Nothing has changed on those two fronts in 20 years. I don't know how many times I need to say it.
  15. No you haven't. None of what you say comes even close to being legit.
  16. You have no clue. Just throwing enough mud against the wall & some will stick.
  17. Coming from a Rider fan... Your fanbase will never give Saskatoon any credit. A team in Saskatoon right now would have a bigger fanbase than Montreal. Oh & Moncton. A city of 60,000 & fans were all for dropping an actual franchise into that town.
  18. Point is, guys get injured all the time. Not intentional. If Reigns was injured it wouldn't surprise me. #shithappens
  19. Well, they HAVE to win this year & everyone knows it. That will ultimately how this organization will be judged.
  20. Saskatoon is growing rapidly. I think a team in that city in another 10 years would be viable. Especially if oil rebounds. I have talked to others who live in Saskatoon & they say the Riders aren't that big a deal there. They said that people support the Riders but not with their wallets for season tickets. Distance, the time & money for gas that it takes to travel to Regina there & back as well as weather affect people in Saskatoon from buying season tickets for the Riders to go to games. Yet football is ingrained in Saskatoon with the Huskies. I think the Riders would do fine if Saskatoon had a team. There'd be enough fans for both teams.
  21. PA, Lloyd & NB are a long drive to games especially in November with cold & snow when the playoffs... ah forget that.
  22. I actually believe that if Saskatoon had their own CFL team the Rider fans would convert. I've been told that there's only a couple of thousand ticket holders who make the trek to Regina to watch the games. The Riders are more Southern Saskatchewan's team from what I understand. Similar to the Eskimos being Northern Alberta's team & the Stamps Southern Alberta. That would be a rip roaring rivalry though. The only problem is building a stadium.
  23. Saskatoon... What a rivalry that'd be with the Riders.
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