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Everything posted by braddman19

  1. Buck for eventual GM of BC Lions LOL
  2. I wonder what actually excites Bomber fans more.... the win, or being rid of Buck.
  3. Very very very curious about this. One of 3 options: 1) legitimately we traded Buck for a usefull Cdn receiver straight up 2) There is something else thrown in from the Bombers to get this deal done. 3) Buono hates Foster so much that he would rather have Buck. Of these 3 options, I approve all three !
  4. Hopefully the monkey is off our back. Time will tell.
  5. Good riddance if this is true. Bad attitude. Don't need any more 'me first' kinda guys on this team. I think it is unfair to label him as "Bad attitude" and a 'me first' kinda guy. If the situation is anything other than what you may have been led to believe, then it is better to get out before you get in too deep. At least this didn't happen after a couple weeks when we had really high hopes.
  6. Yeah, WTF. Bring this guy in, play him, and go from there. How does this guy come all the way up here and not even end up on the field.
  7. So all these guys that have been brought in, are they signed to a 1+1 and are therefore then free agents because of the expansion draft? Or do we have these guys signed with the ability to retain/protect them at the expansion draft?
  8. Good to see us actively getting out there and bringing in some new talent. Excited to see what these two can bring to the team.
  9. I meant more in the way that the NHL has to keep guys on the roster before they throw them onto LTIR, I would assume that CFL teams don't have to waste a roster spot in such a manner.
  10. If a player were to suffer a career ending injury or a concussion, is the team financially responsible for that player (assume a player with a year remaining on a contract suffers a concussion and then can't play for the duration of the contract). Is the team able to cut an injured player in the offseason, or are they stuck paying that player who has a carry-over injury?
  11. I really hope he walks away. He has nothing more to prove. Keep your head on, retire, do what is best for your family and your health.
  12. Good that he gets a chance to be on a winning team, unfortunately, the color is just terrible. Green bleah
  13. Welcome to the Blue Bombers starting offensive line. See you next game !
  14. Cue the 5'8" DB's. Seriously though, no chance any of these guys play this week.
  15. Curious on this though, if the end-game is to get Rottier off of his team, Hervey sure did a shitty job of trying to hide his feelings. Here, I would like to trade you Rottier, but I warn you, he plays like garbage, smells funny, and likes to do needle-work...... so I would like your very best offer.
  16. So would Rottier be an upgrade for us?
  17. Here is my hope for Pencer. When he does eventually get put in, he knocks a defender to the ground, and tells them that they can stop bringing the house every down, because they will have to pick a defender up off the field after every play. Our O-Line needs to get meaner, knock someone on their ass, and show them that they are tired of having defences running rough-shod all over them.
  18. So, at what point does a team trade a pick or whatever to Ottawa, in order for them to not select one of their two passable QB's? I don't see any way that Toronto gives up either of Ray or Collaros.
  19. RBs sucking pretty much falls under the offensive game plan though. When we are down 20 points in the 1st qtr, they aren't going to run the ball because they are trying to get points faster. OR RBs suck because the Oline doesn't open up any holes OR RBs suck because everyone keys on the run because we can't move the ball by passing.... OR RBs suck because there is no coaching Take your pick. If Woodson is healthy sure give him some touches, its been a while since he has been healthy.
  20. What? Coach Burke has an opinion on something? AMAZING
  21. Can you 9-game a player, and then ask him to stay away from the team?
  22. Really though, we might as well suit Pencer up when he is eligible. What is the harm in throwing him into the fire, get him some experience. 2 years on the IR and no playing time.
  23. I just don't get why as a team we put emphasis on NI receivers the past couple of years, when we could have been drafting OL. Far too many receivers drafted for my liking... especially when we drafted late round receiver prospects.
  24. I voted no, mainly because I come to the site for user created content. I constantly go over the Free Press and the Sun daily for my Bomber news anyways. I just think that having a separate thread that has only a link to a story creates too much stuff to try and sort through here on MBB
  25. Impressed that the Bombers didn't cave to pressure and put Buck back in. Hall gets a 2nd start, and we can go from there. So could we put an end to the whole Buck should be #1 thing until after the friggin game at least. The team has made their choice, so accept it for whatever amount of time it lasts.
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