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Everything posted by braddman19

  1. Now, I don't know a thing about this fellow. Anyone care to give a quick Chad Anderson for dummies course?
  2. Really excited for tonight's game. I really think that as a team we have made huge strides, and it would be awesome to be 4-0. Mind you, can you really be disappointed with a 3-1 start?
  3. Or maybe has someone like Brohm or Marve asked for their release to pursue other opportunity?
  4. Why do we need another QB?
  5. An import receiver to TOR if Owens is out for a bit?
  6. A bit surprising. Not crazy surprising, but a bit.
  7. Wpg - 2 pts. Thats what matters here. It could be 52-0, it could be 2-1, all that matters is that we come out with the 2 pts for the win. Seriously though, guessing 27 - 24 Wpg Concerned with the offensive game planning from the last game, hoping we get our crap together.
  8. I liked that after the one stupid penalty, he got over into the ear of the coordinator who was responsible for the player. And then he made sure to voice his displeasure. No yelling, no screaming, no getting in the face of the player.... just a message "We do not need those sorts of penalties"
  9. Unfortunate that it turned out this way. Obviously the Bombers feel the best way to proceed is to part ways, and I will support that. We wouldn't be at this moment, if the other players we had couldn't fill the role.
  10. Very happy with Willy's perfromance last night. Gotta say, the poise he shows is great, and the love he showed for the entire team in his post game interview was a welcome change!
  11. I chose Winnipeg. I think Burris is going to get smoked, and the RedBlacks success lies firmly on his shoulders.
  12. He may not have had the players to compete. He also did not have the coaching experience to compete as a HC. He didn't have the heart, the drive, or display the passion. Everyone has a choice. You don't have to take a HC job. Accept the fact you were in over your head and stop trying to rationalize the **** pile of a coaching job that he left on the field here.
  13. The Hall thing is pretty simple. The new regime wanted something different from their QBs that Hall didn't have. Hopefully we will continually strive to be better, and put the best players available on the field.
  14. I have a question about PR spots. With it being said previously that the 11 cut will not be joining the PR, how does it work? Does staff go to the player and say "Look, we like you a lot, but we just don't have a spot for you.... but if you want to stick around on the PR we might find a spot for you?"
  15. Surprised we did not end up with more challengers at receiver and linebacker.
  16. Interesting to me that we only had to release one National.
  17. I honestly am expecting at least one big name (besides Hall).
  18. I honestly think it is Marve who will be gone. Would prefer greatly if it were Hall however.
  19. Awesome! Really appreciate all of the updates that were provided this year, feeding a Bomber's addiction to those of us out of town/unable to attend. Many thanks guys!
  20. Honestly, it isn't surprising. Past poor performances would eventually come to bite us in the rear in terms of attendance. Put a quality product on the field, and the fans will support it. Last season pushed a lot of fans to their breaking points.
  21. I see what you did there. Clever.
  22. I am calling BS on the "no interest". Every other person we are linked to signs elsewhere, so maybe it is just a reverse psychology thing to keep the other teams thinking we aren't interested. Very sneaky Walters and O'Shea. Very sneaky!
  23. Oh Dear. Lirim. Here are the keys sir.
  24. I think with Pencer being cut, it shows Walters/Oshea have more confidence in their own guys that they brought in. Would love to see Goosen be a bonafide player for the Bombers for a long time. Hopefully the change in drafting strategy proves beneficial!
  25. Terrible terrible news for Lucas. Hopefully he can come back from this. On the flip side, hopefully we can get someone else in ASAP that can fill the position and get some training camp time in.
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