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Everything posted by braddman19

  1. Here is one for you... BC will go after Collaros as a backup lol
  2. Strange, I wonder if the foot injuries for DiCroce had anything to do with the Bombers losing him. Had really high hopes for him.
  3. I really like the updates we are getting from Walters. Some really informative things are being said, to let fans really understand the process of what is going on during the offseason.
  4. Hopefully!
  5. So, anyone have a guess who the first NI taken from our team is going to be?
  6. Good Luck PLL. Man, we are going to have some holes to fill this year.
  7. Hoping that we make some moves tomorrow. Will honestly not be surprised if we don't.
  8. At least it would get Proulx off the field though!
  9. I was at the press conference. Wade Miller was standing near the back of the room with Oshea's son. Thanks gbill2004!
  10. So, I listened to, and then watched the press conference later on, Did I miss something though? I don't recall hearing Wade speak, or even remember seeing him at the presser. Somewhat impressed that he has left the past 2 days worth of announcements up to Walters.
  11. The thing is, if they didn't ask a stupid question, they have no question to ask. "not going to comment on ...." Its like the media here asks questions just to annoy people.
  12. 1290 is in progress, missed like 10 minutes of it. Bummer
  13. This honestly sucks. Super stoked to watch this, and FAIL.
  14. Listening to CJOB intently online now.... still no functioning feed
  15. Now that you've changed your avatar, does this mean the circus has officially left Winniepg? I think the past two days have been very important for Winnipeg's football future. I'm very happy. I've really been impressed with what I have seen the past couple of days. This IMHO is how a football team should be run. Quality football guys. Trying to get important signings announced before every corner of the internet is reporting it. This is how a team rebuilds its reputation. Quality people. Put all the drama behind us and lets build a great team.
  16. To me listening to it, McManus came off more like he knew what he needed to do to get paid for an full year as a player. I wouldn't say that it means he has a "solid understanding of the CFL’s collective bargaining agreement". It was a lame question from Penton in the news conference, going for a good quote, instead of asking something that might be important.
  17. Really impressed if it is O'Shea, with Walters sticking to his guns. Would be even more impressed today if we OC and DC as well. Get the framework all setup so we can go into the dispersal draft with most coaching positions settled.
  18. Really filling out the front office. Now, lets hire a damn coach !
  19. I'm not sure I agree with this... over the last 3-4 years we've had our backup NI's playing on offence and defence more than I ever remember any other regime doing. Guys like Swiston, Labbe, Thomas, West, Sherman, Ryan Lucas, and any of our 4 or 5 NI receivers have all seen playing time on offence/defence. Compare that to when we had guys like Daryl Stephenson, Neil McKinlay, Shawn Mayne... now those are guys who never saw the field outside of special teams. What I do agree with though, is that the problem is that none of these guys ever really successfully climbed the depth chart, even though they've had the opportunity. I'm not trying to say its an issue that has cropped up in the past 3-4 years, its been an ongoing thing. Yes the fill'ins are getting better, but I would never want to have to rely on someone like Labbe long term (just picking one out of the group), if Henoc leaves.
  20. I won't delve into the whole Mack thing, but here is my opinion on the Cdn Depth issue. As an organization, for too long IMHO, we haven't placed enough of an emphasis on our Canadian talent. It doesn't matter which regime it was, but we have been settling too much on only having enough passable guys to fill the starting ratio. As a team, we should have been striving to go after quality NI FA's, and drafting at positions where we could build significant depth. (I'm sorry, but the splurge we did at WR last year drives me crazy, we are only ever going to play 2 CDN rec at a time, as opposed to possibly 4 OL). O-Line and D-Line should have been priorities over WR/RB etc. Instead of mainly concentrating on filling the # of starters, we should have been working harder to improve the depth of our backups. Its a sad day when a quality NI starter gets hurt, and we have non-tested NI players to fill in. We need to do a better job of getting backups into the games, getting them experience, and properly coaching them so they will improve so that they could eventually work their way up the depth-chart, and take over when we do eventually need them to.
  21. Not a single one of WPG's FA OL that you would deem as a must-sign though??
  22. THIS JUST IN !!!!! Mike's Source rumored to be Joe Mack himself !
  23. Just looking at our FA OL, Anyone out of WPG's FA OL crop that is a "must have" to be brought back? Or are there names on that list that posters really want us to go after? Also, from all the Andrew Harris talk, I assumed he was a FA, guess not.
  24. If that happened, wouldn't the next successor in Tor possibly be O'Shea for DC?
  25. Its about motivation, attitude, and getting the most out of your players. If O'Shea is the one that brings that all to the table, awesome. To be a success, I feel strongly that you must have a combination of all three. If you are lacking in even one you will fail.
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