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Everything posted by WinnipegGordo

  1. They can't even pick up Tyler Witt, the other oline Bomber practice guy from last season. He has signed in the XFL.
  2. Just curious, anyone ever hear if Walters tries to work within salary limits for each position group? Even if he doesn't, the team is limited in terms of what they can pay QB2.
  3. That's because there is only 3 episodes so far. LOL Fourth one comes out on Friday.
  4. Are you referring to Stove? He shud have been used to the cold having been from Chicago and playing in Minnesota.
  5. It reminds me of the old Daily Show with Jon Stewart correspondent reports.
  6. Also, teams are still allowed to go over the cap. What's the problem if the Bombers go over the cap by say 80k? They just need to pay a fine of 80k. What if it allows them to win the Grey Cup again? Does anyone remember/ care which Grey Cup champs have gone over the cap?
  7. Yup, and prolly no money left for a high priced kicker. My guess is if Leggs loses the field goal job it will be to a Global player as they are still relatively cheap.
  8. Nope. That originated from TiCats' team account. They also edited a sign. They have since deleted both tweets.
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