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Everything posted by WinnipegGordo

  1. Johnson also played cornerback Thursday - and he had an interception return for a TD in one drill. Gardner is expected to dress for Saturday’s game, so he's on a crash course to learn the offence. "If he was to go in the game, I told him he needs to know about five plays," Roughriders head coach-GM Chris Jones said. "We've got to be able to run the football some with him and he’s got to know five passing plays in order to get us through the game if he's playing this early." Defensive tackle Eddie Steele has lined up at guard all week and he's expected to play both ways against the Als. "You've got to do what you've got to do for the team," Steele said. "It's not unfamiliar territory; I started a couple of games (on the Edmonton Eskimos' O-line) back in 2015." The Roughriders appear set to use newly signed Mic'hael Brooks in their rotation at defensive tackle alongside Zack Evans and Makana Henry. Steele could get some time there while also backing up on the O-line. "I don't (have a preference)," Steele said. "It's football and I like playing football. O-line is slowly growing on me, but I'm still wearing the green shirt (of a defensive player) in practice." https://www.riderville.com/2018/06/28/notebook-david-watford-ready-called-upon/
  2. Well, according to a post at Riderfans Johnson was practicing at corner today. Guess that's what happens when you don't have any back up DBs.
  3. The Riders needed a Gardner for their pre-practice players' house.
  4. Alexander didnt practice today. Sayles was on the field in his place.
  5. I was at practice last week and Flanders definitely has a leg injury. It wasn't as clear how banged up Spooner is.
  6. There was a Forensic Files episode on this case. I saw it recently before coming across The Staircase on Netflix. I started watching the series but it sort of lost its appeal now that I know what happened.
  7. Glenn has also received an off-season bonus similar to Durant"s. So there's that.
  8. Ok thanks. I saw the name Campbell and got him mixed up with the DB they got from Calgary. Tommie is still with Montreal as of last check.
  9. Here's a link to the interview for those that want to listen to it: http://ckrm.streamon.fm/listen-pl-3182?smc=9
  10. Yeah, I listened to the interview and Pedersen was basically giggling when his asked about the signing bonus.
  11. It was pretty good overall for its second year. Just look at how long it's taken Grey Cup week to evolve into what it is today. For Friday night it seemed like they could have scheduled something more at the Convention Centre. If there was no Jets game I probably wouldn't have gone to the Bombers tailgate. My suggestion is to have a CFL players skills competition on Friday night. The league kept on mentioning that 52 players were brought to CFL week but the truth is most of them weren't accessible to the fans. Saturday afternoon there was a bit of lull for events. They should have had players from each team at the Convention Centre signing autographs. As it was most of players that signed autographs were Bombers or former Bombers . I believe the only none Bomber was Greg Ellingson. The line-up for Doug Bown, Matt Dunigan and Milt was probably 90 minutes long and they were only there for an hour. Clearly there's an appetite for autographs. The CFL tweet-up was a disappointment as it was nothing like what they have at the Grey Cups. There was no players, no engagement, no pictures with the Grey Cup, no contests etc. It seemed more like an end of day wind-up for CFL staffers that worked the events.
  12. Incorrect. A player that wins the Grey Cup will receiver a total of 23 thousand in playoff money.
  13. Any more info on the Bombers' tailgate? It's Friday afternoon so I'm just wondering how busy it will be. Maybe it'll be like University beer bashes and have free pizzas. Good call Noeller about the Jets game. At least there's something to do after the tailgate.
  14. Some people want to play closer to home.
  15. Judge had an epic melt-down on twitter in the fall. There's no guarantee that he's back playing football this year.
  16. Yeah, Walters has made about 3 trades since becoming GM. Meanwhile Jones has made around 15 since joining the Riders.
  17. So, did Carter tell the Riders about his Peg charge or did he pull a Pavelec? It's funny that the one team that likes to talk about their player code of conduct seems to have the most arrests in the league every year.
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