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Everything posted by WinnipegGordo

  1. NFL teams are supposed to contact CFL clubs if they are interested in working out a player under contract. For example Walters would know exactly how much interest there was in Bond based on how many teams contacted him. Then again maybe NFL teams realize these guys are still signed for another year so they speak to the players' agents instead.
  2. Can we all agree not to call him Doubles as I was never a fan of the nickname. Might be a good name for a cat but not for a grown man.
  3. I'd be surprised that Bridge shakes loose from the Riders. He just signed a new contract a month ago. I know Jones goes through players but one would think he does some longer term planning than a month at a time.
  4. I wonder if Durant feels slighted. First the Riders use the draft pick they got for trading Durant to get Collaros, now Jones gives Collaros the contract that Durant was asking for last season.
  5. This wasn't a planned leaked as it was already out there. In the fall Heath and Randle were interviewed and were asked about their relationship. Randle talked about how he plays a more structured game and Heath mentioned he was more prone to take chances and Randle would compensate for him. They talked about how they have great communication between them so they know what the other is doing.
  6. I watched Peaky Blinders which I thoroughly enjoyed. It's set in Birmingham England which is where my some of my roots are from so it was cool to watch from that perspective.
  7. I watched the XFL and was actually entertained. They had a bunch of innovative rules and broadcast technology that has since been adopted by the NFL. Check the 30 for 30 documentary if you have the chance. My only concerns would be how much the players in the new league were paid and if the XFL would respect CFL contracts. Spring leagues if done right have the chance to succeed. They just can't try to compete with the NFL (which Trump didn't understand when he killed the USFL).
  8. I wonder if Hall's health issues from earlier in the year will play into things.
  9. He ended the season on the practice roster so he's currently a free agent. Not sure if the Bombers wanted to keep him around and he declined or if they just decided to let him go. Maybe they are able to put him on their neg list. Whats interesting is last week the Bombers put practice roster guys Jervaris Jones and Myles White on the injured list but not Spooner. These guys are now free agents: Zach BaumanRobert PorterKyrie WilsonShayon Green Ian MaroufFrank RenaudQadr Spooner Darnell Walker
  10. Ticket prices were raised for the playoffs. So the discounts bring the prices back down to regular season single game price ranges.
  11. Walters will have a bit of work to do getting guys on the Oline re-signed. I've got Goossen, Chugh and Couture as being signed for next season, meaning Bryant, Bond, Hardrick, Foketi and Neufeld are pending free agents.
  12. If they need to replace someone on the 44 man it doesn't have to be Bond or Hardrick. The Bombers could tell the league they are doing an emergency roster adjustment so they can suit up someone from the practice roster. This is a home game so they have access to these players if needed. They did this earlier the year for the Banjo Bowl when Loffler was a last minute scratch.
  13. I imagine the rule is in place so teams don't try to circumvent the trade deadline. Say for example the Bombers now need a Sam to replace Leggett. Then another team like the Als that are out of the playoffs just so happens to release an all-star quality Sam that the Bombers proceed to sign. Then in the off-season the Bombers and Als make a deal that heavily favours the Als as compensation for the Sam they released.
  14. I didn't see the replay, but didn't Awe nail Harris with a helmet to helmet hit?
  15. I had to laugh that with all the Riders pre-planned TD celebrations that it was the REDBLACKS that got the penalty for taking too long to celebrate.
  16. Check out Glenn after the game. Doesn't look like a guy that would inspire his teammates. Can anyone imagine Nichols acting like this?
  17. Collaros is signed for next year still under the existing deal. If he gets traded I can see it where Hamilton' s trading partner gets to talk to Collaros and his agent before the trade is finalized to be able to re-work his contract.
  18. I have Pierce and Willy jerseys that I didn't get much use out of. That being said my next jersey will prolly be Nichols. I have a Harris that I haven't worn all year as I'd been wearing a Brock jersey and the team has been playing well at home so I didn't want to change it up. I think I'll sport my Harris for the rest of the season however as he goes for 1000 / 1000. Adams would be another good choice. He's under contract for another 2 years.
  19. Fans can now bring in umbrellas that are 18 inches or smaller. You just can't use them while in the stadium but they shouldn't be confiscating them.
  20. The 1981 Alouettes signed Billy White Shoes Johnson, Vince Ferragamo and David Overstreet. Only Overstreet street was a 1st rounder but the other 2 were established NFLers.
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