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Everything posted by WinnipegGordo

  1. Lol, I hear you. But so is giving Ryan Smith a hundred grand or so in bonuses.
  2. Yeah, maybe Bryant and Medlock were team players and helped out the team with a win-win scenario. For example, Bryant and Medlock could have restructured their deals and are taking 50 000 less in base salary for a 40 000 signing bonus that counts this year. Walters saves 20 000 total for this year's SMS and the players get a signing bonus which is taxed at 15% so they end up with more take home pay.
  3. Brought in to take the focus off the team's 1-8 record.
  4. Hey, isn't Rod Black from Transcona?
  5. Hardrick looked to be healthy at practice yesterday and did get a lot of reps. I think it's just a case of the team being on a 3-0 run and they don't want to make too many changes.
  6. Is that confirmed? I didn't see any reports from the media just fan speculation.
  7. But back then the rosters were smaller and teams had to start more NIs. Now teams have a lot more flexibility with their roster management. I say teams should strive to start 3 NIs on the Oline but if you find 3 quality Americans instead then so be it. Like it's been mentioned already it seems like the talent and schemes on the defence has out-passed the Oline NI players that are being brought in.
  8. They may be paying Taman and Chamblain for the next 2 years but the payouts are off their books. The payouts of over a million bucks was all accounted for in the Riders' 2015-2016 budget.
  9. Montreal is trying to compete with the Riders to see which team can build the biggest dumpster fire;
  10. Fans / media across the league have said the Bombers tried to build through free agency. But, I think that's an unfair assessment. Sure, the Bombers signed 6-7 or so starters but the majority of the rest of their new players are CFL rookies. The Riders meanwhile didn't sign the big names on the 1st day of FA as Jones tried to find value players on day 2. But it didn't end there. 25-30 of the players on the Riders' roster at the start of the season were from other CFL teams. Looks like all the Riders' 25 scouts do is check out the other CFL teams.
  11. I checked the CFLPA website and the Stamps player reps at the start of the season were; Deron Mayo Jeff Hecht Rob Cote (alternate) Interesting that Hecht was traded to the Riders yesterday. Conspiracy?
  12. Uh-oh, I only have 7 more free Medicine Hat News stories for the rest of month. Gotta pace myself.
  13. Unlike Roddy, Bob would never say we or us when talking about the team he covers. Happy B Day Bob, and I like the text option for questions into the coach's show by the way. (text your questions to 204-780-6868).
  14. It was actually Mike Reilly and not BLM that tweeted, "Wow, this makes me think Rod Pedersen might not know anything about football." Rod predicted the Riders would win the West, Stamps in 2nd, Lions in 3rd and the Esks and Bombers were a toss up for last place.
  15. Riders are caught in a landslide.
  16. Well done. You get 10 Internet points for using the word nefarious.
  17. They have also changed their 46 man roster twice this year after submitting it. They would had permission from the league / other team to do so. League has helped them out and this is the thanks they get. Lol They had to replace a total of 3 injured players but wouldn't they have known they were injured before they submitted their roster. I mean teams normally just have a walk through the day before the game, unless Jones puts them through a 5 hour practice or something. They also got fined a few years ago for having veteran players participate at 2 mini camps instead of just the one that's allowed. I also seem to recall they got fined for having a player take part in practice before he was signed with the team. That was about 3 or 4 years ago but I couldn't find the details with a quick google search, just going by memory.
  18. Jones just has to call out a few fans then he'll have gone full Mike Kelly.
  19. Only time I could see the Bombers keeping a few players around is at the beginning of training camp. When players are cut or injured the team can quickly replace them and maintain the maximum roster limit. These extra players aren't practicing with the team however. Just have a look at the Bombers' transactions during the regular season for the last hand full of years. Very few players are brought in once the season starts. Most of them are in Sept when the practice roster increases.
  20. The Bombers have kept injured players like Cole around while they healed up. But, there's no proof they were getting paid by the team. Cole also didn't practice with the team while he wasn't on the roster. I wonder if Sears practiced in Regina when he wasn't on the team. I remember the Riders got fined a few years ago when they had a guy practicing with the team before they officially signed him.
  21. GBill got his info from a post I made on the other forum. I got the intel from a media member in town. Yesterday Gary Lawless confirmed the bonus on twitter;
  22. How does someone get injured during walkthrough? This is the 2nd time this year the Riders have made changes after they announce their 46 man roster. They should have to stick to the roster they initially submitted to the league. That's why they allow for a 2 man reserve.
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