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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Other than the fact that they win, what did Calgary do in that game that would worry you?
  2. I feel like they honour the 89 GC team like 3 times every season. I know it's basically all they have, but seriously... How many times do you need to do a presentation to these assholes?
  3. I've wanted so badly for Stanley to make it purely out of spite because of all the jackasses braying about how he's too big and slow.
  4. I was laughing so hard... What a tool
  5. Montreal is no hot hell but **** the Riders and their piece of **** fans. Hope the Als win by bigger than we did....
  6. **** do I ever hate BLM.... What a cocky prick.
  7. It was garbage! Not like it was good football... Nothing but errors and turnovers. That's just garbage football and makes the league look second rate.
  8. Fuxk is Hamilton useless. Gave this game away completely. Calgary has been a smelly deuce all afternoon and Ham just gave it to them.
  9. Don't **** on libraries or the arts. I'm hugely in favour of funding them. There's room for the arts and sports to co-exist. Neither the Stamps nor TiCats scare me, as a Bombers fan.
  10. Both teams look shitty to start. Alls I know is, Bombers would be kicking some major butt right now...
  11. anyone who hasn't yet, go read Ed Tait's interview with him at BlueBombers.com.... the guy spends most of the interview saying "the whole thing was luck. I don't deserve any of the awards and accolades I've received in my life". It was really something.....I'll be damned if you'd ever seen an American athlete say something like that EVER.
  12. not sure I've ever really cheered for the Tabbies...definitely will today.
  13. Too bad Provorov already signed... I'd deal Laine for him in a heartbeat...
  14. I read something like 40m tied up in their core of Matthews, Marner, Tavares amd Nylander...
  15. I like Mitch Marner a lot as a hockey player but he's not one of the best friends laters in the league, nor should he be paid like one...
  16. Yeah, count me in as thinking Reilly goes off tonight against a truly horrible Ottawa team...
  17. if you've never seen the "Bombers Traditions" DVD, do yourself a favour and check it out. Great story about how, in the 80s, while the team was practicing in Brandon, he and Kennerd would take this little hatchback car over to 7-11 and load up on slurpees for the team, and then drive right on to the field and open up the hatch with a **** ton of slurpees in the back. Said it bought them so much grace, especially with the OL. I laugh every time at the thought........straight up LEGEND.
  18. I can't wait to watch this doc this weekend. Love FP!
  19. Straight up all time legend status...
  20. I've seen this a couple times lately......it's actually "Tongue-IN-Cheek"..... ....Okay, I'm good now....
  21. If Exume was a potential safety, why wouldn't he have gone higher in the draft? He went nearly last because all he does is STs... Or so I thought...?
  22. Hecht is often late getting to a play, so he definitely doesn't have big time speed, but I think more often than not he's in the right place and gets the job done. Serviceable is right....
  23. I don't think Hecht deserves the heat he's taking on here, but I would absolutely be in for taking a good safety if there is one...
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