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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Stl, Dallas, SJ, Colorado Boson, Tampa, Wash, NYI STL, SJ Tampa, Wash Sti/Tampa Tampa
  2. Love it....if it's not a Manitoba team repping us, then I'm all in on the European Mike McEwen...
  3. It's interesting for sure... Depending on the cost. Medlock could concentrate on just kicking...
  4. I believe the Jets are a mess right now, but I also believe the series hinges on St Louis's Andrew Hammond-esque goaltender situation....
  5. I'm certainly not gonna tell anyone how to vote, and you can say what you want about Roberts' laziness, but he's just GOTTA be one of the two....
  6. I believe 05 was the year we basically had no DC, so the players were going out there and trying to make it up as they best they could...
  7. so this is what it feels like....when doves cry.......
  8. First: Great thread idea....Bluto, you're a rock star and I appreciate you......... Second: I have been thinking and wracking my brain over this for the last hour, and am just having a really tough time. I want to go 100 - Riders Fans. They're a scourge of the earth....I don't use the word "hate" very often, but i think I truly HATE Riders fans that are so completely ******* ignorant and don't know anything about CFL or even that much about their own team (almost all of them) But then I want to throw Stamps and Flames fans in there, too, because they're basically the same thing......just complete ******* morons and bandwagon jumpers. And I hate people like that SO ******* MUCH......... Of late, (mostly thanks to social media), the Leafs fans are getting really really bad.......BUT..............Jets fans, thanks to the NHL jerking them all off last year about being "Canada's Team" in the NHL, are kind of getting to that Riders fan level.....which sucks for me as a very passionate Jets fan. So, in conclusion.........I really don't know how to divvy up that pie.....
  9. Pretty sure Maxx Forde is already that guy....no need for the Lesser Busterman...
  10. Tough list, for sure, but for me it was a fairly easy selection....Leo Lewis and Charles Roberts.
  11. Not sure how many have a FreeP account (I do...) but this is a really good read... https://t.co/7aVZxKFEuu
  12. surprised he'd even have to try out.......he'll automatically be their MOP this year if he signs...
  13. I agree with this...so many other teams coaches have said that Winnipeg is a big, heavy team that is also fast...it's a dangerous combination when they're actually firing.
  14. I actually laughed really hard about that......"if Ambrosie had his way......"
  15. Concerned about where Buff's head is at. He got pissy about not getting PP time (he might be right to be, but that's irrelevant) and smashed a stick, then he gets out there in OT and fucks up. Super concerned about where he's at. A story from Noeller's youth: I used to play a lot of fastball, growing up. Both windmill and orthodox (no windmill/slingshot). We had this guy on our team my whole life growing up that was super talented...big, strong, just an all around athlete. But he was really big on being the hero. One year, we had a pretty bad team...didn't win many games. We somehow put it all together against one of the best teams in the league and were cruising...winning going into the bottom of the last inning. This guy had been playing another position, but decided he wanted to pitch. We all agreed "No, the other guy is dominating right now...it would be stupid to take him out" but the guy says "if you don't let me pitch, I'm going to screw up on purpose out here...I'll let balls go by me, etc..." Just a really bad attitude...would sabotage the team if he didn't get his way. So, fine...we let him pitch.....and the other team just tees off on him. We end up losing the game. Now.......I'm not saying this story has anything to do with the Jets........I'm just saying................
  16. I honestly feel like, if the Jets win a single playoff game, it'll be a miracle....not sure what happened to this team, but they're a mess.
  17. In theory, this looks like a really really good roster (...aside from Comrie...)
  18. What's interesting about the Savoie trade is that both brothers are committed to NCAA right now, but there's buzz that they might change their minds and play together in Winnipeg, as the Ice have the 1st overall pick and will most certainly be taking Matthew...
  19. So I'm legitimately curious because I had no idea ringette had this problem......why does ringette have so many concussions?
  20. tonight needs to be a statement game for the Jets. Game 81, you can't be having these huge internal issues. Go out there and lay a beating down....
  21. Couldn't be happier for that entitled fan base...
  22. SanchezDavis2‏Verified account @DavisSanchez FollowFollow @DavisSanchez More Sources tell me #Redblacks are so disgruntled because of the way former OC Jamie Elizondo departed. They believe Elizondo had known for sometime he was leaving to #XFL yet didn’t inform the organization. Instead stayed on staff therefore was a part of coaches meetings & planning. Sense is this stems from the teams refusal to allow Elizondo to interview for the Riders HC job a few months back . I reached out to Elizondo today and he didn’t want to comment
  23. Ask the Hawks about that.......Patrick Sharp rotted that team apart almost single handedly a few years ago.
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