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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. I get what Colin's saying and actually agree with him, in that there's angry old white men who don't want any kind of change ever (it's an Alberta thing that I'm discovering exists outside these borders...)....... .....Having said that, I really think all this is a moo point and we'll everything will proceed as normal this season...
  2. lol @ announcing the draft 2 months before it happens. Ha ha...if it was an announcement for 2020, then maybe.....
  3. anyone under 30 today is a moron....easily distracted by shiny things....
  4. Was just having a conversation with a marketing person at my office about this, because they're always trying to get us to do more Video/Audio content for use online, and I was raging about how that **** is stupid, and whatever happened to a quality written piece...? Blargh. At any rate, the link I shared is just a radio interview between the TSN Edmonton guys and Scianetti....it's pretty good.
  5. Big news: @JDunk12 Two Canadian defensive backs, Malcolm Lee and Stavros Katsantonis moved to 2020 #CFLDraft following positive drug tests https://3downnation.com/2019/04/25/two-canadian-defensive-backs-moved-to-2020-cfl-draft-following-positive-drug-tests/ … #UBC #USports #CFL
  6. Sunday evening for us...Should be a time. Alright...I'm out.
  7. I believe those are different things, but don't quote me...I don't know the first thing about fashion. All I know is that if Josh Donaldson wasn't so damn good at baseball for the Jays, I definitely wouldn't have been cheering for him. Bighill, for the Bombers, too...........blech.
  8. I'm all aboard the Isles bandwagon. Trotz, Eberle and "**** Tavares, we're gonna win in spite of him" is fantastic...
  9. https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/04/24/mini-camp-report-lucky-whitehead-looking-second-chance/
  10. https://winnipegsun.com/sports/football/cfl/winnipeg-bluebombers/mini-camp-bombshells-former-aaf-players-hoping-to-use-experience-from-defunct-league-to-get-work-in-cfl https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/04/24/min-camp-report-football-bigger-purpose-joe-este/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  11. ahhhh......that's kind of a shame..... #NeckBeard #TopKnot
  12. immediately pulling for Drew Morgan...
  13. Indeed but we only have the rights to them for something like 56 hours (according to one of the beat writer tweets) so we'll have to sign them sooner rather than later........
  14. I really don't think our roster is full of choir boys....and I'm more than happy with the current MO of trying to find great character that is also a great ball player. They're not mutually exclusive things...
  15. must be one hell of a receiver, is the conclusion I'll draw....
  16. this guy does not seem like the kind of personality MOS looks for in a player.........interesting.
  17. https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/04/24/pitts-williams-inducted-canadian-football-hall-fame/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Good stuff....David Williams, who was part of that amazing 1993 team with Dunigan, and Ernie Pitts, who somehow wasn't already in the HOF, despite being an All Star about 6 or 7 times, at two different positions...
  18. fwiw, there's apparently a bunch of AAF players participating in Bombers mini-camp right now...
  19. I didn't realize how badly I wanted Mike Sellers as a Bombers assistant coach until just now....
  20. I don't care what the penalty was, if you give up 4 goals on a 5 min major, you deserve to lose. That should be virtually impossible to do...
  21. It almost doesn't even deserve acknowledging, but, re: Toews 4 Laine: I'm just about the biggest Jon Toews fan there is, and I'm probably the least enamoured with Laine of any Jets fan, and I still think that'd be a massively bad trade for the Jets. If it's Laine now for JT circa 2009, then okay fine. But Toews's best days are behind him, sadly, and Laine's still in his pro hockey infancy. Bad, bad trade just for the sake of "Winnipeg guy goes home"...
  22. There's a pile of info here from the Sun. I was going to copy/paste, but Wyman clearly worked to put out this much content, so we owe him some clicks: https://winnipegsun.com/sports/football/cfl/winnipeg-bluebombers/anatomy-of-a-roster-how-danny-mcmanus-and-his-staff-build-up-bombers-american-talent
  23. I don't enjoy audio/video content...always prefer to read.....but having said that, this is a really good interview with Scianetti on TSN Radio Edmonton: https://www.tsn.ca/radio/edmonton-1260/audio/scianitti-i-don-t-think-there-s-a-cause-for-concern-yet-1.1292728
  24. Waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much referencing analytics. Saying that Maurice didn't follow the analytics so therefore he's wrong. Fart noises.
  25. https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/04/22/mini-camp-preview-3/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
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