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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. If they get 20k in there Friday night, I'll be shocked....Calgary is one of the most fair-weather sports towns going, and the forecast is for **** on Friday night. I'm wearing full ice-fishing gear!
  2. **** you guys are insane right now...amazing what a couple losses in an 11-win season will do. We don't need a GM.......I'm not even sure we need to "fix" the scouting, but if we do, we just need someone down south who can find bodies. Not someone up here that does player personnel day to day...
  3. also have to keep in mind how difficult it is for the D when the O can't sustain a drive and give them a break.....
  4. the story about Steven Seagal and Katherine Heigl made me sick to my stomach last week. I think everyone knew Hollywood was sleazy, but I'm not sure I knew it was THIS bad....like really, crazy, brutal bad on women and minorities.....Christ.
  5. Everyone's is! It was a known fact going into the 2017 CIS Draft that it was one of the weakest in years...
  6. It's always so funny when I read stuff like this. Pittsburgh D had like 5 turnovers in the first half of the first period. Murray got ZERO help in front of him, but hey...he let in 5 goals or whatever, so he's "teh shits".... then the poor DeSmith kid who comes in, and within the first minute, another brutal turnover, and Wheeler makes an INCREDIBLE move on the defenseman and puts a backhand top shelf....what the hell's he going to do? I almost...*almost* felt bad for the Pitt goalies. Except **** 'em 'cause it's Pittsburgh, and yay Jets....
  7. So Irving reporting that Harris is good to go and will play this weekend, but Nichols "Not so much...", for what that's worth. Regardless of what's wrong with him, hopefully Davis is put in a position to succeed and looks better than he did last week. Curious to know how much closer (if at all) Flanders is this week. Hoping we'll have everyone that's not "done for the year" ready for the 12th...
  8. I have faith that if they know Davis is starting this week (he should be...) then they'll tailor a game plan to play to his strengths this week, and he'll look more like he did in the pre-season games. This Friday night should basically be a glorified pre-season game anyhow, so let's see it. If the guy pulls out a win, call it a bonus.
  9. I don't give two shits where we play Nov 12....Dom Davis HAS to start this week. No chances with Nichols.
  10. Davis has a rocket arm... We've see it! That's what was so maddening about his performance on Saturday.... We've SEEN that the guy can play well! I dunno what the hell was going on out there...
  11. Qft. When this team was healthy and winning regularly, I haven't had this much fun watching Bombers football in years. Love this team and the management we have running them.
  12. At this point in the season, what you see is what you get. For better or worse, we're running with the guys we've got...
  13. Interesting note from John Hodge in his post game report, saying that Darian Durant's relationship with Lapo would make Winnipeg a good landing spot for him next year, as a sort of Glenn-esque back up....
  14. They will catch zero heat because everyone knows injuries cost them, period. Shitty luck, but it happens...
  15. When our roster is healthy, we're as good or better than anyone in the league. You guys are loony tunes...
  16. Here's the thing: What you don't know, would fill a warehouse. And me too for that matter. There's countless names put there that neither of us knows about who might be just the right guy.
  17. Here's the thing about that: with Neufeld in for Bond today, Nevis/Poop combo should be in. Scratches will be Bond/Foketi...
  18. Re: JFG..... According to reports, Coates is being rewarded for a great week of practice and JFG is a healthy scratch. It was in Taits pre game article...
  19. There is a middle ground... That's where I wanna be. We can have a great D and sing kumbaya on a camping trip to Birds Hill...
  20. That's a fair point......also f*** the Riders entire organization, just on principle...
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