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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. So it's Nevis sitting with Foketi.... Man I hate sitting one of those DTs. Better Nevis than Poop, but still.... Christ.
  2. thought he had a really solid game, and stood out in all the right ways...
  3. So is BLM really hurt or what? *edit* Dickenson says he got his bell rung and they checked him for concussion but he thinks he'll be fine...
  4. I pray that guy looks every bit the ******* we know he is....
  5. I love both of those so much... Well done, gents. A rare tip if the cap from me for something funny on the intertubes...
  6. And Gudino does, too, fwiw...I'd think most any DB/REC would be able to, in a pinch...
  7. In fairness, Swayze Waters is the only guy qualified for that.......
  8. I want to think you're right, but reports out of practice this week suggested they had some crazy LB rotations going on where basically everyone and their dog was getting reps at all 3 positions... I'm curious exactly what Hall/MOS have planned...
  9. It's more about the ST than the LB rotation, but I still think you're right. It should be Knox sitting. I think with Wild only playing limited reps right now, it might be a factor...
  10. The Argos depth chart is out if someone wants to grab it. I'm on my phone and can't grab the pic Url but anyone on their computer should be able to post here...
  11. The year the women's world cup was in town and they did TC at the soccer field.... We were there for a couple days practice. I remember watching Mo interact with some really young kids. Explaining what exactly his position was (Safety at the time) and just generally being a good person. It showed me a lot about him as a person, not just a football player. He's good people...
  12. @CFL_News 3m3 minutes ago June Jones AND Kent Austin could have potential coaching opportunities in the NCAA in 2018 - @TSNDaveNaylor #CFL #Ticats via @CFLonTSN
  13. I completely disagree with that statement as well. In fact I know we have better players in some positions than them.
  14. How important has Moe Leggett been for the Bombers since 2014? Here's how he compares to the rest of the league....
  15. No team, not even Calgary, has the best players at all positions....it just doesn't work that way.
  16. Well, I should ******* hope so....pretty shitty highlight reel otherwise..........
  17. 2 assholes chirping each other.....I try to ignore that as much as possible.
  18. Even if he came tomorrow, he'd be a next-year project, likely....
  19. if anyone would appreciate the pure Canadiana of Gord and The Hip, is MOS........man, I love our coach...
  20. apparently this is a thing: @TShireGlobal Duron Carter will play both defensive back & receiver on Friday. He will play a lot of football but won't see every snap. #Riders #CFL
  21. Spinning a ton of Hip on our station all day today.....tons of fave Hip songs for me, but over the last year or so, this has become a regular in my rotation...
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