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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Just lost Thiadric Hansen to Argos.....
  2. Everything Bob says makes 100% sense...
  3. The ironing is delicious....
  4. I don't understand the Schiltz love at all....
  5. Houston officially with Stamps Exume goes to the Argos
  6. this is why I'm not overly concerned about bringing Grant back... especially coming off an injury last year and being 30+ now...
  7. Haba and Garbutt absolutely the leading contenders, but I'm excited to see who all jumps out at camp.... Reacher seems like a beast, but not sure if a DE or DT.... or maybe a rotational piece?
  8. You're right - only a diehard Stamps fan would argue otherwise.
  9. I can't put into words how badly I want Cody Fajardo to play against the Kansas City Chiefs..... he might ACTUALLY die....
  10. great ST player and solid LB back-up.... thanks for everything, Jesse!! All the best in the next chapter!
  11. Tuesday February 13th - 11am CST:
  12. Tuesday, February 13th - 11am CST:
  13. Yeah, I'd posted about this show they're doing last week... I'm super pumped for it. Actually have most of tomorrow off, so I'm down for some FA excitement. Gonna be a time. And yes, while I abhor multiple needless threads, one for FA probably wouldn't hurt. Do we need a Bombers one and a non-Bombers one? Or just throw it all in the blender?
  14. Usually agree with 99% or what you say but I think you're understating Kramdi. Think he'll really open some eyes this year. Got better and better with every snap last year.
  15. It's early in the FA derby yet, but.... I hate saying it but Edm definitely got better on paper. Edm and Sask won't be the free space they were past few years. Don't think BC got as good as I'd have figured considering they're hosting this year. We'll see what things look like this time next week...
  16. Ivy is very undersized, I think I read. Like Koala sized. 6'2" 280 or something....
  17. I've read a number of interviews where he talked about generally voting Democrat. He was not the rabid Republican that people thought he was.
  18. I have no problem with what Grieg did and I think the Reilly "cross check" is overblown. It was more of a shove with the stick up. Grieg went down and turtles and that was the end of it.
  19. I know it's not an apples to apples comparison, but Betts getting a sniff down south and not Schoen, is particularly hilarious.
  20. Toby was unapologetically a Democrat.... Just extremely supportive of the military. His father lost an eye in WW2 and they were very much a pro military family.
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