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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Both Westerman and Leggett gone for the season is a devastating blow, but..... #NextManUp. #WinForMomar #WinForBusterman
  2. Hey now, Harris basically gives Thermea full credit for his season so far...
  3. I believe Bonanza was just a buffet... Self serve.
  4. Brandon had a Bonanza until about 2000...was fantastic. I believe Saskatoon still does...
  5. I thought immediately "he's gonna be in Thermea all week, multiple times per day..."
  6. So does Santos come out? That'd be a shame...
  7. Hoping Cody is right. Maybe just a really bad bruise? That would be extremely fortunate...
  8. To your point, Walby is a huge fan of the guy...
  9. Sounds like Brandon Alexander likely to slide into Leggett's spot and Porter goes in for Alexander. What happens to Santos when Wild is healthy? Sure wish Thorpe wasn't a selfish moron... Could sure use him right about now.
  10. I'm still betting shoulder separation for Adams and Achilles for Leggett but we'll know for sure Tuesday...
  11. Epic levels dink. One of the dirtiest players in the league. **** that guy.
  12. they showed on replay, very clearly, why it's a ruptured achilles. He immediately grabbed it when he went down. I hate it, 'cause he's a huge loss, but the guy's done. Thank Christ Wild is due back right away...
  13. would love an Argos win, but as long as we keep taking care of business, it's all good...
  14. Leggett's a blown achilles....good luck with that.
  15. Iso -- there is nothing wrong with you liking the Stamps. One of the reasons I like and respect you a lot is the fact that you're a Stamps fan who actually knows something about football. That's a very good thing! Let us worry about the Bombers and we'll see you in a few weeks!
  16. Adams is done for the year, no question. Lucky that Dress should be good to go next week...he'll be a big target (ironically...)
  17. Weeeeooooooo.......so happy to be 11-4, but a tough one with injuries. Gonna be tough going forward with Leggett and Adams likely done for the year. I'm betting achilles for Leggett and separated shoulder for Adams, and both done for the year.
  18. Iso.....just worry about the Stamps....we'll see you in a few weeks.
  19. So did I hear that you guys have snow and crap weather out there? That'll play well for the OL and Harris...
  20. I'm actually kind of surprised at how much people are underrating both Gudino and Coates....what exactly have they done to make you think they're not threats? Is it because they're Canadian? Or is it a racial thing? I don't really understand...
  21. ....and that's some kinda low bar......
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