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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. it goes in the closet....never to be worn again......does not ever get burned. Completely uncalled for.
  2. no reason to think their D can't come out tough tonight and we win a kicking duel...
  3. I just can not imagine any worse thing to do, as a supposed fan...
  4. that changes a lot of things for me in my opinion of you......that is really something.....
  5. You burned a Bombers jersey..........seriously..........?
  6. Ottawa in a squeaker. Jennings is too inconsistent...he'll toss up some meatballs. Take Ottawa at home by a FG...
  7. he had a minor injury in pre-season and isn't 100% yet....he'll contribute tho. Could be a huge year for Hicag....they were embarrassed the last couple playoffs.
  8. #FortHew #DefendTheFort My only concern these days *KNOCKS ON WOOD* has been injuries. Keep guys relatively healthy, and all will be well...
  9. Lately I've been all about collecting old Royal Blue's from the 80s off Ebay. My favourite thing is a Walby 63 in Royal Blue home that I got for about 40 bucks. Great shape...hangs in the living room next to the TV to bring us luck during the games.
  10. No question they want to try and catch us sleeping tonight, but I have faith in MOS teams to come prepared...
  11. I always Lol at people who see a box score like that and go "Well, we gave up 7 goals...goalie sucks".......... As with last year, goaltending wasn't the real issue. Team defense was awful again last night and that is backed up by Maurice's presser today. They couldn't defend and left the goaltender vulnerable all night. Didn't skate well enough, didn't hit....so they got skated hard today. Give 'em all a re-do on Saturday night...same line-up, same tendy......let 'em prove it was an accident.
  12. ****... Good point. Cousin Wooly might get in some cover time after all.....
  13. To summarize: Hamilton should not be taken lightly, but there is also no way we should lose to them....
  14. Calgary sucks and if not for Mike Smith woulda given up 10 goals last night. Hope the Jets ******* PUMP em to get back on track...
  15. My understanding of that situation is that they see one of them as more of a pure run-stopper, so if they feel it's going to be a run-heavy game, they put that guy in....if it's going to be more pass heavy, they put in the other.....but honestly, it's tough to follow. That's just my guess based on listening to the CJOB pre-game shows...
  16. Nealon Greene was at least SOMEWHAT successful.....
  17. he's on the roster.....not sure he's going to actually play.
  18. Tough start but it's a long season. I'm seeing a lot of people jumping off a bridge on my twitter feed tonight. Just as it's not the time to plan a Leafs SC parade, it's not the time for Jets fans to want everyone fired/cut/traded....
  19. And Coates has filled in well for Gudino, so that's no big change...
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