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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Brown has come a long way. He was really bad for trying to use unnecessarily big words...still does it sometimes, but is getting better at being more conversational. Working with Irving long enough will help with that. I maintain there is nothing better for a Bombers fan than the pre-game segment with Tait, Irving and Brown just bullshitting about CFL stuff. Dave and I were saying earlier today we'd pay money to sit in and listen to that convo over drinks...
  2. it's funny because I know why DBs phone auto-corrected to that....there's an Als beat reporter named Didier.....
  3. This is one of the most inaccurate statements ever to see the light of day.....
  4. Man, I have a lot of thoughts about some of the opinions in this thread, but I think the best thing I can say is: I'm really encouraged by how much people legitimately care about this topic. Re: the ratings.....something to keep in mind: Those numbers posted are 12+, which means it's all listeners 12 years and older...which doesn't really show an accurate picture. For example, TSN is FAR more concerned with M18-49....All males 18-49 years old. That's their key demo...and they're a lot higher up in that demo than the 12+ would show. There's also things like Cume and other "fancy stats" that radio sales/marketing people like to cling to. Having said that, it's probably accurate that Jets broadcasts are the main draw for TSN. Other than that...there's not a lot going on. I tune in sometimes to "aircheck" (monitor/analyze) their local jocks.....aaaaaand....they're passionate, but still learning in some cases (Kevin O). Re: CJOB commercials....if you know about broadcasting, you know that tons of commercials during a program means they're doing something right. If they didn't have so many people tuning in, they wouldn't have advertisers paying for the time. TSN *WISHES* they had people being upset at too many commercials...
  5. Trestman vs MOS......no question in my mind....
  6. You, sir, are INSANE........the CJOB pre-game is so far ahead of TSN, it's almost unbelievable. There is nothing I enjoy more than Tait, Doug Brown and Knuckles bullshitting during the pre-game show. The post game is solid until they get to the callers, then I'm out. But that pre-game? Oh man, it's not even close....Irving is such a pro. Bauming is awesome, and really cares, but as a broadcaster....he's a great writer.
  7. Overlooked in all this: Dave Dickenson gets the West Div COTY nom over MOS.................discuss.
  8. Don't quote me, but I believe CJOB is a much higher wattage...signal carries a lot farther.
  9. CJOB does an amazing job of covering the team....and this is really all they've got. I guarantee they pulled out all the $stops$ to make this happen. It's their cash cow. Irving still sounds as good today as he ever did, so let him keep on rolling. There's nobody in the independent media (Ed's gonna hate that I typed this...) that I trust more than Bob when it comes to Bombers news.
  10. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously can't even explain how excited I am about this. I sincerely thought Irving was going to use this opportunity to ride off into the sunset. This must chap TSN's ass something fierce. Being the league's TV partner, I can only imagine how desperately they wanted this regional right, too...for synergy, if nothing else. Awesome for Corus, awesome for the Bombers, and most importantly, this is awesome for Bombers fans...
  11. @BigBluto63 Congratulations to Andrew Harris (Top-Canadian) and Stanley Bryant (Top-Olineman) on representing the West Div in CFL awards. Both will win. ?? Harris and Bryant should win both of those -- congrats, boys!
  12. Ignoring all the other BS in this thread, this is exactly what I thought, too......was really surprised at how bad Buckley looked in the conditions. I'm just so used to Calgary being "Next Man Up" with no drop off every Goddamn time....was a delightful surprise.
  13. It's interesting that they'd go so far as to release a statement about Adams... Curious...
  14. Ya he's been buggered awhile for sure cause he hasn't looked right all year. His throws have been off and he he hasn't been as effective overall. Their D has been winning them games, not BLM, as normal....
  15. This is why they rushed a statement on his availability early in the week. That's the #1 that would keep people away.
  16. I've watched both Esks Bombers games this week and we really did a number on their LBs this year. I'm curious to see if that continues or they finally find a way to take it away from us...
  17. Yep.... Being worn by a lineman..... Unless DA seriously packed er on.... Mildly surprised that Nichols is being as ginger as he is early on. I really thought he'd be flying on Day 1 to prove a point. Might be more hurt than I suspected...
  18. if that many people are there, it'll look decent and sound loud in there...that'll work.....
  19. ....We sold the barn out the last time we had playoffs at home..............
  20. Legendary Blue Jays pitcher Roy Halladay dead at 40....plane crash. Just sick to my stomach about this one. Leaves a wife and 2 kids at home...
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