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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. It HAS to be a conversation and not a scripted Q n A session. That's something young journalists do... They over prepare because they're terrified of the conversation. It's just a lack of confidence more than anything. As you get more experience, you gain confidence and a comfortability with open conversations. But you're exactly right... You have to be willing and able to let the conversation go where it will. That's just my take anyhow. As for MacLean, I don't know if there's ever been a better conversational interviewer in Canadian sports than him. And it comes from an insane encyclopedic knowledge of virtually everything. He's like a jeopardy contestant, that guy.
  2. All I can say is my favourite sports writer ever is Ed Tait. In terms of on air conversation, Bob Irving and Ron McLean are my personal favourites. I always felt like Cory Woron has been criminally underrated over his career. I'm likely the only guy here that listens to Sirius XM Prime Country channel, but there is a guy on there named Mike Terry that is spectacular.
  3. Not a clue.... I was guessing maybe an NFL guy? But I think the only NFLers I know are Mahomes, Kupp and the Kelces....
  4. And there are so many hosts who half ass it and make the rest look bad. So you get guests who come in jaded from previous bad experiences and expecting the worst, so it's that much harder to get them to open up.
  5. Getting good answers is on the interviewer to ask good questions. There are some guests that are new to the conversations and it can be a bit like pulling teeth, but I think the key is in your research. Learn as much as you can about your guest ahead of time, and then know the kind of things that interest them, and you lead with that. Gets them comfortable and allows them to open up a bit, then you ease your way into the stuff you want to know about. Don't just dive into the deeper stuff. Of course, this is just my thought process and it's more about longer form chats, and not necessarily for media scrums. Scrums can be tough. The other thing is, today's athletes are media trained coming out of minor sports (seemingly) which has them giving the same generic soundbites that don't really give a whole lot away... It's innocuous and meant to not say anything that will rock the boat. It is almost impossible to get Connor McDavid to say anything "real"... Just how they are now.
  6. I don't know who Kevin Brown is, but I feel like this tweet is of interest here....
  7. Had an NI playing as a DA all season..... Hilarious.
  8. I only learned about that a couple years ago, but as mentioned, the TRUE NORTH thing gets done at both teams games (maybe Moose too?) as does the Glorious and BLUE thing at both teams games..... Crossover in fanbase I suppose.... They're having fun.
  9. Just wanted to make sure my boy Booch saw this....... A quality read, I am sure
  10. Never happened..................
  11. That MODP was a team award given to Swaggerville by the national voters.... But I think JJ still believes that was all about him.
  12. Ya I heard some horror stories from when Van hosted CCMAs.... From hotels to food and drink prices... It was astronomical.
  13. This Doug Smail duster that KConn is rocking is really something....
  14. That's 100% who he is, I believe.
  15. Unfortunately they don't have as much value because their audience is 1/100th of Stern's. Huge respect for NPR and what they do, though.
  16. My wife lives for cooking up a big feast for multiple people. Much to my chagrin, we ALWAYS have to be hosting Christmas/TG/Easter, because she so desperately always wants to cook the feast. Tomorrow will be no different.
  17. Depending on where I'm living this time next year I might head to BC. If I'm in Alberta still, it'd be a shorter, easier trip to make. If I'm in MB/NWOnt, probably not. Either way, I'm taking the whole week off for '25 and gonna party that one up right!
  18. Ehhhhhhhhhhh..... He's a ways down my list of Bombers HOF inductees, never mind the league. I mean, Wade is in the Bombers hall for his ST contributions, so Jovon probably gets in, but.... It might be a minute. And the league hall? Ya I don't know about that.
  19. It's very important to pre-celebrate big wins. Finished work late Friday night and had some home brew courtesy of my Sandy Lake in-laws (it's so important to keep as much of the weekend about 204 for good mojo, and that includes all your drinks). Tonight will likely be more of that, then for game day it's gonna be a MB beer early in the day.....like maybe Noon.... And then to the Gimli-made CR as we get closer to take time. 24 hours.... Ell Eff GEEEEE!!!
  20. You're a smart, insightful, educated dude... You'd be a good rep.
  21. Relax....Nobody's talking about a fully funded trip to GC week. Only talking about media accreditation.... If a member was already going. For GC '25, in Wpg, it's something one of you guys could look into.
  22. So I wanted to ask you and I keep forgetting.... Schoen hasn't played in like 5 weeks ....no "live reps".... How off would his timing be? I feel like he has enough mental reps to know his route assignments and would still be able to complete his blocking assignments, but things like timing with Zach.... Is that something he can just pick up where he left off after this much time, and with zero practice reps all week...?
  23. 100%.... and I don't mean me. MBB could totally get accreditation for someone like you or Mark or Rich, if you were so inclined. There is an expectation to do a certain amount of actual work while there and they'll likely ask to read/hear/view some of the "product" after you're done in order to get on the list the next year, but yes, you guys absolutely could.
  24. There is a talent to interviewing.... And while I'm not going to claim to be the best ever at it, I've always believed the key is for it to not sound like an interview. It should sound like a BS session between two people over drinks. Just a chat.... That's what people want to listen in on. If you didn't go to broadcast school (or at least study journalism somewhere) and don't have a lot of experience doing it, it's a LOT harder than you think. You have to be prepped (and therefore knowledgeable) and comfortable in the moment. It will come across to the listener/viewer.... You can always feel it.
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