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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Peach is American lol oh, ffs. Then consider me lukewarm to the idea. LMAO. He was born in Vancouver... Washington. people assume any white non QB must be CDN. I know I do...
  2. As long as he wasn't trained in the States, he's NI. As with the Australians...
  3. and the whole "Imports are always better than Non-Imports" method of thinking is so outdated...
  4. At this point, I'm a really big fan of new faces all over. Just try **** you think will work, and see if it sticks. I'm not sure there's anyone that deserves the veteran loyalty points. Nobody's performed well enough to be untouchable.
  5. Yeah, that's a bit of a stretch dude. Can't due the guilt by association thing. I'm just saying there seems to be more proof to back it up...with the bouncing around from org to org......maybe he's an ******* personality, as with Kelly, and nobody likes him?? I'm not saying "for sure!!"....just "maybe?" ....
  6. Anyone that's friends with Kelly, I want no part of, and it makes sense why he'd bounce around (people don't like him...)
  7. He's clearly connected to Mike Kelly, so I'm thinking they have similar personalities. Both idiots...assholes....that's my guess.
  8. Apparently this lady is on a TON of volunteer boards around the city, and knows how these things should operate. Tait says she's a great addition to the board. I'll take his word...
  9. Sounds like this guy is a total injury case....can't ever stay healthy...
  10. Yeah, I understand the thinking behind Walters as HC, but I think the guy has enough on his plate right now....
  11. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/burke-not-the-type-to-get-stressed-out-221124421.html Just because I wanna see if I can make Dave's head pop off, Wiecek says it's not Burke's fault...Mack ****** him over with the shits of a team.......apparently.
  12. You, sir, have a fantastic handle and avatar....
  13. I'm in a slopitch playoff tournament this weekend, and may have to miss the game depending on how we do. First game at 8am (!!) and depending on win or loss we're up again at 11am or 2pm. At least I can say I will not be sober during the game...it's always 5 o'clock somewhere during slo-pitch.....
  14. Sigh...I can't believe what I just watched...
  15. this is a **** show...complete and utter **** show....
  16. Christ's sake....just finish this, BC......
  17. this game is pretty much as to be expected...
  18. But is it worth that just for the chance to talk to him? 'Cause there's no guarantees that he'd sign. It was JUST the rights to talk to him...
  19. that's not at all what I got from the piece about Mack. I got that he was convinced he could recruit better players down south than he'd find up north, cast off from other teams. I don't think I realized just how little he thought of Canadian football, and maybe he thought he could just take an American approach to this game because somehow US football is better than Canadian football, period. Damn shame.
  20. Go into your profile, Robyn (click your name at the top right...drop down box...) there's a "Manage Ignore Prefs" option
  21. I'm a huge fan of that article Wiecek did with Walters. Really sounds like the Bombers are on the right track. I will never fault Mack for how he did things, but I'm not opposed to doing things the "normal" CFL way for the time being. Getting back to being even an AVERAGE team would be a step up at this point...
  22. Montreal defense will need to stand on their heads in this one (HA!)
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