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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Clearly, after reading all the threads, there is not a single person here who's batted an eye at that.....clearly..........
  2. Harumph! Harumph! Back in my day!! Nickels had a picture of a bee on 'em!! Harumph!!
  3. It was TWO starts for Goltz! ...This is the frickin' problem for people in Winnipeg...you just have zero patience to let a guy develop. Christ almighty. Everyone expecting him to shoot the lights out already? I thought the kid looked pretty good, all things considered. Definitely wasn't great, but was at least as good as Pierce, and with far more upside, durability and run threat. I'm not against trying out Max Hall, by any means, but Goltz is really getting jobbed here. We're not outta the playoff hunt, and I am not really sure how Hall is our "Win Now" option.
  4. ...and yet the club says the exact opposite. They apparently told Goltz the reason they're going with Hall is because they need to win now...
  5. I have grave concerns if this Hall move has been made by Miller himself. I do NOT want a President meddling in on-field stuff. Hire the right coaches and player personnel folks and let them do their damn job...
  6. Gonna be interesting to see what tomorrow's practice is like...
  7. Trust me...living in Southern Alberta is not fun, when you hate the Riders and Stamps as much as we do. So many of each team's fans, it's literally sickening.
  8. I prefer to think of Joe Mack's legacy as one of the best scouts we've ever had.
  9. They've been talking about this for weeks now. Just a guy to look at film and give a bit of input. Nothing to do with the Mack/Buchko stuff. Smart to get a successful CFL OC to lend a helping hand.
  10. I don't consider riding our current stable "writing off this year". We're right in the thick of the terrible East Div. No reason we couldn't make playoffs with what we've got.
  11. Dude's worse than Buck, 'cause not only is he as injury prone, but he's an ******* to boot.....eff 'im...
  12. Joe Mack was building this team for long term sustainability right down to the bitter end. He took on a dirty job that most couldn't stomach, and left this team in WAY better shape than it shoulda been considering what Kelly did to it. Mack kept draft picks and did the best he could with em to build for the future. I respect the hell outta that man for sticking to his guns and always doing things his way. That's a man's man right there. He's now taken the bullet for what I believe is the long term betterment of this franchise.
  13. Everybody wants to be the guy who turned around this mess and finally ended that drought. Would be a huge coup...
  14. I'm basically just searching #Bombers on Twitter and, if you've got the stomach for it, there's lots in there from all the reporters and the mostly-idiot fans. Ugh. Another question: What's our best course of action re: GM. Do we bring in a guy now, so he can start working on things and getting a feel for the team, as Tillman did with the Riders, or do we just let Walters run things the rest of the way, and then worry about the GM in the offseason?
  15. Well, some stuff I've read suggests that Buchko himself was the leak, and that's why he's been canned...
  16. So, does anyone know much about Miller's personality? I've read a few things online today suggesting that Miller's an ******* hothead in the mold of Mike Kelly, which kinda frightened me a little bit. Anyone confirm or deny?
  17. Yeah, pretty much. Twitter is making me feel this way as much as anything. So. Many. MORONS.
  18. Based on how this firing went down, there can be no question that business ops is by far our biggest issue right now...
  19. Irving also reporting that Wade Miller is going to have a very prominent role with the team going forward...
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