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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Yeeeeeesh there is some massive overreaction in this thread.
  2. No, but that's the whole effing point!! His name is Cameron!!!!!
  3. Old school crotchety coach doesn't = Lunatic who tries to single-handedly ruin the franchise.
  4. Sad to see The Legacy get cut, but hopefully a PR spot is in his future...
  5. Personally I like the old school crotchety coach. Worked for Murphy and worked for Ritchie. I'll wait and see what happens with the W/L through the season before passing judgement...
  6. There is no question that the Argos pulled some underhanded stuff yesterday, but if you didn't know that Chris Jones is an *******, then you haven't been paying attention. I would say that Coach Burke learned a valuable lesson last night...a mistake he won't make again.
  7. It was said after the game last night that Buck would not play in the 2nd pre-season game...
  8. Really interesting to read this thread. Gotta expect stuff like that was gonna happen, and will be fixed in time. Takes awhile for everyone to learn the best way to do something completely new.
  9. DB97 doesn't suck, he's just negative. I know everyone likes a homer, but Brown was clearly upset with how poorly the team played. It's REALLY tough for some people to still be that close to the team (...in a lot of ways, I'm sure he still feels like he's just an injured teammate for these guys...) and have to watch them play like that. Tough to remain positive. There's nothing he said that was wrong, it was just really really negative. I've been there...it's not an easy gig.
  10. Yeah, I've never listened to the kid, so I can't even say that I've airchecked him. This summer, when I'm home, I'll try to tune in and break it down. In fairness, he had some shoes to fill....seems to me that Rena Jae chick is the best part of that show, from what I gather. #NotTooShabby
  11. Yeah, I'm kinda glad I had the hockey game on the TV (no volume...) so at least there was something worth following....
  12. He's a little jumpy after the launch.....only one even close to over-modding. Gotta relax and just let us work everything out. There's not gonna be any real trouble if you just sit back and let it go...
  13. Hoping the Hamilton game shows more, but yeeeeeesh that wasn't pretty. Don't blame Doug...that's gotta be tough to sit through, and I'd suggest it's even harder given how close to the game he still is.
  14. Markus....you gotta relax brother. I don't think there's anyone on this site who's trying to cause any harm to anyone else. Just let it ride, man....
  15. Doug Brown an angry, ANGRY man tonight....#ThisDefenseIsTheShits
  16. Carter with at least one catch, and this little house in Olds popped huge for it Haven't heard boo from Etienne, but the offense has been all kinds of bad......
  17. Busy guy...and I think he's on the B.O.G. so I'm not sure if maybe there's a conflict there. Brown does a great job at it...not as good as Cameron was, but solid.
  18. ...Wpg born and raised, was working in BC (Kelowna?) and got hired to take Wheeler's gig, when he jumped to CITI. Never listened to the kid. I will say that, as much as I love Kelly Moore (...an old friend...) and don't dislike Jim Toth, this half-time show has been atrocious....yeeeesh......
  19. Nice hustle by Renaud to recover his own punt....attaboy......
  20. The twitters are alive with Buck going 0/5 in his 3 series. Sigh...
  21. We're going to be streaming the Bomber game on CJOB.com and then have the Hawks game on the TV in the background. Best of both worlds...but I'll tell you, if I'd just sat through an entire offseason, and finally had a chance to get to the stadium to FINALLY watch some ball, there's no way in hell I'd be at home. Especially with perfect weather!!
  22. I will NEVER understand this mentality....you have a chance to see live football that's NOT televised........
  23. But first chance to see the new barn??? I guess maybe it's hard to see this through a "casual fan" 's eyes...
  24. @ShawnChurchill: stunned that there are 4000 tickets left according to @cbarghout pre season or not this should be an automatic sell out That's really surprising to me. Thoughts?
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