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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. @ShawnChurchill: stunned that there are 4000 tickets left according to @cbarghout pre season or not this should be an automatic sell out That's really surprising to me. Thoughts?
  2. A gameday full of Tait.....don't get much better 'n' 'at...
  3. Brett Carter is what the CFL is all about, to me. Would love to see this kid make the big club.
  4. I'm not sure I've been as excited for anything in a long time, as I am to listen to Bob Irving call a Bomber game tomorrow night....
  5. But again, the fact that Hefney didn't say anything to anyone about this is a big problem, regardless of how you feel about the pot possession. I'm sure they'll handle that internally, tho...
  6. He was a mess...no question about it. For those who aren't following along on Twitter, Mack says it's basically a non-issue and that it's his understanding that the whole thing will just go away. Hefney will play tomorrow vs Toronto, and his status with the club will be judged solely on his performance, and not anything to do with this incident.
  7. I was chuckling to myself, thinking we could use Hodgekinson right about now to make this go away...
  8. Not disclosing the information is the most disappointing thing. Couldn't care less if they cut him...
  9. Cripes, Etienne is sure looks tall in that one pic. From finger-tip to edge of toes, he's a long kid in full stretch.
  10. The only real "over-modding" so far has been Mark H, who I have nothing but respect for. He's (IMHO) prematurely shut down some threads and deleted comments that didn't really need to be, but whatever...all good. Personally, I hate censorship, and love internet fighting...but that's just me......
  11. I will just say that I'm very jealous of all of you that get to go to this. What a cool, once-in-a-lifetime experience. We Albertans will surely be watching on TSN with envy...
  12. This situation definitely gets stranger by the day....
  13. Beauty dude...and they're actually sharp-lookin' and not the bs RBK crap that we currently have...?
  14. Sorry to derail, but is that rumour about a new retro jersey for this year confirmed? Hopefully a return to the royals in our future....
  15. Well, then you sir, are lazy with your mouse........
  16. Agreed......looking forward to Wednesday. My one free evening next week...
  17. I just use the quick reply option...never even noticed the "Report" thing was there...
  18. Good report! Had forgotten about Kurt Adams. Love that kid...really hope he sticks!
  19. Paul Wiecek ‏@PaulWiecek1m Bombers head coach Tim Burke says Renaud is leading punting competition, followed by Pavlopoulos, Cameron,Hutchison in that order. #bn Little surprised Pavlopolous is doing that well, but good on 'im!
  20. Or, y'know, Corus spent a metric $hit-ton of money..........but whatever. Your way sounds more underhanded...
  21. as some of us have been saying for a while, Suber = one of the most underrated players in the league...
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