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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Overrated, IMO...but a better option than Vaigneault or Torts (ugh!)
  2. Have never, will never understand the hate for Claude Noel. What he gets out of this sad-sack roster is almost unbelievable. The Jets have little to no talent and have massively over-achieved for 1.5 seasons now. IMO, Noel should be up for Coach Of The Year. Torts and Vaigneault would be massive downgrades. Now, if Quenville becomes available, that's another story....
  3. Maybe canning Sather, too, would be good, but there's no question that getting rid of Torts was smart. The dude is an idiot and a liability...
  4. Not a fan of the guy in any way shape or form. The less I have to see him on TV, the better...
  5. Fresh start.........for now
  6. Sweet -- keep me posted on the details, so I can get things ready!
  7. All of you who get to attend the opener are VERY lucky -- gonna be a great night!! As for Cochrane, we saw him at the Memorial Cup in Brandon a few years back and they totally rocked it. Backed by Red Rider, they still had it. Was a great show!
  8. Detest everything about the Pens. Lotta folks in southern AB cheering for Pitt because of Iginla, but I say the changing laundry means we can hate on him now. Can't stand the Pens or anything about them...
  9. Thought I'd get the General Forum going with some puck talk. So, who've you got in the playoffs? I'm a big Jonathan Toews guy, so the Hawks are my dog in this race. I don't mind the Kings either, but can't stand the Pens. I had no problems with the Bruins till that Game 7 vs the Leafs, and now I'm not so happy. Would personally like to see a Hawks/Bruins final, but it's going to be interesting to see how it breaks down!
  10. Sweet dude -- good call. Loving so much about this already. The threads that are based on newspaper articles are fantastic with the "Original Story Here" link at the top, then the text. Looks great!!
  11. One of the worst things about having to live in AB for work, is missing out on camp. Love reading the individual thoughts as it's happening. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to update the site on what they see and hear!
  12. One thing I've noticed early on, is that peoples' sig lines are too close to the actual post, so the sigs read like they're part of the post. It's a tiny little thing, but it's sorta distracting. If there was any way to put more space between the actual post and the sig line, that'd be cool!
  13. Buck stays healthy, we're golden.....Buck goes down early in the season, we're in deep s***. Pretty much that simple. I'd agree with 10-wins and you're in....
  14. Just wanted to add how much I like the layout, especially the twitter feed on the left. A little thing, I know, but I really appreciate it.
  15. I'm @radionoel if anyone wants to add me. Have a few Bomber fans on there already...
  16. Loving it already. Great stuff, gang. This will definitely be my new "go-to" place to talk Bombers!!
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