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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Well, if he had a lower profile he's be a miner. What does that even mean? People ripped cohorn for being too flashy. Now this guys getting ripped for being too out of the spotlight. What kind of profile do you expect for a guy who is in his first ever grey cup situation. Dancing with mascots? Wining and dining on camera? Maybe he should wear a go-pro so you can see everything he is up to.
  2. Why does it not shock me that the doom n gloom squad are already questioning the new commish's abilities lol.
  3. By suing for only $50,000 you have a very good chance of settling out of court with the league. But there was no signed contract. Not even a handshake deal. Can an email hold up in court for "a contractual guartantee"?
  4. It is wrong that I secretly wish that we do go 0-3 or 0-4 so the fanbase can cut some dead weight?
  5. Lapo could be a perfect blend of old school with new age concepts. Having sit back and watch the league for the last few seasons, im sure hes figured out a lot of ways to beat the current defenses. He is also senior enough that Oshea can lean on him if need be for support. Id not hate this hire but I would probably have preferred someone new to the organization coach wise like Brady,Maas or even a Khari
  6. Joey Elliott? He had a decent arm. Wasn't Lapolice the guy who would kick field goals inside the 10 all of the time? Same guy who would call a screen pass on 2nd and long? Yes, the same guy. But it was widely reported that Elliot liked to change things up on the fly....which didn't work out. I'd be willing to see what he could do with Willy....god damn it...I'm such a ****** homer sometimes. As much as I didn't want Lapo, I'll still be excited for this....ugh Lol its ok. Me too
  7. He also probably wants to beat Hamilton. Not sure why people dislike him so much, even if he's had some bad games in big spots, he's one of the best players in league history, and seems like a good guy. even tells opposition players "good hit" and so on. also don't get the Ottawa hate. coaches seem like good guys, they obviously know what they're doing, not a dirty team. head scratcher. also one of Hamilton's best D lineman is out, I heard. Mostly sour grapes because we're not playing this week. Uh no? Ottawas dislike is well documented from even last season. Dejardin is a scumbag GM and Hank is having one of his best seasons of his career. He is also a complete tool who blames everyone when sucking, pouts and has shown the ability to come unglued comes cold weather.. But dont let that stop you from the bs spewing.
  8. Yup. This is true. Even if bad hank is playing from opening kickoff to last play of the game, he is a better option for ottawa then Hamilton's QBs.
  9. That's not what you said but really, more Internet anger for nothing on this site. Who ******* cares? I said young people go to the game to get drunk and socialize? Doesn't the beer snake alone prove my point? Whatever. This is a dead end argument & one I don't want to fight. If I offended you & SPuDs I apologize. Nope no offense Iso, I was just weighing in on how I thought it came across.
  10. It was 1000 tickets and it would have been a taxable write off for Nissan since the tickets were donated. Nice that you spin this story in a negative way, when there are now 1000 students (lots from lower income families) that will now get the chance of a lifetime to see the championship game live with their teammates. This wouldn't have been possible without Nissan's generosity. I didn't "spin" anything. It's what I heard. I was asking if anyone knew if the story told to me was true, that's all. That's the way your post came across to me. Yeah, well you work for the Bombers & it appears that you are extra sensitive. If you're going to be this way maybe you shouldn't be a mod here as it is a conflict of interest. Just a member. I was just asking a question, nothing else. Uh iso, it wasnt just true that felt you were using the nissan thing as a negative. As in, they didnt sell em so they are blowing em out! " type angle.
  11. The game is going to sell out at these prices. Yea that miller guy was one craaaaazy fox lol
  12. In hindsight a seat similar to yours in BC last year would have been $225, or $249 in Regina the year before, or $250 in Toronto in 2012. Prices are comparable to what they have been in recent Grey Cup games for most sections. Fair enough... I should have clarified I have no issue with my ticket price.... but I got a discount and I'm a huge CFL fan... most of my friends think I'm an idiot for going to the Grey Cup and an even bigger idiot for being a die hard Bombers fan... I'm thinking that's a tough sell for casual fans... Is the GC really marketing to the casual fan tho? Seems to me they go for the diehard bomber fans a la STH and then the league wide fanbases. Seems to have worked out as its almost a sellout.
  13. So, basically you're saying anyone under 35 are stupid.Can we amend that to anyone under 33? Asking for a friend..... I'm 34 and go to the games to watch football. The only stupid fans are the ones who can't drink responsibly and end up hurting themselves or other fans. Not every fan no matter what age drinks to the point of being drunk. And if they do they should be arrested & thrown in jail. You seem to have a penchant for painting a group of people with the same brush. id point out he never said "all bomber fans.." Or "all people who drink.." He actually narrowed down his ire to just lushboxes and people with no control..
  14. Yeeeeaaaah around there its going to get crazy. Bottlenecks hard. Plus, people will be "keepin warm" with liquid heat all game im sure.
  15. Can be said about any defensive back in the league. There isn't one DB in the league who never gets beat, especially with the wonky PI rules. DB is very much a position where you win some and you lose some and Washington is a damned good player. Hes "a damned good player" the same way that we move on from johnson not too long ago. this season he was bad. Real bad. Liability bad. Can he bounce back? Maybe. Can we find a bigger, better DB? Probably.
  16. I knew it! Wonder why they kept it quiet... Other then to deflect the "omgz walterz teh sux!!;:"! Drafted de goods damaged!!!"
  17. You know what, I don't think it's are serious as all that. Yeah they didn't win a championship, but Milt Stegall (and the rest of the great players around when he was) made a lot of football fans in Winnipeg. Those are people in my age bracket (or just a bit below) who became fans watching one of the best players ever and they're in that age now where they are having families which likely passes the tradition of being a fan down. Sure there's probably not a lot of under 25s but really in the grand scheme of things that's not too big a deal. The thing gets turned around they'll jump on the band wagon too. No, I think burgess is blind. Every game ive been to has a ton of 20-25 year olds at them.. They are a well represented demographic. Younger adults as well, male and female. Not sure where burg gets his idea from. Maybe the younger ones are up in the deck due to cheapness.. I also want to point out that on game day, all I see are bomber jerseys and flags. At work. At the mall and big box stores.. There is no doubt in my mind that this team will not be leaving in 10,20 or 30 years. Lastly, I mentioned it in a different thread but fans of the jets and bombers suffer from anxiety and panic proneness. Its never as bad as the vocal minority seem to make it out to be. (Yes I realize its not sunshine and rainbows like others also try to convey) its very much inbetween somewhere the 2 rabid groups of fans.
  18. Global before had a sports 30 min sport show after their news broadcast at 11.. Channel 12, whatever it was like a decade ago lol.
  19. ....? Was this misplaced or jus an odd rant as I dont see anyone pouring distain over peoples choices.. If anything, I see people adding counterpoints to why they are good or bad in their opinion.. You know, as in having a discussion?
  20. I am a huge Khari fanboy. To me the pluses are: former CFL QB, success working with Durant/Willy/Jennings/Lulay, worked with a great OC is Cortez. The negatives are: only an average offense in Hamilton as OC, worked as an OC under Marcel. Yea i like the idea but just not as much as others.. I do think he is cerebral enough and aware of what an offense is needed to be nowadays but hes definitely a gamble.
  21. I don't think anyone has ever claimed Ladd is one of the top 4 players in the league... I guess if you want to quibble about what our definition of "elite" is we can have that conversation. Yea thats another good call. Is elite top 4, top 10, top 20? There is a large sample of NHL'ers so id assume 10 min imo.
  22. And to think.. Ive been compared to him on numerous occasions lol. im quite the rah rah guy but the guy in TEP is downright blindingly optimistic. Gotta respect his gumption as he takes the slings and arrows every day but at some point even your own optimism must be cloying.
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