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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I always get disappointed when I log on to see that Rich or Voodoo has deleted posts... damn, I missed some good bickering... Sweet. Im not the only one lol.
  2. Want... Or need? Cuz Im thinking we need more offense.. Desperately so lol
  3. If you're not sure what a hashtag is just search for it in twitter... like I did when I had no idea what this one meant... to learn it means We Will Move On... I dont do the tweetins. Never got into it and goalie said its "what we're made of". We would need the "we will move on" tho i think lol
  4. Ah bluto.. You know you are the exception to the norm lol
  5. maas I always wanted as a QB but I would settle for OC. He seems very smart and has always been surrounded by excellent QBS and staffs. Id go for Maas then maybe Barrett.. i only worry about Barrett is his time away from the CFL. could be another MB situation where his game plan and schemes might not work well in the new CFL.
  6. Ok Someone fill me in plz. Wtf does #WWMO mean? i know bluto coined wwmod way back in the day (must chap his buns that we could use that saying now.. If anyone ever has faith in him ) but otherwise Im at a loss.. See it everywhere that cfl is tweeting or discussed.
  7. My educated guess, if you polled all NHL team GM's and scouting teams, is the majority would disagree with this statement. But I guess we'll never know. ...and jets fans, media and NHL fans across north america..
  8. Panic. Anxiety. Its what winnipeggers have. Not the teams, the fan bases.
  9. Oh please. Did you even note how many times our receivers dropped the ball this year? Or what about coming back the QB? The fact they stuck with Darvin "stone hands" Adams all year should tell you about our lack of talent. Where was that game in and game out threat?You can keep scapegoating MB all you want but that doesn't change the fact that this team was want for talent on both sides of the ball. They scored the fewest points in nine years and gave up more than last year.It's good that MB is gone but it doesn't change the fact that we lack talent in more areas than just OC. Firing MB isn't the magic bullet for this team.Might not be the magic bullet but I think you are really selling it short as to how much MB handcuffed the offense. He wasnt using the players in their best positions to be successful. He wasnt calling plays catered to the players.. He really seemed to try and make his players work in his system and refused or didnt know how to build it to reflect their skillsets. We never had an elusive shifty scat guy but continually tried to evolve someone into that role instead of just using a RB as an outlet/quick screen type setup. He also consistently called plays that ran straight into the strength of the defense... Not to mention the defense read MB like an open book.Our defense would have done alot better had it not been facing a 3 to 1 time of possession battle every game too. More then enough talent on that side of the ball,.Did you even watch the games? You're spewing knee jerk garbage. The offence couldn't execute period. The plays were there to be made but the players couldn't execute, it's not Marcels fault that someone misses a block, and who on offence was even capable of running past a defender or out fighting them for a contested ball? Pure propaganda that you have been fed by Joseph Gerbils, and you swallowed full throat.The defence, is the offence to blame for not forcing a single two and out in a half of ball? How do you rationalize that they were tired in the first half. Both the O & D coordinators were unprepared to start games, they were out coached plain and simple. Hall is going to be exposed next year too, and I will be there to remind you what a gullible, condescending, internet bully that you are. Have a great weekend. Uh. Yea actually I did watch every game.. Multiple times actually. And I saw countless times a play made by the offense for 3-5 yards.. With the expectation that a player without the wheels to outrun a db or a player without the shake and bake deke out lbs and dbs. I dont listen to people then make my opinion. I watch the games and watch them again and then share my opinion. Halls defense held up a hell of a lot more often then bellfools offense. We had what, a pick leader and sack leader on that "exposed defense" did we not? And lastly, You can go bleep yourself. i wasnt condescending or bullying anyone. Get off your soap box and maybe insult or belittle someone whos deserving of it.
  10. I maintain that this team isn't viewed any better today than it was 2 years ago as nothing has changed. No one who is a quality coach employed now will come here if they are already a coordinator somewhere else. Why would they? So, it'll be a position coach who wants the promotion. But probably an unproven rookie OC who was a position coach. So, don't expect Jason Maas to come here. Don't expect Marcus Brady. Or George Cortez.They won't be coming. It's the culture. It's just what they do. It's The Bomber Way. Of course you maintain that view. You're here only to piss and moan about anything and everything related to the Bombers. If you're so troubled by this organization, why don't you do yourself a favour and move on because your routine is getting old, friend, it's getting real old. And Hall came here. He didnt have to. Imo he is a top tier coordinator and he wanted to coach here. Why is it crazy to think someone of Brady or Cortez or maas (if available) wouldnt want to work with Willy and our up and coming oline guys? Or maybe work themselves into a line to a HC gig? No.. Much more easy to just assume we will land crap and parade it around like a filet mignon.
  11. Because the view on our squad has changed regardless of the fact you refuse to see it? If players are viewing us as a destination and not a penance.. Thats a postive change. If a player is saying we are looking more "nfl" then other teams.. Thats a positive.
  12. This happens with every coach. This is kinda what this forum was built for lol.
  13. Okay then why was MB fired? He had no decent qb to work with according to you. Like somehow Nicholls was a piece of crap?? Why is it okay to use that excuse with MOS but not MB? He lost his field general but somehow he's a shitty coach & O'Shea isn't? #fansdoublestandard Because maybe O'Shea believes that his OC, the man tasked with designing and running the offence did not do a good enough job in protecting Willy or adjusting the system to help out the quarterbacks that followed. Edit> Dang, ninja'ed by a goalie... Mike O'Shea the Teflon Man. Canned 3 coordinators but nothing sticks to him. Pretty flimsy reason WBBFanWest. At some point, he has to be held responsible for lousy coaching hires. But not yet, I guess. I 'm sure he probably has 2 or 3 more staff firings left in him before the Positrons realize the guy is a lousy HC.. Or, we could just rage about it incessantly because that makes a ton more sense and looks way more intelligent. Yeah because you know it's not right. That all the **** falls on every other coach on staff but O'Shea. So much for the Captain being in charge & having any responsibilty. The absolute glee around here on Monday that Bellefeuille was fired & MOS was kept because Willy got hurt is so ridiculous. The reason everyone is stoked for bellfools firing is because even tho every other team lost a QB, their OCs managed to make an offense work with a backup. We, could not. bellfool consistently was the hurdle on our offense. Bad calls, players expected to do things they were not good at, horrible blocking packages.. Why cant you see how pathetic bellfools offense's were?
  14. Biiiiiiiiiig time! But we dont do that here.. Do we?
  15. Cuz finding a khalil bass (a guy cut from how many teams AND almost didnt stick here) is so common place? Lol. Man the logic people attempt to use here to justify their odd stances..
  16. Guys who have jobs that they're not likely to leave for a lateral move. Why not just wish for Austin or Hufnagel while we've got our heads in the clouds?Exactly, like who is going to come here in the situation we're in & leave a good thing behind? Like its been mentioned before.. Some guys lovea challenge. Also, some guys like unstable situations as it often opens up a next level job.. Some guys like unstable situations? Yup. When theres a risk of a HC being on the ropes or the HC is an interm, some coordinators see that as a chance to move up faster then if they went to an established coaching team. Not all but some.
  17. You can't be serious with this post. He kept 2 people on that he knew couldn't do the job, so that he could have them around to fire , to save his job? There is no list. At least one that were aware of, so you don't know if other team's coordinators are, or aren't, on this list/no list. Yea to suggest oshea didnt can tracey and bellfool just so he could point blame and axe them this season is absolutely absurd. Ive seen some crackpot theories on this board in my day but this? Smh.
  18. Guys who have jobs that they're not likely to leave for a lateral move. Why not just wish for Austin or Hufnagel while we've got our heads in the clouds? Exactly, like who is going to come here in the situation we're in & leave a good thing behind? Like its been mentioned before.. Some guys lovea challenge. Also, some guys like unstable situations as it often opens up a next level job..
  19. Nope nope! Mike Oshea doesnt fire or release anyone. tracey, etch, bellfool are all secretly still attached to the organization..
  20. Theres no such management 101 to cover what you're saying.Nobody hires personnel with the idea that they will fail. You might have a backup plan, but if you're thinking the personnel you hire might fail, you're setting yourself up to fail yourself, and really,,why in hell would you do that? That may be your management style, but it sure as hell isnt mine. Everyone you hire might fail and you should know that going in. If you assume everyone you hire won't fail, then you are setting yourself up for failure, not the other way around. Insulating yourself from failure goes a long way towards being seen as the right guy for the job. My management style is to define exactly what I expect, to expect a lot from my people and to give them personal responsibility for their own jobs. I don't expect either them or myself to be infallible. What he is saying is nobody builds anything with a buffer built in to protect the builder in case of failure. If something fails its on the builder, period. If scouting is deemed a "failure" which im not even ready to say it has been, its on walters.. Not on some BS insulating team he would throw under the bus.. If thats not what you meant, its sure how it came across,,
  21. Oh please. Did you even note how many times our receivers dropped the ball this year? Or what about coming back the QB? The fact they stuck with Darvin "stone hands" Adams all year should tell you about our lack of talent. Where was that game in and game out threat? You can keep scapegoating MB all you want but that doesn't change the fact that this team was want for talent on both sides of the ball. They scored the fewest points in nine years and gave up more than last year. It's good that MB is gone but it doesn't change the fact that we lack talent in more areas than just OC. Firing MB isn't the magic bullet for this team. Might not be the magic bullet but I think you are really selling it short as to how much MB handcuffed the offense. He wasnt using the players in their best positions to be successful. He wasnt calling plays catered to the players.. He really seemed to try and make his players work in his system and refused or didnt know how to build it to reflect their skillsets. We never had an elusive shifty scat guy but continually tried to evolve someone into that role instead of just using a RB as an outlet/quick screen type setup. He also consistently called plays that ran straight into the strength of the defense... Not to mention the defense read MB like an open book. Our defense would have done alot better had it not been facing a 3 to 1 time of possession battle every game too. More then enough talent on that side of the ball,.
  22. You gonna be around during GC week at all? I'd pay money to watch that debate with Dave over some brews...... He must mean as a coach cuz as a QB... It aint close imo.
  23. So they being essentially set at national players did nothing to make their improvements easier huh. The draft had them setup better then us at a lot of spots tbh. We were in a terrible way depth wise canadian and americsn.
  24. The offensive line is only as good as its weak link and can only become good if they get to play together for lengthy periods of time. This isnt a hockey line where you throw 3 wingers together and voila, magic. They have to learn each others tendencies, each others problems and how they react to things. Constantly having to swap out pieces crushes continuality and that next to skill is the biggest problemon an oline imo.
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