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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Wait till MOS brings him back next year Wouldnt it technically be up to Walters to bring back a player??
  2. That is EXACTLY why he did it but J5V seems to think this iced castillo.. Even tho he hit both kicks lol
  3. I can't believe it hasn't happened already. Why wait? I assume they don't want to take any attention away from the Grey Cup and want all local and any "national" sport media to focus on the event. It does make sense to me. Not like firing MB is going to cast a funk over the Grey Cup party, it's yesterday's news and will follow the words "as expected". There is going to be a final review of staff and players. MB is needed to give his last comments regarding the offensive players and will also need to have an exit interview before the season is "done". Its not like its rec league where last horn sounds and everyone fks off til next season..
  4. Nobody is saying otherwise, but so does Hamilton have a great team, but they have been reduced to what? Without whom again? It all starts at QB. No doubt. So because Hamilton has burst into flames that some how proves what? Edmonton did fine without O'Reilly, Calgary did fine without Bo Levi, BC was no better or worse without Lulay. Would Winnipeg be better with Willy?? Of course. But the rest of the team, sans QB, it's not even close. Our team is garbage from coaching to players. And Ottawa had to start from 0, and they're 1 win away from a Grey Cup appearance. 2 wins and they'll do in 2 years what we can't do in 25. if that isn't making you're blood boil as a bomber fan you've probably -and rightfully- given up for your health. btw, Drew Willys winning % for games he's started isn't something to brag about it. It actually kind of sucks. Maybe you're onto something there. I'm starting to wonder if some of these people really are Bomber fans. BTW, the rest of your post is bang-on. K, wait. Because we chose to rationalize why feel what went wrong where and not leap to baseless conclusions, we are not actual fans? The ones not giving up hope, continuing to cheer them on and never saying we quit on them... Are not the fans? Just curious but do you reside in bizarro world or something?
  5. Oh nice. May I has dis too? Seems a proper way to tell people to shove it! Lol.
  6. Good post. Someone was saying O'Shea was a ST coach for 4 years before getting our HC job. I hadn't realized he had been coaching that long. Good grief, you'd think he would have picked up a lot more football smarts than what he has shown during his time here. Talk about a slow learner. Yikes! I actually dont think 4 years is long. Especially since his highest positino of authority was special teams coordinator. For 4 years. That`s it. And then he was handed the keys to our franchise. Just ridiculous lack of judgement by our BOD and Walters. Oh, you're right! 4 years isn't very long at all. But you'd think after 4 years you might know when to call a time-out, or throw a challenge flag, or know enough not to ice your own kicker.You are like a dog with a bone. Its been explained countless times why he called that time out AND the kicker hit BOTH kicks. Get over it..
  7. Good post. Someone was saying O'Shea was a ST coach for 4 years before getting our HC job. I hadn't realized he had been coaching that long. Good grief, you'd think he would have picked up a lot more football smarts than what he has shown during his time here. Talk about a slow learner. Yikes! I actually dont think 4 years is long. Especially since his highest positino of authority was special teams coordinator. For 4 years. That`s it. And then he was handed the keys to our franchise. Just ridiculous lack of judgement by our BOD and Walters. Lmfao @ keys to the franchise, dont try and embellish too hard. Hes a head coach for cryin out loud.
  8. North West Oregon Association of Realtors?
  9. All I know is, I hope the offseason brings some peace and tranquility back to the forum, i miss being able to check out the threads and not see someone bashing everything bombers lol.
  10. I think that's unfair if it's injuries with Richards that's bad luck.Now we could of had both which with our thin Cdn Rec would of made sense. I wouldn't doubt it was a concussion that took him out as I remember the hit, but an entire season? I wonder if he hasn't thrown in the towel after suffering a serious concussion and doesn't want to risk another. Till and if we get a report it's all just wild speculation. Wonder if it was something found after a minor injury that was deemed better off fixed and have him come back 100% for next TC like scar tissue or another "maintanence" type procedure..
  11. Thats correct.. Returner has to break the plane of the goal line and then retreat on their own (forward progress would stop at past goal line if they cross and are pushed back..) just like a QB taking the snap at the 1 and dropping back into the endzone and getting sacked.
  12. Either was hurt or he just was awful.... either way I would assume all fans should give up any kind of hope on the guy and just assume it's a wasted pick and hope they do better next draft. If that's the case then he didn't even live up to the laughable hype that he was the next Jade Etienne. Well let's give him one more year before we bring out that scenario.I was thinking maybe concussion or serious injury that they want to protect him. Could have been a surprise injury that wasnt known at the time of drafting and ended up being a "procedure and heal up" scenario.. Hopefully some has the smarts to ask Oshea on coaches show (if one is left) or on his last interview with media.
  13. I too want to know wtf was up with richards..
  14. I'm anticipating Monday's announcement of MB's release like a kid looking forward to Christmas morning. Hope they don't pull off a lame Orthodox Christmas stunt and delay my present until after the GC. dont get your hopes up. he is needed to evaluate the outgoing offense players and give his own end of season exit interview..
  15. You're absolutely right. No accountability and it's obvious by the way they play. That's on Mike ("but the player's like him") O'Shea. a nickname isnt going to catch on no matter matter how hard you try nate jr.
  16. Im a fan of metal. Metal still churns out lots of new stuff and imo stuff worth listening. Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch, Hellyeah, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold mixed in with some heavier stuff and lighter stuff for good measure.. Works for me and if you follow american music charts or sat radio stations you see its alive and well. Best "rock" band ive seen in ages tho is Volbeat.
  17. I disagree... hopefully we've seen the last of this sophomore slump... and see him back to form next year... definitely need to be at TC... I would bring him back to camp, especially considering he'll be much cheaper than what we would have been offering him a year ago. You don't give up on a young Canadian kicker that easily... bring him to camp (with competition) and make him earn the job... if he struggles early then it may be time to cut him loose... Yup. A canadian kicker who is capable of both duties.. (Yet to be determined if he CAN do both at the same time without faultering) is worth the risk. Even if it turns out he can only do one job exclusively, so be it. Having him and castillo protects against an injury to either or as both I believe can do both jobs.. Ideal world, slump is busted and Lirim steals his jobs back (sorry sergio) and never looks back.. Sophmore slump dead and gone. *knocks on wood*
  18. Yea I heard his university helped him out a ton with support and whatnot to get clean and turned around. Glad to hear, hate when an athletes demons get the best of them.
  19. I disagree... hopefully we've seen the last of this sophomore slump... and see him back to form next year... definitely need to be at TC... Yup. Kid showed he has "it" in his rookie campaign. I refuse to believe he lost it over an offseason. He deserves a chance to redeem himself next season and I hope he wants to.
  20. Thnks Tracker it really looked like with the offseason upgrades that we were on the way.Then reality came crashing down.I gotta hope that the call of Guelph comes through and we start again.If the Lawless report about O'Shea and Bellefeuille being retained and extended is true, it would be the worst news the team and fans have had in decades.LOL!! The hyperbole gets thicker around here by the day...If Bellefeuille is extended I'd love to see you guys paint a pretty picture with that.We can be positive that Willy will get hurt.There ya go a little positivety!Why would we? General concensus here is that he is a huge problem.. I mean really, have you seen anyone actually advocating for his staying??You mean besides MOS retaining him from last year and keeping him here all this year?You know for a fact MOS is gonna can this guy?A) who could we have replaced him with? Howell and buck so they could run the same lame duck offense? B ) rumour has it that oshea wanted to can bellfuielle midseason but was shot down by miller or walters. As ive said.. Its the general concensus that MB is the reason for our woes on offense.. Not just on the forum but everywhere ive seen the bombers problems discussed. If he is still here next season, oshea is definitely off his rocker.
  21. My thoughts exactly. Willy doesn't hurt his knee that game, it's only a matter of time before he's hurt during another game. Thankfully he didn't come back this season and let MB have another chance at ruining his career. I hope come Monday, MB is no longer apart of this team. I really hope so too... the worst thing the team can do right now is drag it on like they did with Etch... Well. As soon as they can would be ideal, that way any OC's looking will see the availability.. BUT they will have to do exit interviews and so forth so maybe not til next friday?
  22. Thnks Tracker it really looked like with the offseason upgrades that we were on the way.Then reality came crashing down.I gotta hope that the call of Guelph comes through and we start again.If the Lawless report about O'Shea and Bellefeuille being retained and extended is true, it would be the worst news the team and fans have had in decades.LOL!! The hyperbole gets thicker around here by the day...If Bellefeuille is extended I'd love to see you guys paint a pretty picture with that.We can be positive that Willy will get hurt.There ya go a little positivety! Why would we? General concensus here is that he is a huge problem.. I mean really, have you seen anyone actually advocating for his staying??
  23. Seeing as its a presentation for his playing time in toronto.. I think its gonna be ok. Why try and piss on a nice gesture by the argos and an accomplishment by the guy? Smh.
  24. When I saw S.davis.. i thought we brouht back shockmaine lol.
  25. Uh how bad do we have to be before we get permission to be negative?Less than 5 wins?Just curious.youve not needed permission since day one and now you are nit picking on a post that didnt even say anything to that effect..Ticky tack stuff bud. Ticky tack?Take it easy spuds that's almost cruel
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