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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. All said and done.. A new stadium as majestic as ours is (and it is a beaut.. i dont care what anyone says.. Great sight lines, comfy seats, cover works and my only legit complaint is the concourses being so tight when everyone is mobile..) for what.. 250 million all said and done.. Is a great deal. Why people feel the need to piss and moan all about the cost or the debt over and over again is beyond me.. What is it going to cost individual tax payers at the end of the day.. 100$? Fair deal for now many decades of use? Kids playing HS football champonships there. Our University being a crowning jewel for football in the country.. i get cheapskates love to cry about spilled milk but frankly, its laughable. Even if you never step foot in the stadium yourself, shouldnt you want your friends and family to be able to enjoy a top tier stadium instead of the crapshack we had?
  2. We'll know next June. No.. Next june we will have cries of "what a bust!"when he isnt starting yet or "what a bust!" If he starts and stuggles.. Followed by, "cut him some slack" and "picks take a while" from the other group.. A better timeframe would be in july august. Even then, might be too soon to attempt to pass judgement as it does take a player who was groomed in american football to come full term with the CFL rules and changes. Year two is good indicator but still shouldnt be make or break imo..
  3. And since Oshea is an ex ST guru and defensive stalwart.. id like to think he is good judgement of those particular sets of skills..
  4. Id agree with chaps.. id assume dyce stays in sask and hall/benevidez are a wash.. If we ended up with either or Id be happy... i really like the "new age" OCs and what they have been bringing to offenses. Id like a khari, a maas, a jackson, etc.. Someone who is not so far removed from the field that they are working with dated concepts. Wonder if an ex receiver would be as offensively mentally gifted.. Like a tucker or a stegall (not that hes even in coaching ranks lol) or a cahoon. QBs always seen to be a sure fire bet.
  5. The NFL hasn't taken away away Super Bowl rings from the Patriots. Mentioning to a coach under contract that your OC position may be vacant after the season is tampering? Yup. The audacity to dare utter a sentence with such loaded words is "might have an opening.." Or "whats your plans in the future" should definitely cost us 5 large and the ire and hatred of the rest of the league for being so underhanded.
  6. You really want to leave this job to O'Shea? His past player and coach recruitment record demonstrates that he has virtually no connections or ability to do this job well. He is the antithesis of a schmoozer. Halls not bad.. Bellfool was essentiallt saddled to him and tracey was a huge flop. Nobody expected him to fail as hard as he did.
  7. Man, I swear you have come full circle again lol. Wasnt this your tag line last year?
  8. Cheer if not for any other reason other than you want to support your team. We don't need a team of Stegalls or Robertses to get fans excited. I'm usually a pretty good reader but did I just read what I thought I just read. Yep, I did. Where's the blue koolaid?This guy works for the Bombers so you're going to hear the same corporate BS from him as you would from Wade himself. The only reason he's a mod here is because one of the admins/mods sucks anyone's ass who's linked to the Bombers. Hasnt he had the same opinion the entire time hes been here? Smh. I've been told he's been a mod here since day one, so I stand corrected there. But either way, he just spews corporate spin like a Bomber spokesperson. Hes been a positive poster. i dont recall any serious hardcore shilling for the club..
  9. Cheer if not for any other reason other than you want to support your team. We don't need a team of Stegalls or Robertses to get fans excited. I'm usually a pretty good reader but did I just read what I thought I just read. Yep, I did. Where's the blue koolaid? This guy works for the Bombers so you're going to hear the same corporate BS from him as you would from Wade himself. The only reason he's a mod here is because one of the admins/mods sucks anyone's ass who's linked to the Bombers. Hasnt he had the same opinion the entire time hes been here? Smh.
  10. Lmao @ humiliated. So the bombers fan shamed you did they? Did they put you on the jumbotron and call you out? The embelishment from some of you lolol.
  11. Bye felicia! Maybe you and iso can extole the virtues of calgary here next season then!
  12. The only dimness I see is in the theories about keeping MB...because nobody would want to be here. Any theory that ends with MB still here next year are all based in some serious delusions. As for us going to have an oh so horrible time finding a new offensive coordinator.. Ill leave here with this. Our HC will be on his last leg (if he is still here..) and an up and coming OC or a former HC with aspirations to become one again might be interested. Also, some coaches ACTUALLY LIKE challenges.. Shocker, I know.. I fully expect us to have a new OC next season. I also fully expect it to be someone whos finger is more on the pulse of what the CFL needs for offenses now a days AND one that is aware of what defenses in this day and age will throw at em.. MB is just stuck in a time warp or something... And refuses to change his tactics.. Loves putting square pegs into round holes and not making changes..
  13. MOS will have to see film on Davis first. There is a completely sane reason. If Toronto beats BC and Edmonton beats Montreal next weekend, it will come down to week 20, the final week. They will play to win at that point...although I cannot see them winning. You have spoken heresy and will be pilloried here. Fantasy is so much more fun than reality. The fantasy is that we are still not in it, technically.. We are factually still alive. Odds are more remote then me landing a date with kate upton but fact remains we still have a chance. This does mean we will not be auditioning until end of this week depending on how the games play out.
  14. At first overall or 9th overall, odds are solid we get a legit oline prospect as long as we draft the right guy. Also, Wagoneer has been a monster on the teams from what ive seen, always down field fast and making hits. hes also looked adequate in minimal reps on defense. To say we shoulda done this or that is pointless because we hypothetically could have a ratio breaking player in an uncommon position. Worth a first rounder in my books everytime. Only drawback is there is guarentees. We coulda kept the pick and watching him excell elsewhere while our first overall oliner is off to the NFL or a bust as well.. Cant really make a claim to wasted pick until a few seasons go by.
  15. you know what changes those close games to wins? A capable offensive game plan and a healthy starter.. or even a capable backup running a good offense.. This is why Oshea has support.
  16. Iso logical? Now that's funny...He makes more sense than someone like you who has their head firmly buried in the sand.Ahhh...typical Dragon37... the ole head in the sand comment lol. yup missed those from tep
  17. Yup. Might as well tbh. BC is gonna beat the riders almost guarenteed and if glenn and mtls defense plays well again, they could get another W.. .. We will not. Not with MB as oc. We had how many turnovers? How many points off said turnovers?
  18. Rogers refused to switch the field from baseball to football, even though there was enough time. Hey all you bandwagon Jays fans. Rogers just screwed the Argos over & probably cost us a playoff spot. Go Jays!! Yup. Definitely not the two brand spankin new oliners on their right side of the line lolol.. Nope, it was the evil Rogers Communication people... Or is it communists?
  19. Look above. Some people think he needs more reps and that he is underutilized.
  20. Probably the best post you've ever had. Well written! Thank you. That Bleacher Report description of a being a fan is absolutely out of touch. No.. No its not. Its just not your version of being a fan. And thats fine. Neither one is wrong, right? Thats what we keep hearing ad nasueum here.
  21. Three things... 1. Jacquie posted a link showing where her information came from... and that it was correct... 2. I wasn't taking a shot at you... just pointing out that Jacquie almost always has links to back up her arguments... as she did, once again, in this case... 3. as Sweep the Leg alluded to... pulling "do you know who I am"... is not generally met with positive enthusiasm... 4. and based on your typical posts... I would conclude you are probably not well connected... and if you are, your source doesn't appear to be feeding very reliable info... sorry for adding a fourth point when I promised only 3 Dynamite goes something something..
  22. Jacquie proved you wrong with her link, unless you have some evidence to the contrary. He is definitely consistently inconsistent lol.
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