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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. So after watching the Montreal debacle does anyone still want to rush to Glenn's defense? Yeah there were more problems than just him but he was pretty crap all on his own. Well Nichols couldn't play after just joining a new team, Glenn could, still coming up Glenn. Yes, because the circumstances between Winnipeg and Montreal were exactly the same, right? And in any case, a loss is a loss is a loss, so the fact that they rushed Glenn out there lead to exactly the same result as us not rushing Nichols into action. Dang that relentless logic. Always getting in the way. Exactly lol. He looked horrible cuz he had minimal reps with offense. Just like nichols woulda with minimal reps. If we did throw him into the breech, the same complainers would say we set him up to fail or hes obviously garbage, etc etc.. There is no winning with some posters here..
  2. Pft. Get him here now. Show him the love so he is excited to come to camp next season.
  3. Er mah gerd how did I forget about johnson. Yes, thanks reebs!
  4. I will say it will be embarrassing if an OC chooses to go to the riders over us.. If we look like a circus.. Ridervilles gotta be the freakshow.
  5. You mentioned 9 linebackers (listed) and 1 backup receiver. Explain why this was a roster management no no. Serious question.Cause our offense sucks and we are playing Stoudemire as one of our REC? Like WTF? Is it THAT odd to play a return man in the offense? Seems common place to me.. Its not like hes been just a decoy either. He has had a few touches per game.
  6. ottawa got to pluck proven players off each team too. Spent a year gelling n made tweaks in the offseason. I think they had an easier route then your typical "rebuild" Exactly. Agree 100%. Our canadian depth was worse then ottawas last season imo. We are on par now with some teams when it pertains to secondary and LB talent but our lines are still iffy. Another solid oline prospect and a failed NFL attempt plus another FA signing from in the league could make that to almost a strength.. American talent on the other hand.. ottawa doesnt seem to have the best scouts either.. Their offense is all former Cflers and two noteworthy add ons to the defense are gavins and hinds, all the rest seem to be Former cflers or not that great...
  7. Yeah, if anything the MOS Kool Aid Drinkers here should understand why their boy sticks to a loser like MB because they do the same for MOS. "WE LIKE MIKE". Well, Mike likes MB. Classic. LOL!! Having an oc.. Even a horrible one.. Is better then having none. Honestly, who would you have brought in? Bump up two zero experienced assistants? i dont think too many good quality OCs are chomping at the bit to join the bombers mid season. Beginning of the season? Sure. Shoulda changed. Maybe they even tried to and couldnt entice anyone. maybe we are stuck with MB or less.. At least at the end of the season we have the best chance to land a legit replacement for him..
  8. No. If you actually pay attention to the guy you can see he is media savvy. He also gets a lot from the players under his direction.. Special teams and defense i assume he puts his twist or stamps on. Hes also a guy who is versed in what a team needs to be in the current cfl.. His only glaring hole I see is that he trusts his coordinators too much. Bellfool was given the keys to the car and now that he has smacked it up, we get to ride this crap box until we can adequately replace him.. But feel free to tell me why I like someone as a coach again plz.
  9. I care who the coach is when it pertains to a jim daley or a tim burke or a greg marshall.. i need to know my coach is capable. I agree that if MB isnt canned by Oshea then both need to get canned but I feel Oshea should get one more season with a capable OC to prove himself.
  10. Because that is the system they are running. It's all about keeping OL from getting to the second level and forcing cutbacks. Bass is basically your MLB in the way you're thinking of it, the guy chasing the play. He's been a beast once he adjusted to the width of the field and figured out how to get on the right side of the play to make tackles with his inside shoulder. Why you have had to explain this a half dozen times this season astounds me lol. hurl is a gap filler and guy that keeps a RB/mobile funneled into the other play makers. Just because he is the "MLB" in our defense doesnt make him the prototypical MLB seen in most defenses..
  11. Oooh, oooh, I know, I know <waving arm frantically> Actually, that's a good point. Nichols has been surviving but did you see his uniform yesterday? It was white with wet paint from the rain and the pounding he'd been taking. He's been tough but I wonder if we're starting to see the effects of the smackdown on his ability to play. He was awful yesterday. Happy feet tend to make any QB suck. Even tho the sack tallies are down, the hits and hurries are still there. Recievers seem to take too long to come open or all our quick hits are read and taken away.. Then the happy feet make those even harder as they float or go off target.. Not to mention our stuggles at running the ball still.
  12. And every season we see a canadian either hit or flirt with 1000.. Sack leaders on the other hand.. Personally think that a canadian playing in such an inpact positon and excelling should take the trophy.. If Harris or Cornish were more dominant Id say they would be worthy..
  13. We don't have any receivers worth dressing! Kyle Walters needs to get his **** together. Its so odd a guy can find stud LBs or DBs and flunk so hard on the other side of the ball.. Do our scouts specialize in defense? Are they told defense first then others? I just cant grasp the weird failure rate at RB, reciever, QB and up to lately import hogs.
  14. When is the last time a canadian was the league leader in sacks? i can't remember one ever.
  15. I like that idea. Pretty sure Waggoner can also play safety. Sherman can too. One would assume this is what walters is angling for.. Or a replacement for Bucknor. newman, teague, morgan, waggoner, jones. All 5 could essentially be a db/safety if they continue to develop.
  16. Exactly. i would even say the redblacks canadian content was ahead of ours after the draft, which is embarrassing.
  17. This is the first time since 1993 that they've made it to the AL Championship series. Of course they're excited. No a fan of this team, just seems like they argue every call on the field, every third strike, whine to the media when they lose and as much as the media might think just because they play in Toronto there not Canada's team. u might not like the jays but they showed parties across the country going on. You dont speak for canada Im also confident that the fact they are the only team from canada in mlb that makes em canadas team. fact they are in toronto just is a throw in as it is one of the few markets americans actually know of.. Frankly, the displeasure being voiced in here about the jays is kinda sad. we only have one team to follow.. they have played insanely good this year.. give respect where respect is due.
  18. To quote Eddie Murphy.... What have you done for me lately? and that is the problem with glenn. sure. hes been in the league for 15 years as a starter and backup, hence his numbers but nothing screams out at me as starter material.. backup? Yup. Nichols too seems backup worthy only but he still has a chance to improve.. glenn is on downswing and of course anyone whos a fan of the CFL can attest to glenns lack of interest and fire in the belly coupled with his love of 4th quarter INT or fumbles.. Not to mention his Brock Ralphesque love of contact and rattleability..
  19. Of course they will. Miller takes care of his own. I can see us going 7-11 next year. Which is awesome. I love Slurpees. What are the chances the Riders sign Murphy this off season? Won't that be kick in the head? no... not really. we are not actively looking for a GM.. Nor has he been available when we had been..
  20. Positonal wise Im sure he is there.. Calling out blocking packages and having the trust of his linemates tho.. Centre is a crutial role for many reasons, not just as a blocker.. With how poor picards snaps have been, there has to have been another reason why goose hasnt had a chance yet to shine.
  21. IF nichols left for greener pastures and IF davis or boyd show fhat they some serious seasoning to do.. Then sure.. Otherwise no.
  22. As for Edem, wow. His stock has plummeted dramatically..
  23. Is messem a good cold weather RB tho? cornish for sure but cant remember if Messem is..
  24. You know hes not cut or released, right?
  25. So Saskatchewan is selling playoff tickets? :lol: would you reallllly be that shocked lol
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