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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. i simply cannot fathom how anyone wants to turf or even trade lirim at this point. We going to get him cheaper now then before. He IS a good kicker, he proved it before. He is struggling at place kicking but punted the snot out of it last game (and that was his "weak" part of his game) he is in the midst of a slump. Big deal. Let him earn both jobs next camp or stick as a punter but otherwise losing him would be costly imo. Directional punting skills, strong leg. Things that are hard to come by.
  2. Rest of the season will probably tell the tale. Im assuming he wasnt a dual purpose kicker before and his mechanics got skewed by that and the new pat. Maybe another off-season of kicking strength and conditioning will right the ship.
  3. Read somewhere he won an award for best kicker in the country (maybe county lol i sped read it) during one season as well. Country would be quite the feat! (Foot?)
  4. One game lol. Granted a fantastic one game, but still...ONE GAME. May Mike Kelly's quote of a schizophrenic fan base live in infamy. Anyone remember Rob Pikula's game with us when Westwood got hurt? What happened after... Why take anything with a grain of salt lol. Jump in with both feet. Sergio for president/ceo/gm/hc/oc/dc and emporor! Like I'm not trying to be a rooster (the alternative was understandably censored) contrary to what most people may want to believe. If it so happens Castillo turns out to be our kicker for the next 5-7 years, perhaps longer, fantastic. That being said I'm not going to proclaim him to be a kicking savior off of one game. You can make a very, very long list of athletes, football or otherwise that have had one solid game, or one solid debut, and accomplished a whole lot of nothing afterwards. Just a general observation, he seems to have quite the routine that he goes through from the moment he steps on the field, to the moment the ball is kicked. Rather interesting I thought. Yup. Hear ya 100% and agree. Gotta be realistic as many kickers have played lights out for brief periods. His routine tho is what I think will keep him on point, very old school style of setting up and positioning himself. Other kickers who used to use that technique were often successful because it keeps your mechanics on track imo.
  5. Ah the old casting dispersion upon other fans. "True fans" shouldn't judge others. You do realize that some of these "true fans" don't even have season tickets right? When are you and others going to realize that each person is going to approach a team differently? I cannot blame people for not wanting to watch or go to games. History says they are going to waste their time. However, it doesn't change the fact that most if not all of these "not true fans" want the team to succeed. Many or most of these "haters" know it shouldn't take more than 25 years to build a competitive team. At least two teams built a winner in the time the current regime has been in power and both had worse records than the Bombers. Some fans just don't know how to step back and take a good hard look and realize the staff they like so much are just not that good. Haters gonna hate.. Imo fans dont step back.. i cant and neither can many others.
  6. I had to lol. I was desperate.. Like an alcoholic drinking the bottoms of beers after a party.
  7. One game lol. Granted a fantastic one game, but still...ONE GAME. May Mike Kelly's quote of a schizophrenic fan base live in infamy. Anyone remember Rob Pikula's game with us when Westwood got hurt? What happened after... Why take anything with a grain of salt lol. Jump in with both feet. Sergio for president/ceo/gm/hc/oc/dc and emporor!
  8. Stone cold call and the cajones the size of grapefruits.
  9. You too huh. I even went back lt ob and tep.. I was in a bad place. Lol
  10. How dare a guy pursue all options!
  11. The mere fact he is teetering on being benching at the moment likely suggests that he isn't going to have a lot of teams chasing after his services. Look at the crap we went through with Milo. I think he has proven he can get the job done, but he has also proven that he can't. His next contract should reflect that. A fair deal that reflects bonuses for field goal percentages etc.. to provide him a opportunity for a raise if he plays well and protects the bombers for overpaying if he sucks again next year. If the Bombers want to play hardball with Lirim they better find themselves an Import Swayze Waters kick-a-like just in case he decides to bolt. Going back to trying out a string of leftover leftovers won't make them a better team. *cough* castillo *cough* tho not sure if he punts. Prolly could go it in a pinch.
  12. Yup. ill pvr every game. ill even rewatch em on occasion if Im watching it live. If im at game, always watch it again at home too just to get contrast on what I missed from stands Im a junkie, lol.
  13. He stays. No question about it in my mind, hell he will even come cheaper now. He is kicking himself into a very Bomber Friendly contract these days. I agree that he should be kept around. Agreed as well - he's struggling right now and I'd put that to the 'sophomore jinx'. He proved last year he's a fine kicker. Maybe if we can find a punter that will allow LIram to concentrate just on the place kicking aspect - he seemed to be doing very well when Renaud was around to punt. Yea we ought to draft a canuck punter I think in a later round.. See if we can tandem it again like in the cameron and westwood days.
  14. Marshall wasnt expected to be a big gain back I assume.. More so a blocker brusier. Seems pretty good at what he has been expected to do.
  15. If you want to review Walkers skills re-watch the Bombers first game against the RB's last season. No doubt that he had the physical talent at that time but as we have seen until recently with Stoudermire sometimes these guys forget how to use it. No Walker has been the same since day one with Hamilton. He's fast. If he has a big hole to run through he's got the speed to exploit it but when the going gets tough he folds faster than superman on laundry day. Speed gets guys 9 lives in sports but if you can't do anything with that speed but run through gaping holes you're not a football player, just a track star.I was not impressed with Walker and wondered why Winnipeg bothered bringing him in. Interesting comment about his speed though. There is something very wrong with Bombers run game and it doesn't matter who the RB is. First, they telegraph every run. So its easy for the D to pick up. Secondly, every run play takes too long to develop. You can count steamboats while the QB is holding the ball out there waiting for the back to take the ball and then silly-walk into Picard's backside or one of the Bombers guards or the waiting arms of an opposing defender. It's been like that for the past couple of seasons. Its almost like there's no communication between the O line and backfield. And of course no play action to give pause to the D and no misdirection. Major fail. Does MOS not see this? I honestly don't think he does see it and wouldn't know how to fix it if he did. MOS was a LB not a QB, unlike head coaches like Hufnagel and Austin. I'm sure he sees the game differently from many of us and I don't think it's a coincidence that our D is light years ahead of our O.Yea cuz if your a defender.. All you retain and have the ability to follow is defense.. *insert eyeroll emotji* Lets be serious here. Hes been involved in football for how long? He isnt an idiot. He sees now his defenses played against offenses and Im sure he realizes what offenses could and would beat defenses..I'd agree with you if he had shown any kind of aptitude for offence so far. But his throwing of support behind MB for the last two years, and everything that's come with that move, has not really shown that he does know much about offence. hes mentioned more then a few times that the offense needs work. I believe he just trusts his coordinators too much.. the st were struggling mightily and he let tracey attempt to sort it out before he stepped in.. he clearly doesnt know enough to be an OC but to suggest hes ignorant of the woes of the offense is a ridiculious notion.. Have Special Teams improved since MOS took over direct responsibility for that aspect of the game? They are still taking stupid penalties and giving up returns. Yes.. They have but irrelevant to the discussion at hand. He can't step in for MB. he trusts his coordinators... Too much imo.
  16. Good call taman. That concept would never drive a teams depth and talent into the ground..Oh wait.You ALWAYS have to keep your eyes focused on both, the now and the future.. If you keep making moves that only benefit the now, you are just robbing peter to pay paul.Did you just type that?We're talking about internationals, not nationals, you don't groom internationals, except qb's, you replace them at will with better players when you get the opportunity. Yea I typed that. Not every position can just be plug and play. American oliners often need seasoning time.. Ditto recievers. You also try to find guys who will stick. The tweeners. agree to disagree.
  17. He stays. No question about it in my mind, hell he will even come cheaper now.
  18. you see how well longo worked out? top notch interior guys are not avail this late in season.. you get jersey fillers now. even 5 weeks ago it would have been a trial simply due to how much effort goes into building that cohesivesness an oline needs..
  19. But don't you get it... they're not bringing in the right players!westerman bass cotton adams adams leggett wild and marshall say whatchu talkinbout willis? Not all finds have been busts. (yes i know yer post was sarcastic lol.. i think anyway)
  20. He's got a hell of a leg... kicking and punting... no denying that... it's the accuracy that needs work... last seasons percentage suggests otherwise.. its the consistency and the focus.. gotta get his mind right.
  21. If you want to review Walkers skills re-watch the Bombers first game against the RB's last season. No doubt that he had the physical talent at that time but as we have seen until recently with Stoudermire sometimes these guys forget how to use it. No Walker has been the same since day one with Hamilton. He's fast. If he has a big hole to run through he's got the speed to exploit it but when the going gets tough he folds faster than superman on laundry day. Speed gets guys 9 lives in sports but if you can't do anything with that speed but run through gaping holes you're not a football player, just a track star. I was not impressed with Walker and wondered why Winnipeg bothered bringing him in. Interesting comment about his speed though. There is something very wrong with Bombers run game and it doesn't matter who the RB is. First, they telegraph every run. So its easy for the D to pick up. Secondly, every run play takes too long to develop. You can count steamboats while the QB is holding the ball out there waiting for the back to take the ball and then silly-walk into Picard's backside or one of the Bombers guards or the waiting arms of an opposing defender. It's been like that for the past couple of seasons. Its almost like there's no communication between the O line and backfield. And of course no play action to give pause to the D and no misdirection. Major fail. Does MOS not see this? I honestly don't think he does see it and wouldn't know how to fix it if he did. MOS was a LB not a QB, unlike head coaches like Hufnagel and Austin. I'm sure he sees the game differently from many of us and I don't think it's a coincidence that our D is light years ahead of our O. Yea cuz if your a defender.. All you retain and have the ability to follow is defense.. *insert eyeroll emotji* Lets be serious here. Hes been involved in football for how long? He isnt an idiot. He sees now his defenses played against offenses and Im sure he realizes what offenses could and would beat defenses..I'd agree with you if he had shown any kind of aptitude for offence so far. But his throwing of support behind MB for the last two years, and everything that's come with that move, has not really shown that he does know much about offence. hes mentioned more then a few times that the offense needs work. I believe he just trusts his coordinators too much.. the st were struggling mightily and he let tracey attempt to sort it out before he stepped in.. he clearly doesnt know enough to be an OC but to suggest hes ignorant of the woes of the offense is a ridiculious notion..
  22. No one had much interest in Messam when he was available.Well Jacquie, if everyone jumped off a bridge....you get the picture. Sask got Messam for $80K...that still drives me crazy and more than a few posters here even thought signing the guy was a good idea. 80 frick'in K, Jacquie!!!! And last season he was over-paid. He wasn't good in Montreal or for his first season in Saskatchewan. If he had been signed by the Bombers and performed that way the calls for him to be cut would have been deafening. Messem has a pretty decent oline blocking for him in riderville, doesnt he? Damn sight better then here I think anyway. He would have done squat here and walters would be roasted.. Again.. For signing a castoff.
  23. Good call taman. That concept would never drive a teams depth and talent into the ground.. Oh wait. You ALWAYS have to keep your eyes focused on both, the now and the future.. If you keep making moves that only benefit the now, you are just robbing peter to pay paul.
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